

At the entrance of the Tartus Dungeon, Jake's group stood out among the various adventurers seeking to enter.

Jake's tall and decently muscular figure made him seem like a warrior. However, he was wearing black robes and seemed like a dangerous mage instead.

Other than him, all three women around him were pretty. A black-haired busty woman, an extremely beautiful priestess, and a mysterious redhead with pale skin.

They all didn't have any weapons and there seemed to be no porter. Where did they keep their supplies? The surrounding adventurers couldn't help but be perplexed.

But what made their eyes wide were obviously the centaurs. Tall and large humanoid creatures whose assets confused the male adventurers' little brothers. These were obviously beasts, but something about those buttocks and breasts…

''Is this how centaurs look like? I thought they were half horses…''

''D-Damn, I wouldn't mind having…''

Jake could hear the mutterings of the adventurers. He paid them no heed and entered the dungeon. The women followed from behind.

Maybe it was because of his presence or the bizarre centaurs, no one tried messing with Jake's group.

''It really is at the 2nd Tier, the mana here is thicker than even our dungeon…'' Perry looked around, holding her staff.

They descended through the large stone stairs and reached the first floor. Their footsteps echoed in the area lit by low-grade mana crystals.

These were purposely left by adventurers for illumination. It was an unwritten rule to not mine the crystals on the ceiling.

''It looks tidy.'' Erin commented.

The stone walls of this floor looked old. There was a smell of blood and flesh coming out of them. Evil mana contaminated this place, even though it appeared clean.

Tak… Tak…

While walking, Jake looked around with interest. Ruxa came beside him and said, ''Master, the monsters in this floor aren't worth mentioning. I know a way from where we can just enter the 2nd floor.''

Then she walked ahead. Ruxa seemed more confident inside the dungeon.

Jake put his hands inside his pockets and followed her. Actually, he wasn't worried about dungeon monsters in the slightest.

'There is no need to waste time by killing the mobs, is there?' He thought and spread a bit of his 4th Circle aura.

This immediately made the goblins ahead, who were ready to ambush Jake's group, flee in terror. Though that wasn't his intention.

In the 71st Floor of the Tartus Dungeon, there was a deep blue castle floating over a thick forest. Large iron chains connected the floating castle with the floor's walls from all sides.

It was dark and cold inside a secret chamber of Herion Castle. Brittle silence, that could be broken any time, filled the place.

In this chamber, a tall man in a pitch black cloak floated just over the floor as if he was a ghost.

''Master, it's urgent!'' A boyish voice rang in his ear, sounding panicked.

''I know, Lith.'' Sren said after a few seconds, his voice reverberating inside the secret chamber. ''I can sense him.''

With a wave of his hand, bulbs of white light sprouted in the air, illuminating the whole chamber. The Dark Mage turned around after that.

Intricately patterned blue pillars connected the floor with the chamber's ceiling. There were various iron tables inside on which unknown magical equipment were kept.

Blood was dripping from the edge of one large table in the middle. A naked woman lay unconscious on it.

She appeared to be no older than 20. The young woman had black hair and a wide forehead. Her nose was pointy just like her chin and ears.

She had a perfect hourglass body as if God had crafted her personally. It looked almost artificial. However, despite the curvy, wide hips and perky breasts of this unconscious beauty, Sren showed no attraction.

In his eyes, she was nothing more than a creature he created with inhuman methods.

A homunculus.

This beautiful girl would be a perfect sex doll, but using a 4th Circle Homcunculus just for debauchery was a waste. This lucky creation was far, far more useful than that.

''Wake up, Fiona. I have a task for you,'' Sren called, as if he was invoking a spell.

Just as soon as he finished his sentence, a pink tattoo just below her belly button glowed bright red.

Fiona's bright brown eyes shot open, and she immediately cried in a sharp, cute voice.


''Wake up, my girl,'' Sren's tone became warm. He went to the homunculus and touched her forehead. ''Daddy wants you to kill someone.''

''Kill? No, Fiona can't do it!'' She violently shook her head, laying flat on the table. This child-like behavior didn't suit her sexy, mature body.

''You can, just believe in the powers I gave you,'' Sren cajoled her with a warm tone, even stroking her forehead.

''Daddy believes in me…?'' Fiona slowly lifted her body and caught the mage's bony hand.

''Uhum, of course I do.'' Sren smiled widely. He stretched his right hand and a staff suddenly flew to him.

Catching it, the Dark Mage muttered a few incantations and some bulbs of light in the chamber formed into one. Then, images began to appear on it. Jake and his group could be clearly seen.

''Kill him, my girl. He is a demon.'' Sren pointed at Jake with his staff. Fiona looked closely and suddenly flinched as Jake glanced at her through the image.

There was a smirk on his face, and that made the homunculus smile innocently. The mage waved his staff, collapsing the image into a white light again.

​ ''Will daddy reward me with more painful things if I kill him?'' Fiona asked in a childish tone.

''I will surely do.''

