

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you bear witness, Anon now carries his competitor Luna in his arms, sprinting without faltering in his speed. What a captivating sight," Seraphina exclaimed, her voice resonating with awe.

However, a wave of disapproval rippled through some of the nobles.

"How can a mere commoner lay hands on a noble girl of seven-star status?"

"What kind of commentator would describe this as 'a lovely view'?"

"What in the world is wrong with these commentators?"

The noble students began to voice their discontent, criticizing the commentators one by one.

"Landon, as you can see, Anon approaches the final hurdle of our Kingdom's Night Run: Stormborn Sea. Could you enlighten everyone and share your insights on how he will overcome this challenge while carrying Luna?" Seraphina inquired, her eyes fixed on Landon.

"Absolutely, my dear. Ladies and gentlemen, behold the last and ultimate hurdle of our kingdom—the dreaded Stormborn Sea. Legends speak of its treacherous waters, where only the most valiant souls dare to venture. This unforgiving expanse commands both awe and terror, its very name whispered in hushed tones across distant lands.

By day, the Stormborn Sea disguises itself as a picturesque expanse, its azure depths shimmering beneath the radiant sun. But as twilight descends, a sinister transformation takes hold. From the darkest abyssal depths, creatures of unimaginable might and ferocity awaken, drawn by the haunting call of the moon. These behemoths, defying the realm of the known, rise like nightmares given corporeal form.

Yet, it is during the night when the true horrors of the Stormborn Sea reveal themselves. The moon's silver glow casts an eerie luminescence upon the waters, illuminating ghastly sea serpents with scales that gleam like cursed gems. Sirens, with voices both enchanting and deadly, entice unsuspecting sailors to their doom, their haunting melodies echoing through the salt-kissed air."

"Intriguing! We have a formidable hurdle indeed. But the real question remains: how will Anon navigate it while carrying a fair maiden in his arms?" Seraphina interjected, her gaze shifting between Anon and Luna.

[Recovery complete.]n-/𝐨-)𝗏--𝑬.-𝗅.-𝗯.-I-.n

[The werewolf has been successfully healed.]

"Hmm...? Where am I?" Luna gradually opened her eyes, feeling the gentle breeze on her skin.

"Rise and shine, princess," a voice called from nearby, its tone somewhat familiar but elusive.

"Hmm...? You are..." Luna's words caught in her throat as she laid her eyes upon the face before her.

It was Anon, aflame with intensity and standing so close.

"Y-You, why are you carrying me like this?" She stammered, her face flushing with shyness.

"Well, you were unconscious amidst a sea of golden frogs. I thought it would be a good idea to assist an unconscious girl, and look where my act of kindness has taken me. Not even a simple thank you from the person I saved," Anon teased, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

"W-Well, you didn't need to save me. I am a warrior, and I live and die with my honor and dignity. I don't like being rescued by others, and I'd rather perish than be saved by my competitor in a competition," Luna replied, crossing her arms and pouting.

"Seems like I won't be receiving any gratitude from you, huh?" Anon continued his playful banter, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"T-T-Thank you," Luna muttered, her face growing even redder.

"Oh my, what have I just heard? A noble thanking a commoner? That's certainly new," Anon teased once more.

"You! What do you want?" Luna inquired, her voice a mix of curiosity and exasperation.

"I'm merely teasing you."

"Put me down now," Luna demanded.

"A martial artist should always know her limits. You have zero ki left in your body, and if I were to release you right now, you wouldn't be able to move an inch. Forget about walking back to the academy; if I were to drop you here, you wouldn't even be able to stand up from the ground. You'd be like a paralyzed body."

'Every single word he just said felt like a needle piercing my ears, but annoyingly, he's one hundred percent correct. Here I am, a powerful woman at the mercy of a commoner like him. Tch, this is the most frustrating moment of my life,' Luna thought, turning her gaze away.

"Just gather your ki. Once you have enough, I'll set you free, and then you can regain your independence and forget about this frustrating moment of your life," Anon said, his smile unwavering.

