
The World Of Mushrooms

When a completely ordinary teenager finds out he isn’t quite as ordinary as he first expected when the world went to hell. He doesn’t realize just how truly special he is. I do not own the cover, I got it from a screenshot I took on istagram when I was looking at a band called infected mushroom. It is also the band that made the music that inspired me to write this novel

Ikizumari · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter One: Meeting The Leader

Four weeks later...

Rushing through the forest, a 10 metre tall mushroom boar was running towards a small figure covered in armour, but before it could even get within 100 metres, it fell limp to the ground and rolled 50 metres before coming to a stop.

Stuck in it's forehead was a long spear made out of steel, blood dripped down the shaft of the spear before dripping to the ground. Walking up to the boar, the armoured figure removed the spear, which was 3 metres long, and removed the blood with a quick flick of the wrist.

Shooting a flare gun into the sky, they waited until an extremely large Raven appeared, it then swooped down and picked up the boar in it's talons. Jumping onto the back of the Raven, the figure pointed in the direction of an incredibly large mushroom surrounded by thick walls.

Flying in that direction, the Raven only took a minute to fly 10 kilometres, it was flying at a speed of 600 kilometres per hour. Hovering near a large building with the word 'Association' on the top, the Raven dropped the mutated boar on a spot dedicated to receiving animals from hunts.

There was something different about this particular landing spot though, it had more than 30 freshly killed boars in it, it was also in the shape of a large eight-sided star. The number four was on four of the points of the star, meaning it was for the General who had emblem number 4.

Perching on a large steel tube filled with concrete and covered in engravings, the Raven extended a wing and made a stairway for the person covered in armour. Coming to greet the person covered in armour was a large dog with two different coloured eyes.

Putting it's head close to the person covered in armour, the dog waited to see if it would be graced with some pets and pats, and it was indeed graced with them. Gently petting the dog's head, the armoured figure watched as a shiver ran down the dog's back before it's tail started wagging.

Only petting the dog for a several seconds, the person covered in armour walked into the Association building and went to the main counter. Inside the building, not much had changed, there was just a few people who had been stationed by the pillars holding up the building, they were guards who were stationed there to help with any unruly people.

Placing 37 pairs of large tusks on the counter, the person covered in armour handed a small metal card with the many different numbers on it to the woman behind the counter, and after a few seconds it was handed back to the armoured person with a one of the numbers changed.

It was a number with the letters 'BR' behind it. Changing from the number 332 to 369, it signified the number of boars that this person has killed. Starting to walk away, the person covered in armour was stopped by the woman behind the counter.

"Wait, Kral! The other four Generals would like to see you about a mission that you can't refuse!" Yes, the person covered in armour was Karl, he had been killing many mutated boars in the last four weeks because he wanted to level up as fast as possible.

The woman behind the counter was Annabelle, she had spoken pretty loudly at first, but he words got quieter closer to the end because Karl had slowly looked back at her. "They said that they would like to see you in the Generals Room when you return from your latest hunt."

Looking at the ground while speaking, Annabelle didn't dare to look at Karl, even though he had never abused his power in the past four weeks, Karl had gained a reputation for being quite scary because he never abused his power.

Like the ancient saying goes, 'There are three things that all wise man fear: a sea at storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle and patient man'. Everyone who had ever seen Karl had never, not once, seen him become angry over anything.

Only one event had allowed people to see a glimpse of what he would be like when angry. Just over a week ago, another new General that used magic had appeared, and he started to abuse his power as if the world was ending tomorrow.

He was a relatively young guy, but he couldn't control his lower body whatsoever, and he had tried to take Trish away by force when she refused to go on a date with him. Unluckily for him, Trish had become a close friend of Karl's, and he was very protective of his friends.

It didn't help that he tried to do it in a small alleyway away from the sight of others and after he cast a spell that would create a small isolated bubble that could only be seen through if someone was strong enough.

Karl had been notified what was happening by his adopted Raven, which he would let patrol the skies of Great Haven. No one knew where he was or what he had originally been doing, but they knew that something had happened.

Rumours had it that he jumped 100 metres into the sky and shot towards a part of Great Haven with a trail of cerulean blue flames trailing behind him. An impact was then heard and felt as the ground had shaken violently within a 500 metre radius.

When the dust had cleared and the Stalkers were able to see what had happened, they say that the 'Nicest General', which is the title Karl had received, was standing atop a mangled corpse of the new General, and he was consoling a partially naked Trish.

Some Stalkers couldn't remove their eyes from the body of the partially naked woman, and the 'Nicest General' noticed that they didn't remove their gazes from his friend and it was making her uncomfortable.

They say that they could hear the sound of metal screeching as Karl turned his head to look at the Stalkers who weren't removing their gazes, and that sound brought them to the realization that they would probably not like what would happen in the next few seconds if they didn't stop looking.

After that, there were no other incidents such as that, everyone knew that Karl was very protective of people he considered close to him. His title as the 'Nicest General' came from his reputation as never getting angry, helping other people however he could, and never abusing his power.

Even so, people still feared him greatly because of how strong he was, each mutated boar he killed would give him 2000 EXP, and he has killed hundreds of them, not to mention all of the other things he's killed.