''Yay!'' The homunculus cheered, lifting her hands. She seemed genuinely happy. Getting off the table, the young woman even danced like a girl who just got candy.

Then she stopped and crouched below Sren. With a cheeky smile, Fiona brought her beautiful face close and said, ''Slap me, daddy.''


Sren slapped her left cheek without hesitation. Unfortunately, Fiona's physical stats were way higher than his. The mage's hand hurt instead, and he grimaced in pain. Sren was still a 4th Circle Dark Mage.

Seeing the unsatisfied pout of the homunculus, he this time used a dark spell to increase his strength and again slapped her.

''Ah~'' Fiona's knees slid back a few inches and a thin line of blood leaked from her mouth.

''Huff, now… huff, go kill the demon.'' Sren ordered, taking deep breaths.

''Yes, daddy!'' The homunculus sweetly smiled with a red cheek.

Then she stood up and turned around. Her plump booty jiggled as she kicked the ground. Fiona was still naked and didn't care about her appearance at all.

With inhuman speed, the female homunculus swept herself out of Herion Castle, heading straight for the lower floors.

The Dark Mage sighed loudly after she was gone and hit the castle's floor with his staff. A black and white magic circle appeared below him.

With grating sounds, the pillars inside moved and the secret chamber turned into a throne room. Sren climbed the stairs and sat on the throne.

He leaned on one side and closed his eyes. Using his authority as the dungeon master, he sent a message to the other two 4th Circle beings below.

''A high-ranking demon has entered our dungeon. I have sent someone to deal with him. If she fails, it is your duty to stop him.''

On the 42nd floor, Kaine, a 4th Circle Werewolf closed his eyes and replied in a hoarse voice, ''Naturally. I have fought some demons. If he even alarmed you, then he must be at least of the 4th Circle… An Earl.''

On the 56th floor, Nyssa emerged from her bedchamber. Dark green scales covered half of her breasts and her cunt. Tens of long snakes on her forehead arranged themselves into a crown.

They hissed collectively, affected by her mood. The gorgon bit her red lips and spoke in human language, ''A deemoon? Cccould ittt be hiim…? Hisss…''

On the 5th Floor, Erin cut through hordes of gremlins. She was like a blood warrior, uncaring about her own damages.

Taking lethal attacks to kill her opponents. She would let their spears and daggers cut her, and in return rip their heads off, drinking their blood to recover herself completely.

As long as she could drink blood, she was basically invulnerable. A 3rd Circle Vampire among these 1st Circle creatures was a slaughter machine.

There was no battle happening, it was a one-sided massacre.

''Master, there is a trap in this floor which directly teleports us to the lair of an ogre on the 23rd Floor,'' Ruxa informed, coming beside him.

Jake was taking it easy and examining the layout of the dungeon. If he rushed, he would be able to easily reach the 56th floor today.

'Is this dungeon master ignoring me?' Jake looked below and spread his senses as far as possible.

The dungeon's walls blocked most of his Magipathy and he could only sense up to the 7th floor. It was already an immense distance.

At this moment, Erin finished all the gremlins. Actually, Jake could have just scared them away, but she wanted to fight.

''This is boring,'' Jake said, and the women looked in his direction.

A surge of evil mana flowed toward their master's hand as he stretched it forward. The next second, a loud boom thundered throughout the floor.

The front wall blocking them suddenly exploded into multiple pieces. Jake walked ahead and kicked the debris.

''Now then Ruxa, where is that trap?''

''Y-Yes!'' She immediately walked forward and led the group through the corridors. There were torches burning on either side, giving sufficient light.

As Jake and his group walked, more gremlins tried attacking them, but the centaurs fired multiple arrows, quickly killing the monsters.

''Here it is!'' Ruxa suddenly stopped and pointed ahead.

There was a treasure box ahead guarded by a 2nd Circle Gremlin. Any unsuspecting adventurer would just kill the monster to get the loot.

One could argue that this treasure was deserved after killing all the gremlins in the way. If the box was unguarded and in the middle of a road, then that would be suspicious.

But this was clearly not the case. That's where the judgment of amateur adventurers would go wrong. The tactics involved here mildly impressed Jake.

Most often than not, those entering a dungeon would forget that the whole purpose of this place was to lure 'food' for monsters.

''Well, what are we waiting for?'' Jake asked. For others it would be a trap, but for him and his group, this was a shortcut instead.

He quickly pointed ahead and shot a Shadow Spear. Surprisingly, the gremlin managed to dodge it.

''Kirrk… Gowarrh…''

''What's it saying?'' Bella asked.

''What what?'' Ella followed.

These twins always spoke like this.

''It's surrendering, how clever…'' Jake could understand the gremlin because of his passive [Monster Tongue] ability.


At his call, the priestess nodded and walked forward. Jake didn't let anyone else go ahead.

''I'm really jealous, how does she walk like that…'' Erin muttered, looking at Perry naturally swaying her hips.

As the priestess went closer, the 2nd Circle Gremlin hesitated. It then got on its knees in submission.

