
The World Of Mana

This story is mostly on literally mocking magic in its face in every way possible. That includes applying physics which may or may not make it more realistic,sometimes including jokes and references. Anyway now that i summed it up,if you happen to want to read this,pls tell me what you think so that i can improve this story and make it more better. That's all for now,peace.

Inkthatsfamous · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Chapter 19:Sword or Magic?

Did anybody for once took a second to ponder silently when you heard stories about magic and sword wielding people,people with incredible skills that pretty much was born to fight,if given a chance to pick between sword or magic what would you choose?🤔.

Magic for one has a powerful ability to command mana to do their bidding,to cause destruction to a place or their enemy but what happens when it was used up,well you either be dead or in a comatose state or just like an ordinary man left to fight a veteran soldier.

Swords is pretty much looks uninteresting if you look at the surface,and look closely and you find something shocking,caught your interest did i,well let me tell you what could cause this ordinary thing overlooked by people to cause enough benifits to make you almost abandon magic.

Swords has a lot of potential,the way of the swords is tougher than the magic path which would make cowards instantly pick it if they thought of the pain they have to endure to its counterpart.

If you train in the path of the sword you get the following:sixth sense(capability to detect danger),incredible strength needed to make a powerful slash,permanent increase in agility and of course sword styles.

If you though choose to train to the path of magic with people who thinks it looks cool has the chance to gain the following:Powerful Spells,Mana Shield,Mana Sense and etc...

Swordsman is like a tank but a mage is a glass cannon,dying in one hit but can unleash terrible disasters.

If you began having trouble what to choose well there's a thing,Aero choosed both paths as to have the perfect balance.

That's right,he didn't took a second and decided to combine two arts and finally his hardworking has paid off.

During Aero's time in the academy,he was testing something that was never done,because for reason like lack of creative mind and equipment to use any sword art related moves that incorporate magic.

And now Aero finally succeeded with his first move capable of integrating this powerful art to reality.

And Aero named this move,flying frost sword with intentions of producing a sword style with the ability to freeze enemy just by any contact with the blade of the sword and the chill immited can cause stun to any warm blooded animals,the move is simple.

It was to just dash and jump down,and slash in a nine direction that can make its user look like a giant ball while doing so.

Aero can still remember all his fails like it was just yesterday,and it was so worth it in the end.


Day 1:

Aero:What should i make,hmm let's try using frost in this sword😆.

Aero:😲,oh my,i never thought that this is even possible.

(if you are wondering,Aero frost his hand to the handle of an ordinary sword)

Day 2:

(Aero through the help of a experienced blacksmith was able to produce a weird sword with small tube like shape around it.)

Aero:Ok let's try and use cold mana to freeze the surrounding of the sword.

(Aero succeeded freezing the surrounding of the sword but it made it stuck to a tree by accidently slicing it's bark.)

Aero:Well you can't always be a winner,but at least I'm heading to the right direction.

Day 3:

(Aero decided that it's time for him to try practicing his slashing and do a bit of work-out)

Aero:Why did the sword just flew away so fast i just swinged it just one time,wait did the sword pierced the tree from last time!!!.

Day 4:

(So i don't even need to practice,so let's do the alternative,let's test my attack speed)

Aero was able to exceed his expectation and understood the power of 6 points in speed.

Day 5:

Aero heard an attack after he finished the last bit of the move and saw a girl running towards him.

The girl(princess in disguise) was of course scared of the the Wolf chasing her with her dress tattered,destroyed in her desperation to escape.

(At the time the princess Aero encountered was a different one than his pursuers,the princess was of course running away from the castle in her disguise and not chasing Aero)

The Wolf was a speed based type monster,relying on their fast attacks and nimble movements to hunt their prey.

As dangerous as it sounds,their is a way to escape this monster,it was going off their territory or killing it.

The girl (princess) may not be powerful enough to kill it but she is smart to run instead of facing it head on.

Aero is in his need for testing his new skill,needed a target and the Wolf was the perfect one to test it.

Aero at the end of the day got to eat a wolf meat with the girl he save and escorted her to the city.

The girl he was with was able to return to the castle and be punished because of her own silliness.

~~~Flashback ends~~~

Now that Aero was done reminiscing,it was time to head back home and maybe he can do something more productive the next than reminiscing in his little spot.