"H-How did you know?" Luna asked, surprised.

"I can read the minds of beautiful girls, especially those who have a crush on me," Anon remarked with a naughty smile on his face.

"Y-You, do you really think I like you?" Luna questioned, her face blushing red with innocence.

"Nope," Anon replied nonchalantly.

Luna let out a sigh of relief.

"Then why did—" Luna began, but Anon interrupted her.

"You love me." Anon immediately gave her another shock before she could have recovered from the previous one.

Suddenly, Luna felt a surge of heat engulf her entire being, her face turning a deeper shade of crimson.

'Why do i feel like this ? This not even the mating season for us.' luna felt something in her heart that she never felt before.

But what she didn't knew is that the fruit she is tasting is not the love fruit but the fruit of the devil himself.

"Y-You pervert!" Luna quickly averted her gaze.

However, as she looked forward again, her enhanced vision caught sight of something.

"Stop! There's water ahead. It's the Stormborn Sea. You can't swim with me in your arms. Leave me here, and someone will come to retrieve me within minutes," Luna suggested.

"I don't think anyone is coming. I've been running with you for fifteen minutes, and if help were on its way, they would have arrived by now. It seems no one will come to save you, and if I leave you here, you'll become fish food within seconds. Is that what you want?" Anon countered.

"B-But how will you swim with me in your arms?"

"Who said I'm going to swim?"


"Ladies and gentlemen, as all of you can see, Anon is about to enter the Stormborn Sea, and I don't think he plans on slowing down even a bit," Seraphina spoke, her voice filled with intrigue. "I can say for sure that you can't jump over a sea, can you? I am very curious to see what Anon will do now."

"He is not dropping Luna down. What is going through his mind?" Samantha asked, her confusion evident.

"I can't tell. He is just unpredictable," Jake spoke with a perplexed expression as he fixed his gaze on the screen in front of him.

'What do you plan to do this time, Anon?' Frank wondered, his thoughts racing.

"Both of us will drown to death if you don't put me down here!" Luna shouted, panic creeping into her voice as she realized the sea was near, and Anon showed no signs of slowing down.

"Close your eyes, or the water will get into them," Anon warned Luna.

"Fuck." Luna immediately shut her eyes tightly and took a deep breath, preparing to hold it underwater.


Water splattered all over Luna's face, but instead of feeling like she was drowning, a cool breeze gently caressed her cheeks. She hesitantly opened her eyes, astonished by what she saw.

Anon was running on the surface of the water, defying the laws of nature.

"H-How is this even possible?" Luna exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder and disbelief.

Inside the academy, whispers of amazement filled the air.

"Woah, how is he doing that?"

"Is that even possible?"

"Is that a spell or a skill?"

"Wow, that's so cool."

Everyone began buzzing with excitement, discussing Anon's extraordinary feat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I can't believe this. Anon is running on water. I've never heard of a skill or spell that can allow you to do that," Landon announced, rising from his chair to observe Anon more closely.

"How is he doing that, brother?" Samantha asked Jake.

"Maybe it's a spell," Jake replied.

"No, I am observing him very carefully, and he didn't activate any spell," Samantha countered, her brow furrowing in deep thought.

"I-I don't know. He is really unpredictable," Jake replied, his face filled with a mix of intrigue and concern.

'Who are you, Anon?' Jake wondered, his gaze fixed on the screen before him.

"How? How in the hell are you doing this?" Luna questioned, her voice tinged with tension.

"It's basic physics, darling," Anon answered, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

'This is cool when done, rather than thinking,' Anon thought to himself, his smile widening.

"Basic what?" Luna asked, still bewildered.

"Nothing much. I'm simply placing my second step on the water before my first step sinks, and my third step before my second step sinks. That's how I'm running on water. You understand, luv?" Anon explained, his tone light.

"Don't call me luv, and I still don't understand how you're doing this," Luna retorted.

