


Gloria was still processing what Alex said when she felt the ground below her feet slip away as she was about to tumble down on the ground in panic she screamed.

She reached out in a desperate attempt to grab something in order to prevent herself from falling but all she was able to grab was a warm soft but muscular thing stopping her fall.

It is a weird mixture of things. It has the appropriate hardness but also has that warm softness giving an uncanny sensation to her. There was deja vu that she knew what is it was but she just was not able to put her figure on it.


So she by instinct squeezed that thing making her feel amused by how muscular this thing was. She can feel the distinct muscle and the power in it.

"Hey, at least ask me on the date first before trying to go to 2nd base."

A very seductive voice rang in her ears which sent a wave of current through her body making her bones soft. Fortunately there was no need to fear of falling as she was not on the ground.

"Wait!? You..How..That…"

Gloria finally opened her eyes and saw that breathtaking face which had been hunting her for a while now, But then she was even more bizarre thing.

Right now she, like a prince was being held in the arms of Alex, While the soft muscle thing she was so amused by was nothing but his smooth exposed chest.

The moment she realised that she withdrew her hand at lighting speed being flustered by what she just did, she was being shy like she was a teenager with her first love.

Well technically Alex is her first love but she is not teenagers, But grown ass women of mother of one daughter.

Either way she looked cute and hot at the same time showing off her mature feminine charm that young women can only dream of getting one day.

Alex afterwards did not waste time on teasing her any more, He slowly lay down that flustered fairy on the bed and slowly took off his white shirt reveling his upper muscular physique.


There was gulping sound come from his behind as Alex felt the burning gaze of desire stick on his body wanting to devour him whole.

Alex knew that given her what she wanted and teased that adultLolii who was going through the crisis on her own.

How badly she wanted to take a bite of this forbidden fruit right now but she holding herself back so as not to make things awkward for Alex.

If not for the threat of Bellondona, Liza would not be able to stop herself right now and jumped on this beautiful hunk's body.

But that damn witch is there, It's okay Alex mess with other low-status women, It doesn't matter much as long as he is being clean about it to Bellondona.

It's just the moment someone like her try to take a bite at him, It's no longer be matter of Alex just playing around, It would be war between two families as her action would be labelled as trying to steal Bellendona's finances.

She being older than both Bellendona and Alex will be the culprit and so as punishment not only she will be needed to bleed a hefty fortune of her family but worse would be she will not be allowed to meet Alex.

That threat of never being able to see her cutie pie was her motivation to hold herself back and just watch others enjoying what she yearned for. What an irony, The fortune that gives her right to be with Alex is the same one that prevents her from being with him.

'This loli's brain is online, That is new.'

Alex seeing her restraint over her desire, Normally this woman who has the mentality to take what she desires without any worry would have hopped down on him seeing him in this state.

But maybe what he said to her in the car actually affected her more than he realised or she is doing this for a different reason.

Whatever may be the case may be, Alex was happy she was behaving well, and so if you act well, You get a reward. That is a universal rule.

*Zip* *Drop*

Alex unbuckled his pants and then straight away dropped them on the ground standing butt naked in the ward.

"My eyes are up here you naughty unicorn."

Alex with a sly smile on his lips just turned around to face Liza whose eyes nearly popped out of her eye socket by the utter disbelief of what she was seeing.

Her mouth is unknowingly half open and this woman is legit drooling his whole stature and manhood, A string of her saliva was dripping down unbeknownst to her.

"No, I-I-I was not staring at anything."

Liza panicked being caught red-handed like that ogling at a man half of her age, That too who is technically her nephew by the relationship between two families.

So she outright refused it but there no power in her words not her eyes leave from his wand, Those twin pairs of gems were locked onto their target trying to get a look of that monster as much as she could.

"Why not? Well, pity I especially turned for you to see, *Sigh* anyway if you don't want to watch it in action, Please close your eyes."

Alex, being sadistic, replied in his regret-filled voice as he once again turned back facing Gloria leaving stunned Liza looking at his back.

'Damn it, Why did I even open my mouth?'

