
The World of Nostalgia

Charles wakes up naked and with no memories, a tablet with his status screen appear out of thin air, doglike monsters want to have him as their meal, a cute girl needs his protection and that's just the beginning. "Welcome to Nostalgia, I hope you survive until the end."

Ankowl · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Chapter 10

It doesn't take long for the first one to come towards me, jumping directly towards my neck, having already experienced fighting these monsters, I know they choose to go for either neck or legs.

When reacting to its attack, I finally understand what Nina and Molly said about their skills, I feel my hands slowly moving while my body positions itself to grab the dog in midair, I could probably stop myself and take control of my own movements but the assistance from the system feels more effective, somehow my body knows where and when to grab the monster. My right hand goes below its snout supporting its neck while my left-hand grabs one of the front legs, using the force of its own jump I see myself spinning the body of the creature in 180-degree angle and smashing its back on the ground.

It takes me a couple of seconds to realize what I have just done, trying to comprehend the movements of my body. I'm sure I wouldn't be capable of such a technique by myself, it's a strange sensation and I'm going to need to get used to it.

Checking the creature, it remains still on the ground, smashing it against the ground looked painful, so I imagine it took quite some damage from my throw. Seeing its head next to my feet I can't resist the urge to step on it until it dies, so I do just that and use as much force as possible to crush the creature under my shoe.

From the moment I grabbed the creature until I stomped on its head, no more than fifteen seconds have passed, which sounds like a short moment of time, but it isn't.

Within those fifteen seconds two other monsters attacked me, one of them biting into my left leg trying to make me lose my balance, while the other is in the middle of jumping towards my neck seizing the opportunity over my distraction when smashing the first of its brethren.

I barely manage to lift my arm and block the creature from getting a bite out of my neck, this time I have gauntlets covering my arms and the damage is minuscule. When the creature notices that it's biting metal, it lets go of me and withdraws into the pack surrounding us.

At this point I take a look around me, there are dogs attacking Marcus, who is trying to keep them at bay with his sword and shield. There are arrows embedded on some of the dogs, affecting their movements.

The pain in my left leg reminds me I have an enemy left to deal with.

'How do I get rid from this one? It's obviously holding onto my leg with all its strength, I can't just grab its neck and pick it up.'

Different options go through my mind.

'Maybe I could kick it'.

'No, that would leave me out of balance and unprotected from the others.'

'I would be on the ground a couple of seconds later.'

'Forget it, I'm not going to die from a dog biting my leg.'

'I have to focus on those trying to get my neck.'

My arms are up on a defensive stance, covering my upper body from a direct attack, the monsters hesitating to jump towards me, the situation doesn't look good.

There are three of them coming after me, one of them is rushing to my remaining free leg, while the second one is in the middle of the air coming for my neck, the last one worries me the most, it's slowly getting closer, waiting for a chance to attack. I choose to ignore the first one for now while throwing a punch to the second one, keeping my eye on the third.

When my gauntlets smash against the head of the dog in the air, my center of equilibrium is lost, making it easy for the ones on my legs to force me to the ground. That's when it happens, the last creature seizes the moment I'm falling to the ground to attack, the monster jumps and I smell its breath when it takes a bite out of me.

With the weight of its body, I'm forced to the ground, somehow managing to avoid the worst as it takes a chunk of meat from my shoulder.

'That was too close from my neck, way too close.'

My back is pinned to the ground, I raise my arms and grab its head, keeping it from biting my neck, I'm stronger so it isn't much of a struggle to keep the creature at bay.

There are two others stopping me from moving my legs, using all the strength in my body I spin around on the ground, forcing the dogs to let go of my legs while the one on top of me ends up pushed against the soil. I stand up while keeping the weight of my body over the creature with my knee.

Marcus, Drake and Cesar are standing in a circle trying to block the dogs from getting to the girl on the center, they have retreated backwards around ten meters while I was on the ground, which means I'm separated from the group and surrounded by these creatures.

'My legs hurt.'

'Come on! You have to move!'

'You can't let them grab you again.'

I notice a tree near me, close enough for me to run and use it to cover my back. There are dogs blocking my path, I just run forward while pushing away those who try to stop me.

Once my back is against the tree, I take a couple of seconds to catch my breath while checking the current situation.

Arrows keep coming, Nina had one hundred of them.

'Are those enough? Will they last until the hunting teams arrive?'

'How long have we been fighting? One minute? Two?'

'Why did I offer myself for this? It isn't like I did that great in my previous battle, I almost died, just like I could have died a couple of seconds ago.'

My heart is beating fast, my legs get into a proper stance while my arms are held high trying to cover my neck, a smile forming on my face.

'Am I excited?'

'There is clearly something wrong with me.'

'The bites hurt, you could easily die!'

'Why are you enjoying this?'

My thoughts are interrupted by one of the dogs jumping in my direction, with others preparing to sneak upon me while I deal with the first.

"Not this time."

I step forward and grab both front legs of the monster, I swing its body around me hitting those creatures trying to get closer. When I let go of the creature, it crashes into the pack. I step back to keep my back covered by the tree, waiting for the next dog to attack. The veins within my arm start bulging, showing all over it, all the energy gathering into my fist, ready to take down the next dog to attack me.

The creatures instinctively seem to notice the danger coming from me, as some of them step backwards while others halt their movements, but one of them is already in midair.

My fist hits straight on the creature's face.

With my eyes wide open I watch as the dog is sent flying backwards, disappearing right in the middle of the air.

'One hit kill.'

There was a lot of power on that attack, sadly it isn't something I can repeat. That one strike used half of my energy, using it again would mean reducing my stats by half, besides, I can feel the strain it produces on my arm.

A woman shouting for help gets rid of my distracting thoughts, at first, I think of Nina as I look towards the place where the sound came from.

When I see it isn't Nina but the woman we encountered previously, a sense of relief fills me on the inside.

I can see Cesar on the ground while Drake tries to keep the monsters away from his brother using the door like shield to block them. Marcus is doing his best to keep the dogs from reaching him, there are wounds all over his body and his face looks pale. The female whose name I don't know is being dragged by her feet, two dogs have her on the ground trying to separate her from the group.

The distance is too large and I won't be able to help her, yet I'm already running in their direction. Using my whole body, I just charge through the creatures, keeping my arms up guarding my neck while pushing the occasional jumper to the side.

When I'm closer, I notice two other dogs near the girl.

'Am I too late?'

Ignoring my thoughts I kick the creatures to side and I find the girl struggling, tears covering her face, her eyes wide open while she holds one dog from ending her life.

'At least she is alive, I made it.'

The creature cries in surprise when I grab one of its legs and lift it, spinning the monster in a throwing motion and smashing it on the ground. When I let it go, I grab the woman's arm and drag her towards our people.

"Are you okay?"

I ask out loud to no one in particular, while trying to keep the monsters away from us.

"I can't hold on anymore."

Marcus is the first to answer.

"Where are the hunting teams?"

Drake's voice sounds desperate, but his shield keeps the dogs from getting to his brother who is still on the ground.

The girl is sitting on the ground, grabbing her knees, despair on her face.

We have not killed many dogs, there are at least thirty surrounding us, a few of the wounded remaining in the back of their pack.

Then I hear a whistle coming from behind us, another from the front and from the sides.

'They are here.'