''Krrirkk… Rarrgh…'' The monster smiled, signaling that it meant no harm. Perry smiled back, as if she believed the monster.

''Gwarrhh!'' The gremlin kicked the ground and swiped its knife at Perry.

[Unholy Shield]!

A metallic sound rang out, and the monster went several steps away. Perry's eyes glowed with a ruthless glint and she began chanting.

In a few seconds, wounds began appearing on the gremlin's body. As it cried and pleaded, Jake couldn't help but be disappointed.

''Kirrk…'' A pool of blood formed under the green monster with large ears. Multiple curses were slowly killing it.

Suddenly, a bright purple light appeared from the treasure box behind. Jake could immediately sense the spatial fluctuations.

He turned into a blur and caught Perry, effortlessly breaking through her barrier. However, he wasn't fast enough to back away, letting the purple light envelop both him and her.


Ruxa and Erin cried at once and ran ahead. Bella and Ella followed them almost immediately and also entered the purple light.

Their visions changed almost immediately and the cry of a 3rd Circle Ogre assaulted their ears.

Perry was standing a bit ahead with closed eyes. She was still stabilizing herself. This was the first time she had experienced teleportation and her brain was taking time to adapt to the sudden change in the surroundings.

Jake, however, was quick to adapt because of his superior intelligence and will. He immediately targeted the ogre after reaching her.

Jake's first instinct was to manipulate its emotions, and he did just that, making the monster fear him. However, that only made the ogre more aggressive as it felt threatened.

''Orrghh!'' The 3rd Circle Orge lifted its huge club and slammed it at Jake who vanished into an afterimage.

The ground shook, and some dust fell from the ceiling. Erin, Ruxa and the centaurs, who had just arrived here, began coughing as the dust filled the air.


Ruxa's hair became longer, and she swept it around, cutting through the dust. Her vision fell on her master who was effortlessly dodging the ogre's attacks.

Booming sounds echoed around as the monster slammed its club on the floor multiple times, not noticing that a large dark fire had appeared behind it.

Like a serpent grabbing its prey, the fire spread to the giant ogre's back and began eating it.

Before it could do anything, the fire spread all over the monster's body. It began crying in agony as bits and pieces of its body disappeared.

At this moment, Jake heard a notification saying that the skill 'Dark Fire' had leveled up again. It was now at the max level 10.

According to the system, the next level up would increase the grade of the skill to Unique. Jake was curious what it would become.

As he dismissed the skill panel, he found the ogre was dead now. Jake went outside of the monster's lair and looked at the scene.

The ceiling had a bright blob of light which illuminated a forest. It looked like a miniature sun. This magical light took up most of this floor's mana.

''Master, the 23rd floor has a tribe of Orcs living. I don't know much about them as we of the Fel Tribe usually stayed way lower…'' Ruxa walked beside Jake.

''Orcs?'' He smirked. These were creatures he had dealt with in his own dungeon.

Jake looked at the expanse of woods ahead. The forest was small and he could sense the settlement of the orcs in the middle.

By sensing the pathway of mana, Jake knew that the way down was in the Orc settlement.

In this forest, there were other types of monsters as well, possibly food for the orcs to hunt. But Jake didn't want to waste his time by dealing with them.

''Let's go.''

He took flight and flew through the trees. Erin followed him by foot. Because of her high agility, she could keep up with Jake.

But Ruxa and Perry weren't that fast. They instead mounted the twin centaurs. Bella and Ella had legs powerful enough to catch up to their master.


About two hours ahead from where Jake and his group were, a team of D and E rank adventurers hid in the bushes. They were just outside the Orc village.

''Hey Soma, do you think we can take them on? There are two 3rd Circle-''

''Of course, we can… Mrrmm, look at those boobs~'' Using magically enhanced glasses, Soma was examining the orcs.

However, the way he replied was suspicious. The other team members couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. In their Rising Seven adventuring party, only captain Quinn was at the 3rd Circle.

Although all others were elite 2nd Circle adventurers with years of experience, they weren't sure if they could defeat another 3rd Circle Orc.

''I heard there is a shaman in this group as well. That freak Cain from Tensteel Party was talking about her in the guild…'' A short dwarf warrior with a muscular build said.

This made his comrades even more unsure. They all turned to their captain. If he said to return to the surface, then they would all oblige.

''Are we really giving up after coming all the way here? Once we reach the 24th Floor, we can rest in Pitts Town! Think about it, an E-Rank party has never reached there!'' The group's thief tried encouraging his friends.

For Tarik, adventuring was all about seeking thrills and reaching new places. The reason he joined the Rising Seven party was because captain Quinn was a brave leader.

''Don't you want to see it for yourself? A town made by C-Rankers, a safe haven inside the dungeon!''

''And what if we die?'' Leilia, an elf ranger asked. She stopped leaning on a tree and crouched beside Soma, the mage.

''What are you looking at?'' She asked, startling him.

Soma turned to her and looked at one of his buddies, Vorden. The mage took off the magical glasses and passed it to his friend with a wink. Vorden was a heavy swordsman.