Liza cursed herself for saying stuff too quickly, It was obvious Alex was teasing her but she turned his feelings around making her regretfully lose the right to view that piece of art.

Just now hopefully he would forget this embarrassment of hers after he comes out of his trance later.

"Aunty, It might hurt a little, But don't worry I will make it worth the pain."

Alex after teasing did not waste time and quickly hopped on the bed, sitting on her knees in between the slender legs of Gloria who was just staring at him like a deer in headlight.

She did not even dare to make a squeak, hearing she might fear Alex off from doing this. She just looked at him confused but excited as he positioned himself between her.

It was only when she saw Alex with his throbbing beast making her way towards her moist trenche that the situation fully got into her mind, Which made her face crimson red.

"You…Why will it hurt?"

Gloria spoke out of instinct, She still thought this was some kind of last wish or some strange final dream in legend that was being fulfilled, So she did not care about moral issues anymore.

So when she heard it would hurt she could not help but curiously ask why it would? She is a mother of two, there is no hymen of such a thing, And she is also wet enough that it would not be going to hurt.

Then why did Alex say it would hurt? Did he not know how this sex thing works, So he just went by the things he heard on the internet?

If that is the case then she feels he is too cute, after which her heartbeat increases as she comes to realise that it would be his first time and so she will be his first time.

Even though this is not real in her mind, She still felt excited that it was hard to contain her joy. It's a weird kinda conquest. After getting able to get it for the first time with someone like Alex is an achievement in itself.

And still, if this is not his first time seeing how little he knows about this then he is still less experienced which is also a thing to brag about.

"Ohh, First tell me aunty when was the last time someone explored your chamber of secrets?"

Alex was amused by her reaction. Right now he was not under the influence of that stupid halo of that dumbass, So it would not take him a lot of time to understand the meaning in her eyes.

This woman is a spitting image of Grace, Well Grace is a spitting image of her, As both of them reacting the same way to his advances, it gives him also a sense of conquering.

"Huh!? What chamber of secre-Ehh!!"

Gloria when heard this strange word could not understand what he meant by that? Their family do have chambers but she didn't have her own, and Alex should not know about her family, So it made her confuse.

She wanted to ask him but then stopped abruptly as she got her answer from Alex.

"This is what I mean."

Alex spoke to her as he rubbed his glans on her dripping labia pushing just a little inside teasing her with it.

"So can you answer me now?"

Alex spoke to her in that seductive voice as he slowly took out that useless hospital gown off her, gently revealing her porcelain rosy skin underneath, Which surprisingly was even smoother and softer than Grace, Her grown-up daughter.

He asked her as the tip of their fingers grazed past the outline of her still-covered ample bosoms erected nipples tickling her, making her feel hotter and hotter as the flame of desire was blazing in her heart.

"I-I-I don't remember."

Gloria was awestruck by his actions, She felt like her body was set on a blazing inferno. There was also that strong itching all over her body with yearning to be touched by the man in front of her.

And so in this state she is hardly able to form a word. On top of that being teased by him in her this sensitive state, It was really hard to keep it together..

Even then this is asked by Alex and that too in a way that even if she wanted she can't deny him, So she honestly answered him.

Indeed she doesn't know when was the last time she was intimate with someone, all those memories are quite blurry but by her estimation it would be no less than 22-23 year's.

She used to be quite a busy woman. There was no time for useless things like sex, then there was a feud with her family and of course there was later Grace to take care of.

Amidst of this, she didn't even think of finding a partner much less go around being intimate with others, So this question was shameful for her to say.

How can she as a woman admit that she was in a dry spell for more than two decades? What kind of impression would she have of her? Is she not even good enough to get laid for that long? What does that say about her?

So it's better to say she did not know as it was not a lie, She indeed did not know exactly how much time had passed, This way she can answer him and also avoid her embarrassment.

"Well, it doesn't matter. After this, you are not gonna remember that anyway."

Alex tore open the hospital gown as he came to the realisation that to open it fully he needed to open knots of behind, Which was small work but he didn't wanna do it.