'If I can run faster than 30 meters per second, then I can easily run on water. And my current speed is over 60 meters per second. Walking on water is easier than making bread in this world. Every single theory of Earth is true here. This world is so good,' Anon thought, reveling in his newfound ability.

[15% mana left.]

Suddenly, a window popped up in front of him.

"Shit. Why now?" Anon muttered under his breath, frustration creeping into his voice.

Kale's office...


"Look, is there any explanation for this? He is running on water, and he didn't activate any skill or spell beforehand. Just look at him!" Kale exclaimed, his fists pounding against a red punching bag as he turned to Seti for answers.

"Sir, I can't explain this. Maybe he has a contract with a water spirit?" Seti suggested tentatively.

"You stupid woman! Over the Stormborn Sea, no spirit is permitted. Don't give me foolish explanations!" Kale erupted in anger, his voice laced with frustration.

"I-I'm sorry, sir," Seti stammered, quickly apologizing.

"Why are you still here? What happened to the teleportation portal?" Kale demanded, his expression returning to normal.

"Yes, sir. There is one problem with that. The crystal used to operate it is missing, but the workers are searching for it in the storeroom," Seti explained.

As soon as Kale heard this, his face turned pale.

"The workers are searching where?" Kale questioned Seti, his eyes filled with concern.

"I-In the storeroom, sir," Seti replied, her voice trembling.

"You fucking piece of shit! What did I tell you when I gave you the keys to the fucking storeroom?" Kale's anger intensified as he unleashed his frustration on Seti.

"T-That I should never give it to anyone," Seti answered, her face growing paler by the second.

"Where are the keys, Seti?" Kale demanded, his voice filled with fury.


"Where are the damn keys, you bitch?" Kale's shout echoed through the room.

"I-I gave them to the worker who was working on the portal," Seti replied, her voice barely a whisper.

"You fucking... *Slap*!" Kale's hand struck Seti's face with brutal force, causing her to crumple to the ground.

"I-I'm sorry, sir," Seti apologized, blood trickling from her lips. But before she could regain her composure, Kale seized her by the neck, his grip tightening.

"You, sometimes I wonder why I even fucked a bitch like you. You are the most useless and careless person in my whole fucking life. You can't take care of one responsibility I gave you. How can someone be this irresponsible?" Kale seethed, his eyes turning red as his hand emitted an intense heat.

"S-Sir, I-I am dy...ing," Seti gasped, struggling to speak as tears and saliva streamed down her face.

"Yeah, that's what a useless thing like you should do. Just die," Kale sneered, tightening his grip around Seti's throat.

Desperate, Seti began flailing her hands, slapping the ground, and fighting for breath. She felt utterly helpless, her vision clouded by blood.

"P-P...please," she managed to choke out, blood seeping into her eyes.

Kale released his grip and stood up, leaving Seti sprawled on the floor.

"This is your last chance. Now stand up and come with me," Kale warned, his voice filled with menace.

Kale strode out of his office, making his way toward the storeroom, his steps filled with purpose.

"Cough-cough, Yes," Seti replied weakly, following behind without question.

Stormborn Sea...

"Do you know how to count stars?" Anon asked Luna, a hint of mystery in his voice.

"What?" Luna's confusion deepened as she tried to comprehend his question.



A man dressed in a grey robe unlocked the door to a dusty room. As he swung it open, a cloud of dust billowed out, causing him to cough.

"Damn it. How long has it been since they last entered this place?" muttered the worker who had been entrusted with the keys to the storeroom by Seti.

The room was dimly lit, filled with a vast array of magical artifacts: wands, tarot cards, crystal globes, and swords.

"Where the hell am I supposed to find a teleportation portal crystal in this mess? Why couldn't they send someone to organize this place?" grumbled the worker, his frustration evident.

Without wasting another moment, he began rummaging through the clutter, determined to find the crystals he had come for.

"If it were to be unleashed today, it would spell disaster for all of us," Kale said, summoning his magic wand wrapped in a cloth adorned with white runes.

Seti watched in awe, her face filled with surprise.