Taking the round spectacles from Soma, he wore them and focused his gaze ahead. As soon as Vorden willed to look faraway, his sight got enhanced.

He could see the orcs entering and exiting their stone houses. Some walked the village roads with their hunt. However, just like Soma, his eyes also fell on the female orcs.

''They are a little different… Damn…''

''Right?'' Soma snickered.

''You two, stop playing around. Have you located anything the orcs are actively guarding?'' Quinn appeared out of the bushes and asked.

''Yes!'' Vorden answered and took off the glasses. He passed it to the dwarf warrior who was curious.

However, instead of looking forward, he was facing back when he wore it.

''Wha- Someone is coming our way!'' Gerald shouted as soon as he wore the magical glasses.

''He's flying!''

''What nonsense are you spouting?''

''He really is… and t-there is a black shadow below him!'' Gerald stumbled behind.

At this moment, one orc suddenly noticed the disturbances in the bushes ahead.

He walked forward with only a piece of cloth covering his crotch. The orc had a crude, long spear in hand.

''Who's there?!'' The orc guard shouted in his language and thrusted the spear ahead.

Suddenly, his feet felt cold. Before he could move them, the coldness spread to the orc's legs, freezing his body.

''Enem-'' A thin icicle passed through his temple and the orc fell on the bushes.

Whispers flowed in the place the orc had died. The dead body was nowhere to be seen, someone seemed to have pulled it. The adventurers were worried about the incoming person.

''Could it be a B-Rank adventurer?''

''Here, see for yourself…''

Leilia put on the glasses and looked back. She could clearly see Jake's speeding figure. Seeing him ten feet over the ground made her cry in surprise. Gerald was right!

A bit farther away, Jake smiled and informed Erin who was running below. ''It seems this place has visitors already. I see some adventurers ahead, hiding in the bushes. They are probably planning to raid the orc settlement.''

''What do we do with them, master?'' She asked.

''I don't think we have to do anything. They'll stay out of my way if they know what's better,'' Jake replied and sped up.n𝔒𝚟𝑬-𝓁𝒷/In

Shockwaves broke the tree branches below as he disappeared ahead. Erin pouted and increased her speed, but she couldn't catch up to her master.

Jake appeared before the hiding adventurers within 10 seconds. His arrival brought a large booming sound which immediately alerted the orcs.

The trees surrounding Jake were blasted away due to the shockwave. The adventurers below shrieked. Soma and Eliah, the two mages, quickly created a magical shield to protect everyone.

As the shockwaves disappeared, they saw a tall and handsome man leisurely descend from the air. Just his aura made it difficult to breathe. Quinn immediately realized that this was someone at the 4th Circle.

''Hmm, are you a team?'' Jake asked.

''Yes, s-sir…'' Tarik stuttered as he replied.

Jake looked at each one of them and waved his hand. ''Do whatever, just don't get in our way.''

''Our…?'' The adventurers looked around in confusion. At this moment, they heard a sharp female voice coming from the same direction.

''No fair, master!''

A beautiful woman came running and immediately hugged the tall man from behind. The adventurers couldn't help but be stunned.

To have such speed, she must be at the 3rd Circle. Such a woman was calling this handsome man a 'master.' He had to have a high status.

''Alright, release me,'' Jake said, looking at the orcs pouring out of the village with swords, spears, and clubs.

Erin snuggled for a few more seconds, suggestively pressing her breasts on his back. She unwrapped her hands after that and stood beside him.

Cries of orc warriors filled the place as they came to battle the intruders.

Quinn knew things were out of his control now. Having faith in the mysterious high-ranking man, he commanded his teammates to get in position.

''Unnecessary.'' Jake snapped his fingers and black blobs of light emerged behind him. Shadow Spears appeared from those blobs and shot toward the orcs.

As he walked forward unhindered, the adventurers were left in shock. To this man, the orcs were like insects. 1st or 2nd Circle, under the barrage of shadow spears, no orc could do anything.

The dumb ones tried shielding themselves with wooden boards in vain, and the smart ones ran away in different directions. The defense of the orcs was broken within a few minutes.

While the adventurers were still processing this scene, they heard more voices calling from behind.



Soma immediately turned around hearing that word. When he saw the centaurs, the mage couldn't help but doubt his own eyes.

''What the…''

Running at a high speed, Bella and Ella's breasts jiggled continuously. It made for an extremely alluring scene. As a womanizer, Soma was completely captured by the centaurs' beautiful figures.

However, seeing more beautiful women riding these centaurs snapped him out of his trance. He gulped and peeked at Jake. Such pretty women with great bodies were calling this man master…

Not just him, but all other men in the adventuring party felt a pang of jealousy. Successfully wooing even one of these women was like striking gold. They would definitely brag all over the town if they got someone like the redhead from earlier.

As the centaurs reached their place, Leilia, and Quinn gave way for them to pass.

''Man, look at them…'' Vorden came beside Soma and whispered into his ears. The mage smiled bitterly and shook his head.