As he ripped that gown removing the only thing that was forcing Gloria, He saw the heavenly scene, Her body was like a work of art, small places were small big were big, She was just perfect.


Her twin mounds celebrated their freedom showing off their might, But it did not last long as Alex's evil palm seized them in his grip thoroughly enjoying her softness.

"Ahhh!~ B-Be gentle, Mummmm!~"

A sensual moan escaped from her tempting mouth as she showed a slight facade of resistance to Alex as he pinched her bud in his index finger and thumb.

This is killing Gloria, Even though it was not that long of foreplay but she could not wait for it to reach the final destination.

The love justice that was released by all this seeped through her sensitive petals drenching the hospital mattress below them, It is dying to get attention from the man for which it was so inviting.

But she also didn't wanted to appear as desperate, So she didn't beg for him to fuck her already but she was not sure how long she can hold off her that last bit of dignity till she would kneel in front of her desire.

"*Giggle* You know Grace also said the same thing to me at the start but later begged me to be rough with her."

Alex adjusted his position right below her nether region rubbing his cock head on her entrance, Which made her pussy twitch each time.

"Wait!!! What?? What do you mea- FUCK!!!!"


Gloria was lost in ecstasy as her urging cave finally got attention from Alex but hearing those words any anyone would come out of their blissful trance, She too came out of it with shock.

But before she could finish her sentence, She felt a hot hard thing ram into her tearing its way through expanding her insides filling each corner of her vagina.

It was shameful to admit it but she reached her peak just from that overwhelming hit of pleasure which hit her like a truck. She quickly hugged Alex tightly wrapping her legs around his waist as she released herself while his manhood was still inside her.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

Sound of heavy breathing was reverberating in the room, As two figures can be seen laying on top of each other on the hospital bed.

Gloria's hot breath was hitting Alex's neck where she put her head on rest because she didn't have any strength remaining in her body, Her body was still wrapped around Alex like a snake.

From time to time it was convulsing because of the aftertaste of that orgasum still bombarding her senses.

Gloria just lay below Alex still recovering from her intense orgasm, She never before experienced anything like this exhilarating, This was soothing out of this world.

It's not that she did not have an orgasm before but never like this one, Heck she still was not how this is humanly possible, This orgasm broke all her defence.

The hypocritical morals she was afraid of were washed away in the flow of her love fluid and so was the shame she was feeling in the beginning. Right now even if she finds out this all was actually happening and not a last wish vision.

Rather than being panicked she would be excited as he convinced her that whatever she has to do or face to get him, It would be all worth it.

And now she was more than before convinced that they two are meant to be together, Just look at how he was feeling her insides, His manhood as if specially created for her hitting all her sensitive pieces.

She was like a lock of which Alex is one and only key. It is a perfect match, There is nothing to complain about, Just perfect even in minute parts.

"Don't tell me you're done, I have not started yet."

Alex, after giving her a moment to calm down, Spoke to her nibbling on her soft ear and whispering coquettishly with his lethal charm.


The moment Gloria heard that her heart nearly jumped out of her body to the extent this shocked her.

How many women yearn to hear these words come out from their beloved? Unfortunately, not everyone has that fortune. Most men just want to sleep after doing one quickie saying they are tired making them use their hands for the rest.

But here the man asking her for more rounds while she was out could in the first push. She didn't know if she should be embarrassed or happy about this but either the case she just hit the jackpot.

"No, but I want to be on top."

Gloria in that excitement did not hold back and answered honestly but also told her desire to be on top

After all, she is a woman. How can she just lay down and let the man do all the work like this? It should be her role to provide him pleasure, Give him as great a time as she possibly can.

Only that way he will not leave her in search of someone better than her.

"Sorry but I can't do it, I like to be on top…Also how can I give you a paramount of pleasure while laying down?"

Alex denied her request. If it was normal times, he had no problem letting this plum milf do the job and try her best to please him in anyway possible but this is his life and death thing.

He can't take a chance with that kinda threat and so he took the lead.