"The Wand of Luminara? What could be so significant in that storeroom that Director Kale needs this wand's assistance?" wondered Seti.

[Wand Of Luminara] [Behold the Wand of Luminara, an artifact of unparalleled power and ancient wisdom. Crafted by the most skilled artisans of the magical realm, this majestic staff bears the essence of the Magic Academy's illustrious founder. A symbol of authority and responsibility, it can only be summoned in the direst of circumstances by a selected few, entrusted with the highest positions of leadership within the academy's ranks—be it the revered Director Kale, the venerable Headmaster, or the esteemed Principal.

The Wand of Luminara emanates an aura of brilliance, its slender form crafted from the finest ethereal wood, shimmering with an iridescent glow. Adorned with intricate engravings that tell the tales of the academy's storied history, it becomes a conduit between the mortal realm and the vast wellspring of magical energy that flows through the very fabric of existence.]

"Why have you summoned me, Kale?" spoke the wand.

"I require your power," Kale responded with seriousness in his voice.

"I do not simply follow orders. Tell me the circumstances, and then I shall decide whether I shall lend my aid," the wand replied.

"A man has entered the enchanted room—the room that houses 'The Mirror of Enigma,'" explained Kale.

"What? A man inside the same room as 'The Mirror of Enigma'? Have you lost your mind? She entrusted you with one task, and you couldn't accomplish it?" the wand questioned in disbelief.

Kale glared at Seti with intense, red eyes.

"Hii—" Seti felt a chill run down her spine, quickly averting her gaze toward the ground.

"We still have time. If we can remove him from the room, we might be able to save him, right?" Kale asked.

"No, she must have already ensnared him with her sweet words. We must hurry and prevent her from escaping the room," commanded the wand.


'Who is she? What are they talking about?' wondered Seti, keeping her head lowered in fear.

In the Stormborn Sea...

"Do you know how to count stars?" Anon asked.

"What?" Luna questioned, perplexed by Anon's unusual inquiry.

"Okay, here we go..." Anon said, tightening his grip around Luna's waist.

"Hey, what are you planning?" Luna blushed, her face turning crimson.

"Hup..." Anon made a sound with his mouth as he flung Luna high into the air.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh...." Luna screamed as she realized she couldn't move, thrown into the air above the raging Stormborn Sea.

"Ouch, why are you screaming?" Anon murmured, swiftly retrieving a special-grade mana potion from his inventory. He unscrewed the glass bottle's cap with his teeth and caught Luna as she descended back into his hands.

All of this happened in just three seconds.

"Hah, you damn fool. What would have happened if I had fallen into the sea?" Luna shouted.

Suddenly, Luna noticed that Anon held a purple liquid-filled mana potion in his mouth.

"Is that a special-grade mana potion?" Luna asked, her expression filled with surprise.

Anon looked at Luna and, lifting his face, turned the bottle upside down in his mouth.

"Bowsam puf (Bottoms up)," Anon declared.

In a mere two seconds, Anon guzzled down the entire bottle of special-grade mana potion, then tossed the empty bottle aside.

[Mana has been restored to 100%.]

"What were you saying, my dear?" Anon asked.

"Was that a special-grade mana potion?" Luna inquired once more.

"Yes, it was," Anon replied nonchalantly.

"What the...? How can a commoner like you have a special-grade mana potion?" Luna questioned.

"Well, why wouldn't I have one?" Anon countered.

"These potions are incredibly expensive and rare. Not because of the cost of their ingredients, but because only one or two special-grade mana potions are produced out of every ten thousand high-grade ones," Luna explained.

"Correct, but it seems I've stumbled upon them, and I happen to be quite wealthy as well," Anon teased.

"Forget it, I won't inquire about how you obtained the potion. Just give me one, and I'll pay any price you ask," Luna proposed.

"I won't. I already wasted an extra potion saving you from those frogs, and now I have limited potions for this race," Anon stated firmly.

"Well, saving me from the frogs that you planted to kill me... I don't understand your strategy. What do you really want?" Luna asked.