''We are worlds apart from that man…''

A bit ahead, Jake entered the orc village and looked around. He had transformed into his true form and even equipped his Demon Earl title, but that wasn't enough it seemed.

Other times, lesser creatures like orcs would bow to him immediately. Within those of the evil alignment, there was a distinct class or hierarchy system. Obviously, demons or devils were at the top of the pyramid.

But because these orcs obeyed only the Tartus Dungeon master and acted according to his orders, Jake had to use force until they submitted.

''It is presumptuous that they even tried stopping you, master.'' Erin said, looking at the panicked orcs in disdain.

Not every orc was a warrior. Seeing the demon's domineering way of dealing with them, the monsters no longer tried stopping him.

''The humans are following,'' Ruxa informed, looking behind.

''Ignore them,'' Jake said and glanced around.

He was pleasantly surprised by the number of orcs in this village. However, when his gaze fell on some female orcs, Jake was more surprised.

''Master?'' Perry noticed that gaze and followed it. Realizing what he was thinking, she covered her mouth.

''Looks like this group of orcs is a bit different…'' Jake smirked.

The orc women in front of him looked rather feminine. Crude leather shorts tightened their wide hips, and monster hide covered their ample breasts.

These green-skinned women had naturally fit bodies. The curvy figures of these female orcs screamed strength and fertility.

Compared to the orcs back in his dungeon, the ones here had human faces. Jake actually found them attractive.

''...And breedable,'' he muttered.

At this moment, he sensed a noticeable mana signature at the 3rd Circle. Jake looked to his right and found some tall orcs heading this way.


An extremely sexy orc woman in the middle caught his attention. She was wearing a brown leather outfit and had the lower half of her face covered.

The black-haired woman was carrying a staff with 8 bells. They rang melodiously as she walked, powerfully swaying her round hips.

'This must be the Orc Shamaness.' Jake smiled, seeing the nipples of her chest mounds poking her tight clothing.

The woman's dress had slits on both sides of her hips, letting her supple thighs move freely. Her outfit's cut around the belly showed rough, symmetrical pecs.

Jake noticed the piercing on the shamaness' belly button. This and the numerous tattoos around her body added extra layers of sexiness.

Two tall and muscular Orcs walked beside her, dwarfing the shamaness. She appeared petite in comparison to the 3rd Circle giants around her.

''Greetings, Venerable Earl.''

The orcs arrived and knelt before him. The shamaness spoke in demon language, surprising Jake. He really hadn't thought a mere orc would know it.

''Impressive, you know my tongue.'' Jake motioned them to stand up. ''You may introduce yourself.''

''Thank you for the praise, venerable. I am Shel 'al Furah. What brings you to our village today?''

Only the shamaness stood up and asked. Jake could already taste her agitation as she spoke, but Shel hid the sound of it rather well. Jake had expected this shamaness to have a deeper voice, but it was quite soft.

''What if I say that I'm raiding this dungeon and stepped on some bugs?'' He walked ahead and casually examined this orc lady's stony brown eyes.

''T-Then there is no problem with it, Venerable Earl.'' The shamaness trembled and flinched under his domineering gaze. The village orcs in the surroundings were left in shock.

In all orc tribes, strength is respected above all. And not even the best warriors in this village could deter Shel. That had been the shame of all male orcs who wanted to mate with her.

Without proving that they were stronger than her, no orc could have a chance. This was the tradition. To appeal to a female, a male orc had to be more powerful. Seeing how effortlessly Jake made Shel submit, the orcs were bound to be shocked.


Bella trotted beside Jake. Ruxa was sitting on her. She informed him of the way to the lower floor. Last time, she and Sapheisa had exited the dungeon with a special pass. Her mistress had spoken with the Dungeon Master for it.

Shel actually remembered Ruxa, this gorgon's face. She looked at the demon who stood two heads taller than her and made speculations in mind.

''We probably won't reach the 56th floor in a day. Why don't we rest in this village for a few hours?'' Perry suggested, thinking that she knew what her master wanted.

However, she was this time wrong. Jake had come here to meet Nyssa and this dungeon's master. If possible, he wanted to make them his subordinates and take control of this entire dungeon.

Although he was definitely interested in the orcs, now was not the time to fuck around. That would be foolish as a battle could happen anytime if that mysterious dungeon master willed.

'There are certainly a lot of breedable monsters in here, but the fun has to be postponed...' He thought and shook his head, looking at the women.

"So that's how it is… Haven't you brought me more trouble then, Fel Mistress?"

"I did not expect him to come here personally… The demon only sent an imp the last time. I had captured it on the 5th Floor…" Nyssa replied.

As Sren was unable to understand her when she spoke human language, he had to use [Mind Talk] with her to communicate. By speaking on the level of thoughts, the language barrier did not exist.

"A 4th Circle Demon, I do not think that werewolf can fend him…"

"You underestimate Kaine!" The Dark Mage laughed. "Besides, I have sent my trump card to deal with him…"

"Hiss… If you say so, dungeon master." Nyssa seemed reluctant to call him that. "But are you really going to let him roam free inside?"