"Shhhu!~ Not a word, Just lay there and enjoy, If you like it don't forget to give me verbal compliments just like Grace do*Kiss*."

Gloria still did not want him to take the lead but she halted in her speech as Alex's slender finder rested on her erogenous lip, Which is her weakness.

Just as he touched her lips, A shock wave ran through her body. Though the severity was not as strong as that first initial hit but it was not any worse, This muddled her mind for a moment.

Even her vaginal walls once again tighten around Alex's manhood as she is utterly defected by that one move this quickly, This shows how much sexually compatible they are with each other as he knows all her weaknesses.

Seeing her stop like deer in headlight, Corner of Alex's lips raised in his trademark evil smirk as he increased the power of Ecstasy's hands and H-tongue for the next move.

So he just quickly spoke his words not forgetting to make sure that she should hear the name of Grace as it would be useful for later parts.

After which without giving her a chance Alex landed a kiss on her erogenous lips, Her second-most sensitive part completely sealing them with his plum ones.


Gloria just like before drowned in the sea of pleasure forgetting the key information Alex just dropped on her, She just wanted to be lost in this ecstasy.

That soft warm touch of his on her lips and the simultaneous twitching of his rod inside her is the thing she never knew wanted this badly.

She just enjoying herself without caring for a hot whether or not she would get addicted to this. All she knew was to enjoy herself for once in her life.

Alex on the other hand kept their kiss intact as he traced his fingers over her seductive curvy outline as he reached her perky ass.

So he just squeezed it making Gloria moan in his mouth as he lifted her ass a little up in a position it would be easy for him to kiss her and so did his deed.

For someone like Alex who now has lots of experience in this stuff, it did not take much to align her in such a position that he didn't needed to use his hands any more for support.

After which his left hand traced back to the her left unattended boob, While his right and combed through her hair as he supported her head a little high bringing him closer towards him.

She too warp her free hands around his neck pulling him towards her lips as hers grip tightening around his wait trying to take more of him inside her as she was once again itching for the action.

*Pull* *Slam* *Smack*

This was a signal for the Alex, He did not miss it, He raised his hip up nearly pulling himself out to her pussy before slamming back in her making wet fleshly noise.

The left hand of Alex also twisted and pinched the erected pinkish nipple of hers While his tongue swirling on her highly sensitive lips.

"OHHHHH!! FUCK!!!!!!~"

All the sense of Gloia was suddenly bombarded by the overwhelming pleasure way more then previous one, Grloia forget about everything, She just dig her nails in the back of Alex and released that primal howl as her whole become tense as floodgates broken of her cave.

*Bang* *Gush* *Spurt* *Spurt*

A huge amount of liquid secreted of her wall tightening around his dick massaging Alex, But because of that, That liquid could not able to move out and so tried to push the naughty intruder out.

But how can it had the strength to push back that monster? All it was doing it to prepared the filed for the storm that was about to set off there.

*Slam* *Slam* *Pouch* *Thwack* *Spurt*

*Ahhh~!! *Huff* Mummm!! Ye-Mummm~!!!"

An erotic sensual voice filled the whole ward along with the wet flesh hitting each other as the various liquids dribbled down on the bed sheet soaking in it creating a strong scent of sex filling the whole ward.

The medical bed in the ward was constantly jerking, If not for it being medical grade, It would have been broken long ago but seeing the intensity of the people on it, It would not be strange if it broke any moment now.

But Alex and Gloria did not care about the stupid bed, all their attention was on what is important and that is to drown themselves in carnal pleasure, Just do it without any care and that is what they were doing.

The loud sensual howls like moans of Gloria reverberate in the wall without any care if any othersider can hear it, At this point she does not care if anyone hears it.

She was taking what she wanted for the first time in her life. She is not going to back away now, She don't care what anyone would think of her nor did she care what lines she was crossing to get what she wanted.

All she knew was she was getting what she yearned for it all her life, the missing piece in her joyless life was family here and she at no condition was willing to give it up.