"What the hell are you talking about? Why would I plant frogs to kill you and then save you?" Anon responded.

"Are you saying you didn't do it? Or someone from the commoners' side?" Luna asked, her expression suspicious.

"Nope, I don't need some flashy frogs to kill you when I can do it with a single slap," Anon declared.

"What? Are you telling the truth?" Luna asked, astonishment on her face.

"Yes, I can kill you with a single slap. Why would I need frogs to do it for me?" Anon reiterated.

"Then why did you stop at the starting point of the desert?" Luna inquired.

"To replenish my mana," Anon answered.

"Who could do this to me?" Luna whispered.

[Skill <Stamina Boost> will end in 2 minutes.]

A semi-transparent screen materialized in front of Anon.

"Damn it, we have to stop," Anon exclaimed.

"What?" Luna asked, her expression filled with surprise.

Inside the academy's storeroom...

"Fucking hell, this isn't the power crystal either. Where the fuck is it?" The frustrated worker muttered to himself, his voice laced with irritation and determination.


A sudden rush of air swept through the room as the main door swung open, creating a sense of anticipation and mystery.

The worker's senses tingled, sensing something amiss at the far end of the storeroom. His instincts urged him to investigate.

"Is someone there?" he called out, his gaze fixed on the darkened corner, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and caution.

The room remained shrouded in darkness, heightening the tension in the air.

"I must be losing my mind. How could someone be in this room? It was just opened today after years of neglect," the worker reasoned, shaking off his unease and resuming his search for the crystal. His determination burned brightly, refusing to be quelled by the mysterious atmosphere.


But then, a faint sound of sobbing echoed from the depths of the room, causing a shiver to run down the worker's spine. The sobbing was filled with sorrow and longing, tugging at his heartstrings.

"Hmm...?" The worker turned his attention to the source of the sound, his curiosity piqued. There was a glimmer of empathy in his eyes, as he felt a connection to the unseen weeper.

"I ask again, who's there?" he demanded, cautiously advancing toward the sobbing. His voice had a touch of both authority and concern, his bravery shining through the uncertainty.


"I'm trapped inside this mirror. Can you remove the cloth covering it?" a sweet voice pleaded, captivating the worker's every thought. There was a vulnerability to her voice, like a fragile bird trapped in a cage.

"A-Are you a ghost?" fear crept into the worker's voice as he realized the voice had no discernible origin. His mind raced with thoughts of the supernatural, unsure of what lay hidden within the shadows.

"No, sir. I'm just a beautiful girl trapped within this mirror. Can you help me?" The girl's voice carried an irresistible sweetness, dissolving the worker's lingering apprehension. He felt an unexplainable urge to assist her, to be her savior.

"Yes, I will help you," the worker replied, succumbing to the enchantment and uncovering the mirror. As he peeled away the cloth, a soft glow emanated from within, casting an ethereal light across the room.

As the cloth was lifted, an ethereal beauty emerged from within—a woman with captivating blue eyes, flowing blue hair, and a flawless figure, completely nude. Her radiant presence filled the room, and for a moment, time stood still.

"Hello, mister," she greeted, waving her hand at the worker, her voice like a melodious symphony that resonated deep within his soul. Her confidence was palpable, a testament to her allure and mysterious power.

Entranced, he returned the gesture, lost in her bewitching presence. His eyes traced the contours of her body, appreciating her every curve, but his gaze held a glimmer of respect, recognizing her as more than just a mere object of desire.

"What's your name?" the girl inquired, her voice like honey, sweetening the air around them. Her curiosity matched his own, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment.

Bob tore his gaze away from her naked form for a moment, regaining his composure. "I'm Bob," he managed to say, his voice a touch breathless, but filled with a newfound sense of purpose.

"Oh, Mister Bob, that's a fine name. I am Vespera," she introduced herself, her name rolling off her tongue with an enchanting grace.

