
Making a living

Just as usual Ryu got up and Did his morning chores before heading out. After walking for fifteen minutes Ryu walked into a middle class restaurant that was neither too big nor too small.

As soon as he entered, the shopkeeper perked up and called out, "Ryu you has arrived!"

"Hey, Uncle Ren," he responded to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper Uncle Ren was an old man in his fifties, the years having left their indelible marks on his body. He was finely wrinkled with greying locks, and he wore old reading glasses and a chef's hat.

Uncle Ren was a kind old man who treated Ryu like his own grandson. Unlce Ren was the only person Ryu thought of as a family. Because of this Ryu worked in Uncle Ren's shop during his free time and after school and made his living.

Although Uncle Ren wanted Ruy to stay with him but because of his Trion capacity Ruy would always go back to the abandoned place so that the monsters would not attack uncle Ren or other people.

"Here, Breakfast is ready." uncle Ren carefully pulled out loaf of bread from the oven and placed it in the table. Ren took a piece and started munching on it. after finishing the bread Ryu closed the door and windows and looked solemnly at uncle Ren.

Knowing Ryu, Uncle Ren pulled out a chair and sat down. Uncle Ren was the only person who Ryu trusted the most thus he told uncle Ren about the dreams he had been having lately.

"Uncle Ren I am planning to join Border" knowing he would not be able to stop Ryu, Uncle Ren Told Ryu to verify some of the things the saw in his dream by checking public records and news from the library.

After finishing the talk with Uncle Ren, Ryu Bid his farewell and headed to school which was located in Mikado City.

Ryu was 13 years this year and was in middle school. he was in the same year as Osamu Mikumo. this is one of the reason's he wanted to join border. He found a lot about Osamu from his dream and thus wanted to see if what he dreamt was true.

After finishing his school Ryu headed towards the library to check for the information about border, agents, monsters and finally about his dreams.