"He is a fool to enter someone else's dungeon knowing what tier it is at." Sren stood up from his throne and walked downstairs.

"I shall see what this arrogant demon is capable of. Let him come and exhaust himself. At that time, I will strike…"

The Dark Mage didn't say anything after that. He cut the call and flew out of Herion Castle, going lower and lower until he reached the forest below.

There was a cave under a thick, old tree. The mana coming out from there would've sped up Jake's heartbeat. It was immense and powerful.

Wearing the hood of his cloak, the dark mage entered the cave. A deep staircase led down to the place which seemed like an abyss.

Even though this was not the first time he went there, Sren was just as nervous and excited.

Without taking the staircase, he let himself fall freely. One of the rings on his fingers glowed with a red light at this moment.

Numerous mana crystals lightened up the surroundings as soon as he went past them.

After a full minute of free falling, Sren landed on a white plastered ground.

This place looked like the insides of a long-lost temple. It was the deepest region of the Tartus dungeon, the 72nd Floor.

"Master, she is awake!" A blonde boy with translucent wings flew to Sren and informed him.

The mage nodded seriously and followed this Dungeon Fairy. Lith was the only one who knew about this secret other than him.

Flying forward, they reached a humongous door with bloody murals on its surface. It exerted a certain pressure even on Sren, the master of this dungeon.

"Open!" Lith pointed at the door and shouted in a boyish voice.

The ancient door, which appeared like it wouldn't budge at all, immediately creaked open at that single spell.

An overwhelming pressure washed over the mage and the fairy, but they stood their ground.

Inside this chamber, a red-haired teen was chained to the ground by numerous adamantine mana-sealing chains.

The girl appeared like a delicate flower which invoked feelings of protection from anyone who saw her.

When she weakly opened her amber eyes, Sren felt an intense desire to serve her, but he suppressed that feeling.

''Kuh…'' The mage breathed heavily and thought, 'Such a powerful aura, she is indeed a pureblooded Crimson Dragon…'

Jake didn't spare any time to corrupt the Orc Shamaness. It would be a waste not to taste her.

Actually, these orcs would fit better in his dungeon. They seemed more intelligent than the ones he bought from the system.

Jake had already claimed the entire tribe in his mind. With the shamaness under his grasp, the others would follow one way or another.

"Lead us to the 24th Floor," Jake said, getting on top of Bella. Perry and Erin rode Ella.

"What about those humans, Venerable Earl?" Shel asked, pointing at the adventurers behind.

Jake turned his head and glanced at them briefly.

"They aren't related to us," he said. "You can do anything you wish. Though if they turn hostile, just say I own you from now on."

The centaurs walked forward as the Orc Shamaness bowed, presenting her tattooed cleavage.

Ruxa knew the way down to the 24th floor. It was through an abandoned building in the orc village.

Going through the spiral staircase was difficult for the centaurs, but they managed to descend without tripping.

Every time Bella trotted forward, Jake's pelvis would press Ruxa's ass. Knowing that he liked the softness, she lifted her buttocks and leaned on his chest.

Erin looked at them with jealous eyes the whole time they descended downstairs.

After half an hour, the group finally left the black staircases and reached the 24th floor.

It was a dark area lit by dim red gems glowing on the ceiling. The land here seemed parched and unfertile.

"Ah~ Master…" Ruxa moaned as Jake fondled her breasts. "T-The monsters on this floor have been mostly cleared already…"

"The work of adventurers, isn't it?" Jake squeezed her juicy melons.

"Yes, there is a city ahead…"

The centaurs began running again. The air in this floor got warmer the more they ran ahead.

The dim red crystals were replaced by bright blue ones. Some grasses began appearing on the ground below.

Jake focused his gaze ahead and saw a faint outline of a settlement. It had yellow brick walls and houses.

"So that's Pitts Town." Erin's mouth watered as she thought of the various adventurers residing there.

She should've taken some bites from the earlier adventurers on the 23rd floor.

As they reached closer to the town ahead, Jake suddenly sensed something dangerous underground.

"Careful!" He warned everyone and told the centaurs to stop.


Cracks burst open in the hard ground, startling Bella and Ella. Both twins raised their front legs and cried in panic, exhibiting horse-like behaviors.

Jake got off Bella's back and flew up. He paid close attention to the human hand reaching out from one of the larger cracks.

"And… there!"

That sweet girly voice surprised everyone including Jake. However, the authentic aura of a 4th Circle being plastered seriousness back to his face.

He placed close attention to the young woman reaching out from the crack. As she shot herself out and landed safely, Jake frowned.

This young woman had a body which could only be described as the sculpture of human perfection. A face so beautiful, it reminded Jake of AI generated women.

He wasn't bothered by her naked appearance, but something about her delicate-looking skin seemed off. Jake could hardly see any veins even with his enhanced sight.

