
The Worlds Between Us

A curse called "The Darkness" has been running rampant for thousands of years; transforming innocent civilians into violent monsters. When her brother becomes one of it's victims, 8-year-old Amilisano refuses to sit back and watch him die. Defying laws set by gods and reviving an ancient demon are just a few of the things she'll do to save him.

Mikael_K · Fantasie
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2 Chs


"Shhhh, you stupid nerves." She mumbles to herself, ever so quietly beneath her breath. The realization of where she is has hit, and hard.

The exact place she was looking for, which she thought would take forever to find. She really should've seen this coming, she realizes, considering her spell needed a massive amount of energy from this realm and this place is probably the only source of energy strong enough. "I slept in an ancient prison. Of course I did." She grumbles. She scans around the chasm, noticing the ridges than wind up and around the walls and the ledge she currently stands on. Several of the ones that sit under or just atop the water seem sturdy enough to be a path back up and out. "Where's the seal..?" She wonders aloud, noticing it's absence. By her feet along the floor are a few faint shards of mana, barely flicking from the wear of age.

She turns around and gently bounces on her tip toes, trying to calm herself. As large as the chasm is, and how far the figure lies from any ledge, her best option is to jump. Chances are her stamina will barely get her out of water one-way. She takes off her mismatched shoes and stockings, undoing the buttons on the pleated skirt she wears on top of a summer onesie. She takes off her crescent moon earrings, her ears folding in close to her face as she worries about the fragile bones breaking when she hits the water. She walks a good distance away to get plenty of distance, then races towards the edge. With a jump and a squeal of excitement, she watches as the ceiling grows closer to her face, then shrinks far away. She hits the water feet first, fighting back a small scream from the shock of how ice cold the water is despite the warmth she felt at the ledge. She spots her target beneath her and brings her arms in front of her, slicing them back one by one to rapidly glide through the water. She grabs onto the chains that bind him to the chasm's floor, pulling them apart with ease. They've grown very weak from age, just like the seal.

She grabs his partially water-rotted black shirt and yanks him up, gliding her way back up to the surface. She takes in a good, fresh breath. "How the heck is grown-up so light? Still too heavy though." She mumbles, using her own free arm to swim over to the closest ridge. Once she's out of the water, she grabs under his arms and pulls him up as well. Then she collapses into a pile of huffing breaths and screaming muscles. "Screw you for making me exercise like that, ya senile demon." She hisses. She's quite an angry person for only being 8 years old. She watches her icy breath as it escapes, slowly returning to her senses enough to get up on her knees. "I'll have to find a town or something. He's all cut up and his clothes are rotting." She mutters, making a mental note. She also notes his very small frame, and how she's absolutely going to mock him for having soft baby cheeks. "Some villain guy you are."

Two or so hours go by before she's rested enough to be able to drag him by his shirt's collar along the path up towards her starting point. She gets there without much problem, and stops to collect and reattach her accessories. She brings him to her mini campsite, letting go of his collar. She doesn't want him to get too warm though, since he'll wake up if he does, so she doesn't start the fire. She curls into her blanket to warm herself. It doesn't take long, then she's up and grabbing her bag. She pulls the brown straps over her shoulders, then leaves her cave. She holds up her hands to remember which way is left and which is right, then heads left in opposition to the direction she originally came from.

She huffs after a minute. "I found him way earlier than I thought I would, but I'm still stuck with a bunch of climbing and walking in a sucky forest." She continues to mutter to herself, but gets stopped dead in her tracks all of a sudden as she looks up at the terrain before her. A solid, perfect line marks as far as the eye can see both left and right where the frozen winter wonderland gives way to a beautiful and flourishing summer meadow. Even the color of the sky changes slightly. She reaches a hand just past the line and gets met with a gorgeous purple butterfly landing on her finger.

She's lost in awe for a good few minutes before she snaps back to reality, and very quickly rushes over to the summer side. She sighs heavily in content at the perfect heat. She looks towards the horizon again and in each possible direction, spotting a rusty metal lump covered in overgrown weeds. The withered old frame of a car. She runs over and past, heading in the opposite direction it faces. She crosses over a few valleys and hills before she comes to a small, steep cliff. several dozens of feet down is the outskirts to a city, overgrown with plants and trees. She works her way down very, very slowly and carefully. She hops down when she's just a foot or two up from the ground and dusts off her hands. By now it should be a couple hours into the afternoon. "Fast. Be as fast as possible. Nighttime won't be safe here or in the woods."

She's walking along the pavement, looking around at the broken and crumbled buildings. Rebar, glass and concrete debris litter her path, as she watches carefully to not get a foot full of sharp metal. "I wonder if some of these were homes. They seem weird and blocky. Didn't people here like cottages? I'd take a comfy cottage over weird rectangles any day." She looks inside broken, vine covered covered windows and apologies to a few butterflies when she disturbs them by accident, before finding a place that seems to have once been a store, judging by the once-illuminated name sign barely attached to the front. She pushes open the door, having to force it thanks to rubble blocking the way, then steps inside. She can tell immediately that this world hasn't been like this for very long, since the fabrics haven't yet decayed. "Has it only been like this a few months?"