"A-Alex, Har-Harder, *Huff* Fuc…Fuck me harder!!~"

Gloria was on the brink of losing her mind but she still lot wanted to stop. Who knows how much time has been passed or how many times Alex made her cum with his mighty rod.

She was still willing to go all out it, She still did not get what she wanted the most, the feeling of getting filled with the seed of her beloved, He satisfied her this much. She has yet to do the same.

So she tightened her on him with all the power left in her feeble ecstasy filled body, and also started to move her own hips while tightening her pussy not wanting him to leave from her.

She goes out with all the knowledge she has gotten over the years from various media and research sources to make him cum, let him fill her up.

'Fuck, She is good.'

Alex who was pounding in her pussy heard her and felt the tightening of her pussy which too be honest was quite good, Maybe that is why experience matters.

He really wanted to stop himself from holding back and release himself in her but he didn't do that. If he did that this soon then there will be a 2nd round for to give her Paramount of pleasure and after which he won't be able to hold himself back till morning.

Which was fine if not for the fact there is a volatile company waiting for him at his dormitory, He really didn't feel like leaving them alone in a tiny room. Who knows what they would do to each other.

Plus all of his newly brought games are there, he really didn't want those to get destroyed in their class too. After all those all are protected by the halo of harem but his games don't have that privilege.

"You ask for it *Bite*"

Alex's blood was already boiling as an inferno of passion burned in his heart blaming him for not setting the wild beast free, Why he was holding it back and so Alex decided to oblige to his inner desire.

"Hrggg~ D-Don't~"

He reached down and took a bite at her neck leaving a small mark behind and as he thought the simple bite on her neck made Gloria even more sensitive, Which proved that apples really do not fall far from the tree.

With that, Alex had a smug smile as he decided to stop having only Vanilla sex.

*Plop* *Spurt*

"Hungg Hnngh, W-why~"

He pushed back and pulled his dick out of her pussy making her grunt in discontent as she lost that warmth inside her, But Alex did not mind that.

He quickly lifted her up holding her chin while keeping that eye contact making her lost in his eyes.

"Woah! Ho-Arghhhh!!~ Fuck! YESSS HARDER!!!!"

Before Gloria knew it, Alex made her turn around with swift motion before pushing her down making her land on her all for limb, It's hurted her when that happened as her legs were on in position to do so.

But that pain worked like a sprinkled water on a hot pan making all her mind jump in pleasure.

Before she even comprehended the wave of pleasure that just hit her, Her long brunette hair was pulled back by Alex in a jerk motion turning her face towards him before locking her lips with his, After which without giving her any warning he rammed his dick straight into the deepest part of her pussy.

This was an act that broke the camel's back. The little bit of sanity and reasoning that was remained in her being was utterly crushed by this, As a storm of pleasure bombarded her senses.

Her mind went blank, There was no single thought about anything else other than just one man and what he was doing to her body now.

She just embraced it, And so moaned louder than before as she once again released herself while Alex was still inside her.

Her body was once again become soft as it was twitching and convulsing, Her breathing become haggard as she wanted a slight break.


But unlike before Alex has no intention of being gentle, He without giving her her chance pulled his dick back just to once inside inside her very sensitive pussy.

"FUCKK!!! YESSS!!!~"

What was a torture for others to think of Gloria it was bliss, She just unlocked a new kinda of pleasure and she became addicted to it in first hit.

She did not able to control it and making her cum again. If not for her body being in peak condition now, She might have been passed out because of dehydration until now.

*Fwop* *Thwop* *Fwop* *Thwop*

Alex didn't stop nor the moans of Gloria under the symphony of their bodies slamming on each other, It's been gone like that for a while making Gloria cum even more times.

"Arghhh! I am cumming!"

Finally, Gloria heard those words she was dying to hear them, She rejuvenated from coming back with more passion and started responding to Alex.

*Slam* *Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt*

Alex finally slammed and reached deep inside her, His cock head swelled as with a powerful stream he sprayed his baby batter inside her covering every part of her with his marks.


When Gloria felt that yearning feeling warm got a lava-like seed feeling her, She just couldn't help it, She both physically and mentally reached to her peak of bliss and with a final roar she squirted her love juices all over the bed before falling down and passing out on the bed.