"Who are you?!" Erin asked, getting into a battle position. She wasn't afraid to fight this 4th Circle woman.

"Me? Ehe~ I'm Fiona and I am here to kill the demon-'' The homunculus immediately backed away as a sharp Shadow Spear got pinned in her previous location.

"Ah, that looks painful…" The young woman bit her forefinger and innocently stared at the disappearing spear.

"But Fiona likes pain!" With an excited shout, the naked girl kicked the ground.

Huge cracks appeared again, and she instantly reached before Jake, who was in the air.

'What?!' Even he was surprised. Before his reflexes could act, a punch landed on his chest.

The fist of such a seemingly weak hand packed extreme power. Jake's body, which he prided for his great physique, was plastered to the ground with that single punch.

A jolt of pain assaulted him from all ends. However, he suppressed the pain and patted the ground, quickly getting up.

''Daddy told me to kill you, so…'' Mana gathered around the homunculus' right hand, forming into a pink ball. Jake had a bad feeling about this.


A thick beam of raw magical energy shot from Fiona's hand. Its intensity terrified even Erin. She worriedly glanced at her master, only to see that he was covered by a black spherical shield.

Jake didn't know what type of attack it was. But thankfully, the versatile shield could block it. However, cracks were already beginning to appear on it.

Although Sphere of Darkness could block any type of attack, whether it be physical, mental or energy attack. It could still be broken through raw power.

Such was the case when he fought Ash Harley. The sphere could even defend against his holy attacks, which were fatal to creatures of evil alignment. But because the power behind that had gone farther than what the skill was capable of handling, it broke.

'This isn't good… Who the heck is this Fiona girl?' Jake lifted his right hand and a large, dark scythe materialized quickly.

At the same time, his sphere of darkness suddenly faded with the sound of glasses breaking. This stunned Perry who had a pretty good grasp of her master's powers.

She hurriedly began chanting and provided a buff to Jake.


He blocked the pink beam with Black Reaper's blade and kicked the ground, nearing the homunculus. Jake was racking his brains to find this naked young woman's weakness.

He wanted to use [Demon Eye] to check her status, but any second of distraction could have him dead. A fight at the level of 4th Circle happened with instantaneous reactions.

''Back off, everyone!'' He sent this order to the women through Magipathy. They quickly obeyed him, knowing that this wasn't a fight they could interfere in.

Multiple booming sounds echoed in the floor as Jake and Fiona took the fight further away. He couldn't help but think that this girl might be dumb. She wasn't targeting his prime weakness, the women he came with.

''Die! Die! Why don't you die already, demon?!'' The homunculus threw tantrums like a child and kicked him powerfully.

Jake used Blood Control in reflex to stop the blood flow on her left leg. Still, the kick landed on his body. He tightly clenched on Fiona's thigh as jolts of painful vibration passed through his body.

A cracked dent appeared on the ground and debris shot up.

Jake could feel his bones break as he resisted that attack. This woman had to have ridiculous strength. Some blood leaked from his mouth and his legs trembled.

He clenched his teeth, tasting iron… but suddenly, his tongue sent a disgustingly bitter taste.

''Sniff… Sniff… Why? Just why don't you die?!'' Fiona began crying as she saw the demon still standing.

Jake was caught off guard. It was so unexpected; he took a few good seconds to process just what was happening.

'Now's the chance!' He quickly backed off from the naked girl and use [Demon eye] on her. 

[Name: Fiona]

[Species: Homunculus (Perfect)]

[Rank: 4th Circle]

[Title(s): The Broken Doll (Passive Pain Resistance, Temporarily Heightened Emotions, +20 Mana), Artificial Life (+10 Vitality, Increased Body Durability, -40 Reputation Among Nature-loving and Religious Creatures)]

[Job: Battle Mage]

[Strength: 491 / Agility: 455 / Stamina: 398 / Vitality: 387 / Intelligence: 79 / Will: 80 / Charisma: 404 / Mana: 411]

[Abilities: Magic Resistance (Uniqueーlvl. 2), Alchemic Beam (Uniqueーlvl. 4), Mana Sense (Passive), Purity Charm (Superiorーlvl. 8), Sonic Cry (Uniqueーlvl. 5), Shapeshifting (Rareーlvl. 7), Sword Hands (Rareーlvl. 5), Flesh Dissolution (Rareーlvl. 3), Synthetic Body (Uniqueーlvl. 6)...]

'So she's a homunculus… Huh? What are these stats?!' Jake couldn't believe his eyes.

For some reason, Fiona had extremely low Will and Intelligence. Jake immediately attributed that to her childish behavior and came to an interesting conclusion.

''A child homunculus with an adult body? Then it should be easy to just…'' Jake suddenly stretched out his hand and devilishly smiled. '...Corrupt her!'

With tearful eyes, Fiona was about to use a more powerful attack when [Degeneration Halo] enveloped her.


Jake noticed that instead of demonic marks appearing on her face, the pink tattoo below her belly button glowed and became dark.