"Mister Bob, can you help me escape this confinement?" Vespera implored, her voice tinged with a plea for liberation. Her captivating eyes held a mixture of desire and vulnerability, forging an unbreakable bond between them.

Beneath the spell of her words, Bob's mind blurred, consumed by desire and fantasies that drowned out his rational thoughts. He imagined the possibilities, the intoxicating power that lay within his grasp.

"Can i do anything to you ?" Bob asked.

"Yes, anything. You can dominate me like a cheap whore, treat me as a mere vessel of pleasure, and I shall be your devoted slave for life," Vespera whispered, adopting seductive poses that ignited a primal fire within Bob's core.

Overwhelmed by lust and temptation, Bob feverishly scoured the storeroom, his eyes darting from object to object, searching for a means to break the mirror and set Vespera free.

Finally, amidst the chaos of his desire, his eyes fell upon a sturdy wooden chair, an instrument of liberation. Determined, he seized it and hurled it toward the mirror.


The chair collided with the glass, but to Bob's dismay, it failed to make a dent. Frustration clawed at him, threatening to erode his resolve.

Confounded, he questioned the strength of his efforts, but before his thoughts could regain clarity, Vespera bent down, her fingers parting her glistening pussy lips, showcasing her enticing form, and spoke in a playful tone.

"Don't you desire this, Mister Bob?"

"Y-Yes, I want it," Bob answered, his voice laced with longing, his mind clouded by insatiable cravings.

"Then release me," Vespera purred, swaying her hips seductively.

"Yes, I will release you. Just wait," he vowed, his determination reignited. His gaze wandered around the storeroom, searching for something sturdier, something that could shatter the mirror's hold on Vespera.

Minutes stretched into an eternity as Bob's frantic search led him to a forgotten metal rod, hidden in a corner. With newfound determination, he grasped the rod and assaulted the mirror with unyielding blows.

With each strike, the mirror cracked, and a surge of anticipation coursed through Bob's veins. The barrier between them weakened, fueling his desire to claim what he believed was rightfully his.

"Yes, yes, break!" he shouted, pouring his very essence into the final blow.


In a cacophony of shattered glass, the mirror collapsed, releasing Vespera from her ethereal prison. The fragments fell to the ground, a testament to Bob's liberation and the birth of a profound connection.

But as the mirror shattered, Kale and Seti burst into the room, their arrival signaling an unforeseen interruption.

"Nooooooo..." Kale's cry of despair echoed through the chamber, shattering the intoxicating spell that had ensnared Bob.

Reality crashed down upon him.

[The <Stamina Boost> skill will end in 2 minutes.]

A translucent screen materialized in front of Anon.

"Fuck, we have to find a island or something to stop." Anon exclaimed, scanning the surroundings for any sign of land or an island.

"What? How do you propose we stop in the middle of the goddamn sea? Have you gone insane ?" Luna asked, her face filled with surprise.

"My skill is going on cooldown soon. Either you come up with a useful idea, or we'll both end up drowning," Anon stated firmly.

"But I... I don't know," Luna replied, her expression reflecting her confusion.

"Oh, sailor, sailor, lend an ear to my tune. I'll guide you to a realm where love grants immunity. A paradise beneath, where dreams and desires bloom. Oh, sailor, sailor, surrender to the sea," a melodious voice suddenly enveloped the entire expanse of the sea. Making the fishes dance in a trance beneath the water.

The voice resonated like silvery waves crashing upon the shore, weaving tales of passion and promising eternity. It was a symphony of enchantment, a sweet melody that captivated sailors, making their hearts skip a beat.

"Oh, shit. Is that what I think it is, Seraphina?" Landon asked, recognizing the song, almost immediately.

"Yes, it's the song of the sirens. Those creatures are vicious. I wonder how Anon plans on escaping them ?" Seraphina replied as she observed the screen in front of her carefully.

[Mind Control Effects have been Nullified due to the <Cerebraxis > class.]

[Skill <Siren's Song> has been cancelled out by your higher authority.]

A notification appeared before Anon, eliciting a small smile from him.