Alex too was exhausted, He pulled out his still little dripping dick out of her, Before gently putting a blanket on her.

"Should I go in the shower or do you have other plans for my unicorn?"

After which Alex wanted to leave and go in the shower in the personal ward but he halted his moment with a nightly grin when his sight fell on the stunned Liza staring at him.

"N-N-No here, I-I arrange a dress for y-you."

Liza hearing obvious teasing words turned beat red in shame, If she was in anime right now there would be steam coming out of her head.

lightsnοvεl It's unfortunately as the head of the family, She even curses herself for her decision but she has enough self-control over herself not to bounce on Alex right now and there.

Yeah, it was all her self-control that was responsible for it. There is no fear of Belladonna that she is not doing what her heart and mind are yelling at her to do.

It was all her, No outside forces were influencing the iron will of this mature old loli.

So seeing it would not be good for her health if she stared at Alex's fully naked body without being able to do anything, She notified her hidden guards to bring a dress for Alex to wear in advance.

Because he couldn't wear the dress that was lying on the ground drenched in various fluids, She thought about that for Alex.

"Ohh, You did that for me? You are the best my lovely unicorn."

Alex seeing Liza actually prepare a dress for him in advance was quite taken aback, He had seen through his various stunts that these heroines though not disgusted by harem but they took some time to get comfortable with each other.

So Liza according to that logic seeing him ravaging Gloria should be in shock waiting for him to fix the situation, She would not be bringing dress to him after he was done with fucking another woman right in front of her eyes.

But then Alex thought of something, If she didn't get bothered by it then there had to be only 2 possibilities, One was that she was in so much shock that it would take time for it to sink in but seeing her reaction this was not the case.

So the 2nd possibility is that she is cuckquean, He did not think of such a possibility as how can the heroine be into that degrading stuff but then once again he thinks this is a wish fulfilment novel everything is possible.

Liza being cuckquean is not that strange, It's just one of her quirks just like others, Just her seems to be a passive one, unlike certain someone.

That is why Alex was happy about it. If Liza is a passive cuckquean then she is now become the best person to preach his harem thing to another member to accept and live in harmony.

After all, If she accepts this thing wholeheartedly then others would be more likely to agree with her seeing her sheer amount of dedication to it.

How can he not love such a helpful loli? She should be rewarded but well it has to wait because the wrath of Bellendona is really not something to mess around, Her limits are still a mystery even to him.

'Someone is watching.'

But just as Alex was about to walk towards Liza he sensed a gaze on his body which was instantly detected by his god-level acting making him directly give control over to the acting skill as he started to ransack his brain.

That person had to be there eavesdropping on them and as he walked over, They made the mistake of taking a sneak peek at him, giving their positions away to him.

'Who could it be? How long were they watching?'

All the possible culprits' list ran through his mind but they were quickly eliminated for various reasons. If it was Helen, Xiao Bai would have been the first to react and warn him of a threat.

And Helen is really not someone to stand aside and watch her man fuck another woman right under her nose, So she was not it, Same goes for Alia.

Rose would be a possible candidate but if she was here then he would have felt it by the sudden drop in his IQ, So she is also not it.

Just like that he narrows down to three potential women, Grace, Sandra and Belladonna.

He is praying to the gods to let it be Grace because she is the only woman he handles being out there because in the other two one is FL who does not even like when the shadow of another female touches their man.

Another one is a Villainess who can reap the souls of people just for offending her, both are not someone to mess with as one has the power of broken luck, Other has the power of her own raw might.

Though she is not in this city but as S-rank she is capable of sending her puppets here just like how she did it before with Robin, So she is still a possibility.

She already knows about Xiao Bai's existence around him, So she definitely would have put measures that Xiao Bai would not be able to sense her puppets.

As for the possibility of some other man being there? Alex does not even think about it, He has his own wishful thinking but there are limits to it, He knows with his luck it would definitely not be a man out there.