People have speculated that his level must have surpassed level 80 already and he was stronger than the Leader. In reality though, he was only just now reaching level 45, his stats however, they were insanely high compared to any level 80 people who were out there.

[Name: Karl

[Age: 8 months

[Race: Evolving Skeleton

[Level: 45

[EXP: 44,000/45,000

[Health: 1234/1234

[Strength: 37,174

[Constitution: 38,500

[Agility: 17,466

[Magic: 103

[Free Points: 38

[Skills: Hand To Hand Combat; LvL 3,

[Weapon Proficiencies: Whips; LvL 2, Flails; LvL 2, Scythes; LvL 6, Spears; LvL 3

That was what his status panel looked like, he hasn't spent any of his free points since he had reached level 10, and he has accumulated 38. However, that wasn't the most shocking thing about his status panel, it was his crazy stats that were shocking.

Because he was able to absorb stats from dead Sporelings and mutated animals, he had racked up an insane amount of stats from all of the things he's hunted so far, but the higher his stats, the less they actually increase his strength, speed, and durability.

To a certain extent anyway, every point that is in his strength stat increases his overall strength by 50 kilograms, so he could lift a maximum weight of 2,230,440 kilograms. Every point in his constitution increased his bone density and strength by 10% of a human's original bone density and strength.

Also, every 50 points in constitution would give him an extra 10 points in health, which is why his health was so high, if he didn't get extra health from his constitution then it would only be 464 points of health.

As for his agility, every 10 points now increased his speed by overall speed by 1 metre per second which gave him an astonishing speed of 1746.6 metres pers second if he was running in a straight line.

Lastly, his magic, which was quite different from the other stats. Different in the sense that it always doubled the amount of magical energy he had in his body along with doubling the power of his magic.

Compared to the average level 45's stats, his were literally hundreds of times better, he was probably the strongest being that was on the Humans' side. Five of the invisible inscribed runes all over his body had also lit up and had been visible for a few seconds.

His body hasn't changed much from four weeks ago, the only difference was that his bones had become denser and tougher. Because Stalkers were always following him, even when he was outside of Great Haven they still followed him, so he never revealed his true strength.

Being lead to the Generals Room, Karl entered and saw that the other four Generals were already waiting for him. "Now that Kral is finally here, we can get this debriefing about the mission underway. So as everyone already knows, you can't refuse this mission since your strength will be needed for helping to kill a pair of Guardians."

Shocked at the words that Matthew just said, Kris, Thomas, and Greg stood up from their seats as if they were chairs made out of lava. Karl didn't show any kind of reaction since he could kill a Guardian, a Juvenile Guardian that is, if he put in all of his effort.

"Why do we have to kill a pair of Guardians?! We don't have the strength to do that yet!" Thomas was the one who spoke up this time, he would be quite shocked that they would be trying to kill a Guardian, let alone a pair of Guardians.

Worry for his brother was the main reason as to why he had such a large reaction, he didn't want anything to happen to his brother. "Don't worry, the Leader will be joining us, along with the strongest Stalkers and the people who are just below the Leader but right above us.

Our strongest force will be going to try and kill the pair of Guardians." Right after Matthew finished speaking, footsteps were heard coming from the other side of the door leading into the Generals' room.

In the next moment, a tall, devilishly handsome black man man walked through the door, proceeded by an angelic jade-skinned beauty, a group of 10 Stalkers dressed entirely in black, a few healers and magic wielders that Karl had never seen before, and lastly, a woman that Karl was all to familiar with.

When he saw that woman who had made him into what he was now, Karl felt something inside of him trying to break free, but it was restrained by 8 balls of light. To visualize it, it was like there was an 8-pointed star inside his mind, a blood red undulating ball was in the centre while a ball of light was on each point of the star.

Each ball of light had a memory of a figure inside of it, there was a memory of Kris smiling happily, Matthew laughing while clutching his stomach, Kevin shaking his hand, Trish's face of relief hen he had saved her, Itami rubbing his bald head, Annabelle apologizing to him, Thomas looking at him vigilantly, and Greg giving him a hug.

Having made friends with Greg, Thomas, and Annabelle, Karl had been occasionally chatting with them in the past four weeks, and that caused him to treat them like friends. All of the balls of light signified the people that Karl had cared or started to care about.

His parents weren't in there since they had been mutated into Sporelings and he didn't know where they would be now. Standing up and staring at Jashuri, Karl wanted to rush forward and rip her head off, but he held himself back.

Even if it was as easy as killing a bug, he didn't kill her yet, he wanted to wait for the right moment kill her, a moment that would make it seem like an accident. "Hello there! My name is... Paul, nice to make your acquaintance."

Stepping forward, the leader held out his hand for Karl to shake, but all he get in reply was a barely discernible nod. Returning his hand to his side, the Leader didn't talk to Karl anymore, he just went and sat down at the head of the table.

Gesturing for the others to sit as well, Jashuri and the jade-skinned beauty sat on his left and right, all of the unfamiliar Healers sat close to him as well. Thomas, Greg, Kris, Mathew, and the strongest 10 Stalkers sat closer to Karl.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get down to business." Speaking with a smile, the Leader looked at everyone before his eyes stopped on Karl.

(AN. This will probably be the last chapter until next week, I need to write some more for my other one. Nothing else to say other than leave a comment for the mistakes that you find. Peace out!)