"What's that sound?" Anon inquired even though he knew what

it was.

"Damn it, the sirens have spotted us," Luna exclaimed, covering her ears with both of her hands.

"Sirens? You mean mermaids and shit, right ?" Anon asked nonchalantly. An expression of curiosity forming on his face.


In the depths of the mystical seas, where legends intertwine with the whispers of waves, dwell the ethereal beings known as sirens. These enchanting creatures embody a mesmerizing fusion of beauty and danger, their allure unmatched in the realm of fantasy.

Sirens possess an otherworldly elegance, their lithe and graceful forms reminiscent of celestial beings. Adorned with shimmering scales that cascade in iridescent hues, their slender bodies reflect light like precious gemstones. Their skin, porcelain-smooth and lustrous, bears a faint pearlescent sheen, a testament to their origin from the depths of the sea.

However, it is their voices that truly set sirens apart. When they sing, reality itself seems to tremble. Their melodic tones possess an otherworldly power, capable of entrancing even the most steadfast hearts. It is said that their songs weave tales of love, desire, and temptation, drawing unsuspecting souls closer to their embrace, luring them into the depths of the sea.

"Whatever you do, don't listen to their song. Just keep running forward, or we'll end up as their dinner tonight," Luna warned Anon.

"Do they perch on rocks while singing ?" Anon asked with curiosity.

"What?" Luna questioned, not understanding Anon's line of thought.

"If they're constantly singing, it means they're out of water. And if they're out of water, they must be sitting on a rock or something to lure us in, right ?" Anon explained.

"Are you mad? Are you actually considering getting closer to them?" Luna asked in disbelief.

"It's better than drowning," Anon replied, abruptly changing direction toward the source of the song.

"Oh my God, did Anon just turn toward the direction of the song?" Landon exclaimed, astounded.

"Landon, this kid is crazy. Usually, danger comes to you, but this kid always runs straight into danger. It's sheer madness," Seraphina exclaimed, bewildered.

"Sirens are formidable and intelligent creatures. What is he planning to do ? They will kill both of them without waiting another second." Samantha wondered, taken aback.

"I can't say what he'll do next, but i don't think he will die that easily." Jake commented, carefully observing Anon.

'Heh, do you really think that some mere sirens can touch him? A counsellor? They're nothing but toys in front of Anon. The moment they started singing, their countdown to death began ticking,' Frank thought, sporting a smirk on his face.

"No, no, no! We'll die if we go there!" Luna shouted desperately, but her warnings fell on deaf ears as Anon paid no heed and continued running toward the source of the song.

'Damn it, I think they've taken control of his mind. But why isn't their song affecting me?' Luna wondered, her gaze fixed on the direction Anon was leading them.

After sprinting for several seconds, a massive rock came to the sight in the middle of the sea.

The rock, resembling the tip of a mountain, had six or seven mermaids perched upon it.

"Anon, this is a terrible idea. Let's turn back. I can give you a mana potion, and we can swim across the sea," Luna suggested.

"Nope, I already told you I won't give you any potion. Now, just be quiet for a moment," Anon retorted firmly.

[30 seconds remaining until the Stamina Boost skill goes on cooldown]

Anon increased his speed, closing the distance between himself and the singing sirens.

"The human has arrived, sister," one of the sirens informed the one seated atop the rock.

"Let them rest on the rock, then slowly crush their minds. I don't want them to be afraid; frightened prey tastes awful," the Siren Queen commanded.

"As you wish, sister," the other siren replied, descending while the queen siren resumed her song.

[10 seconds remaining until the Stamina Boost skill goes on cooldown]

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4...


Anon landed on the rock just as his skill went on cooldown.

[The Stamina Boost skill will be ready to use again in 4 minutes and 59 seconds]

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, Anon has ventured into the sirens' domain. What lies ahead? Will he survive and continue the race? Will Luna remain unharmed? Will they escape or succumb to becoming the sirens' dinner?" Landon's voice resonated, building and suspense.