*Swiss* *Thump*

Gears moved in his mind as he quickly came up with a plan to prevent messing up the situation. He used his fire element of power to release the burst of heatwave outwards from his body, burning all sticky liquid from his body in the process of cleaning him.

But that was not his only purpose, Because at the moment that happened, he fell on his knees with a pale face making it look like he did not use power on purpose.

"Alex, are you okay? Let me check quickly."

Liza who was lost in the praise of hers done by Alex opened her eyes wide open in panic when she felt that misfire of energy from Alex, This was a sign that something went wrong with the circulation of spiritual power in his body.

She quickly reacts knowing if that was really what happened then she has a very small window of time to fix the issue or Alex would be in a grim condition.

'Come on show yourself.'

Alex on the other hand was waiting for the women outside to do something. After all, let it be any of three women, All of them care about his well-being.

They are going to react differently, Grace would definitely enter the room in panic just like Liza, Sandra would make a quick call to her contacts for help and Belleondoa would send her powers into his body to check if he was alright.

So he was just waiting for what they would choose, paying attention to their action through his god-level acting skill hoping it should be Grace, He really doesn't want to do mental gymnastics with others.

Because he is afraid that there is still lingering effect of that dumbass disease is affecting him, And if there is really those other two scary beautiful monsters present here, He is going to have a hard time dealing with them.

"*Cough* *Cough* I am fine."

Liza was quick to reach him and then started checking his pulse, Even though she was this close to his naked body, She didn't have any ounce of other thoughts in her eyes.

All her attention was focused on checking on him, No wonder why she was such a famous doctor. When it came to her patients, She ignored everything else and gave them her utmost attention.

Even Alex felt slightly guilty for making her worry like that but he has to if he wants to survive in this world, So it can't be helped.

But still, he tried to give her assurance even to make sure there would be just a slight fluctuation in his spiritual circulation so as not to make her more panic.

'...Not Grace?'

But then Alex was disappointed because the door of the ward was not opened. Yes the door was locked but Grace has gone through the holy blessing skill, So she has the power to break open the door.

Which she would have done if she was outside after all the Grace he knew would have not waited for a second before she made her way towards himself.

Even ignoring the fact that just a moment ago he was banging her own mom, She is that much hopelessly in love with him.

Yet that does not happen meaning the chances of her being out there are close to none, So he focused on the second most likely person, Sandra.

If she really is the one outside then he has to work hard to make sure she does not take this event in a hurtful way. After all, who knows what would happen if she triggers her FL halo.

There is no limit to it, It would not be strange if an asteroid came crashing down on hurt and hit him for hurting FL. It's all possible with their broken luck and passives.

"How can you be fine? The spiritual power running amok in your body, Stop pretending to be strong and just let me deal with it."

Liza was not a bit happy with his answer, She could sense how wildly the spiritual power was running in his body.

Yeah, there is no clear sign on it but that fluctuations of the spiritual power indicate something more going on in his body that she does not know about.

In any case, if it is related to spiritual power, It's taken utmost seriously because that is always a matter of life and death

So Liza who cares about Alex, did not take it lightly that he was ignoring such signs, She roared at him like an angry lioness making her position quite clear.

"....Can you at least pass me the dress you arranged? It's chilly here."

What else can Alex say other than to agree with her? He too knows when it take the wheel and when to release the control.

Right now, It's Liza's turn to be in charge as a doctor, So he lets her be, He is still busy with making a plan, It's just for to that he should be properly dressed.

Not only because he didn't want to give Sandra a visual representation of what happened here which would throw water over all his work but also because he was really feeling cold.

"Oh, here it is, Cover yourself quickly, Don't catch a cold in such a situation."

Liza, hearing Alex quickly got up and brought the dress her hidden guards brought to him.

They delivered it to her way before putting it outside the door. She brought it in and put it on the desk so Alex would not be embarrassed.

So she just reached out to the table and gave the dress to Alex while still monitoring his pluses.

Alex let her be, He quickly stood up and put his dress on ready to start his acting to save his ass.

"Thank yo-*Cough* *Cough* *Huff*."

Alex, going through the plan in his mind decided to follow through with it, while thanking Liza burst out in bad coughing. He was trying to stop it but just was not able to.

His breath became haggard and even his spiritual power started fluctuating from going low to high without any restrictions. There was a tiny amount of blood also coming out while coughing.


Liza panicked seeing his condition, He was on the brink of losing all his spiritual powers. If that happens, Her nightmare will become reality. He would either go into a vegetative state or die.

She doesn't know what is worse, She doesn't want anything like that to happen, So she is ready to use the forbidden arts of medics from her family heritage on Alex.

That art does not have any fancy names. It's just called forbidden healing art but the power of it is too scary. Even if the person is helpless and is on the brink of dying, that technique can save them.

The only price is that the user will lose their ability to ever use that skill technique again, So it's only a one-time use thing.

There is a clear rule in families that this technique is only allowed to be used when it's a matter of the user's life and death or their family is in danger, Other than that they can't use it.

That is why this is a forbidden technique and the White family is clear about that, because if someone broke that rule they forever lose the ability to inherit the family.

And if the head of the family like Liza wastes it then though she would not be dethroned because of it but she would have to face severe punishment for it by the elders in the family but Liza does not care at this moment.

All she knew was that to save Alex, She couldn't allow harm to befall on him, Not when she had the power to prevent it.

'Got it, It's Sandra.'

While Liza was in a panic, Alex who was paying attention to the outside sensed the hurried moment of pulling something out which he guessed was a smartphone as after which the person outside started typing on the device.

This is the reaction he knows Sandra would do, After all for some reason FL always has some hidden connections with people outside her pay grade.

She should be calling them out inviting him into more trouble but he this is a sacrifice he has to make to make FL bend her views on the harem, So it is worth it.

"Liza stop don't use that, See I am fine, It just happens whenever I run low on mana, Now that I recovered it would be fin-"

*Burst Open"

"Alex, are you alright? Where is blood? Are you hurt? Show it to me."

Alex after confirming that it was Sandra decided to stop acting and go for fixing the issue with her but while he walked talking to Liza the door of the ward burst open and with worried teary eyes Grace rushed inside the ward.

She quickly made her way towards him and started checking for injuries. She became more panicked when she saw traces of blood on his hand and the corner of his lips.

Alex's mind went blank as he did not consider the obvious possibility of Grace and Sandra both standing together outside, Even though it was he who asked Sandra to take care of Grace.

'That dumbass is still affecting me.'

Alex put all the blame for this mistake on the poor Rose, Who did nothing other than believe stupidity is an infectious disease, What is her fault in it that she is stupid? Blame her mother if you have guts for the poor genes.

Now he didn't know how to react. His plan is fixable but it is still going to change many unpredictable variables.

Even if Grace has blind love for him, he can't take her for granted. Not only would it hurt her feelings but it might even awaken some strange things in her.

He likes her as she is, A pretty woman who is wholeheartedly in love with him and can do anything for him. What else more he can ask for?

'Wait! Why am I panicking? Just a slight change in the plan not going to hurt, It is the same way to deal with Sandra just have to change a few dialogues for Grace.'

Alex after a brief moment of panic comes to the realization that he has nothing to feel panic about.

Yeah, he can't take Grace for granted but he also does not have rigid conditions for her, She is not that strong-headed, He can handle both of these women simultaneously.

He can even use both Liza and Grace's views on harem to influence Sandra, So at the end of the day this new revelation is going to work in his favor, doesn't it?

It can even put him one step ahead to tame the FL. This made Alex joyful because this was a surprise for sure but a welcome one.


Well, His joy did not last long because Xiao Bai who was sleeping in the chair a while ago suddenly opened her eyes and started growling at the ward door intently.

'Oh please god don't.'

The moment Alex saw that his face turned white, He started praying in his heart that don't let it be what he thinks it is, He would be happy if it was anything else other than his nightmare.


But alas, how can a villain be that lucky? While standing still praying he felt the very ominous aura spread across him, When he felt that he knew.

'I am fucked up, Aren't I?'