''Yes, I can feel it… It hurts! It hurts so good~'' The homunculus writhed on the ground and moaned.

Jake already knew she was a masochist, but he didn't think it was to such a level. As she cried in pain, her hair became longer and black translucent wings emerged from her back.

The homunculus' brown eyes turned deep red, and she jerked her body in euphoric pleasure, as if she was having an orgasm. There was a sense of beauty in this act.

The slow movements of her legs, bending of waist, chest heaving and lip-biting was extremely alluring. Adding to that, the shrill moans and sudden giggles made her seem as if she was possessed.

Jake walked forward confidently when she abruptly ceased her acts, laying flat on the ground, twitching.

As he reached before the homunculus, she slowly got on all fours and grabbed his left leg. There was an expectant smile on her face. To her delight, Jake slowly raised his foot and stepped on Fiona's head.


'As expected…' He was familiar with the results after corrupting so many people.

Although it had been too easy to corrupt her, Fiona's stats justified that. Knowledge is power, indeed. If Jake didn't know about this homunculus' low mental attributes, he would never think of using Degeneration Halo on her.

''Yes! Step on me daddy~''

Erin, Ruxa, Perry and the twin centaurs all wore complicated expressions and looked at each other. This naked woman was more of a weirdo than 06. At least the slave girl had some pride in herself.

''Get up.'' Though he said that, Jake pressed his foot more.

Fiona struggled to follow his order. Being treated like this, however, was a turn on for her. She eventually stood up due to her superior strength and Jake pulled her hair, quickly using [Malefic Enchantment] to examine her recent memories.

''Hmm… So that's how it is…''

Jake saw the face of her 'ex-daddy', the Tartus Dungeon Master and even found out that he was Dark Mage.

Jake then went through her portion of memories about the dungeon's internal map.

'It has 72 Floors, so why is this Sren staying on the 71st?' Jake questioned himself, trying to find a reason.

There was nothing about it in Fiona's memories. The homunculus only knew that she shouldn't go there. Otherwise, her daddy would stop abusing her. Now, this threat only worked for a masochist like her.

'Do I smell some kind of secret…?' Jake couldn't help but be curious. 'What could be hidden on the last floor of this dungeon?'

He stopped pulling Fiona's hair and stroked his chin. Now he wanted to meet this dungeon master even more.

The homunculus came to her senses a few seconds later and obediently stood beside Jake.


Finally realizing that the fight was over, the other women approached him. They couldn't help but feel awkward seeing the naked homunculus. They didn't know what Fiona was and thought of her as a crazed human girl.

''Here, wear this.'' Jake threw a one piece dress at Fiona. Looking at the perplexed young woman, he sighed.

''Do you know what that is?''

''What is it, daddy?'' The homunculus innocently asked. She really had no idea about clothes in general.

That meant Sren never dressed her, treating the girl like a literal object. Though that was okay considering she was just a homunculus he created, but Jake didn't think like that.

Fiona had a soul and a humanoid body. In his books, that was an individual. Jake knew he wouldn't treat her any better, the girl liked to be physically abused.

And he liked to indulge women around him with pleasure for his own amusement and satisfaction. This was nothing new. His attitude toward Fiona would be the same as with any other woman.

'Maybe a bit different due to her extreme fetish…' Jake neared the devastatingly beautiful girl who was fumbling with the short, white dress.

''Give that to me,'' he said and Fiona quickly passed it over.

Jake untied the back laces and stretched both openings. He turned to her and said, ''Lift your leg.''

Just as she moved her left foot, Jake slapped Fiona's bare thigh, branding a red mark on it.

''The other one.''

He grasped the young woman's right foot and passed it through the dress's opening. Jake made her do the same with the left foot.

After that, he pulled the dress up, and told her to insert her hands through the straps. But the homunculus didn't know how.


A giant palm crisply spanked her plump ass and Fiona timidly whimpered. Her pussy became wet as she felt the pain.

Jake just told her to stand still and dressed her up.

''Don't forget about it,'' he said, tying the back laces. ''This is called wearing a dress.''

''Mrmm… Y-Yes, daddy~'' Fiona submissively answered as Jake glanced at her.

Because she wasn't wearing a bra, her nipples poked the dress's blouse. They were hard.

Fiona's previous master, Sren, had never made her feel this way. He indeed entertained her masochistic tendencies, but only when she asked. With Jake, however, the homunculus felt truly satisfied.

If the Dark Mage was paying attention, he would know that Fiona had already betrayed him. However, this dungeon master was busy trying to extract the powers of the chained dragon girl.

Unbeknownst to Sren, the demon had snatched his trump card!

'He seems too busy to notice our fight… But that might not last for long. I have to take the initiative, and get to the lower floors before this Dungeon Master uses full force…' Jake thought as he flew toward Pitts Town along with Fiona.

Ruxa, Perry, and Erin were riding the centaurs.

''I'll be going ahead with her.'' He sent his voice into their minds. ''You girls try to follow us on your own pace.''


''Yes, master!''

They all knew that Jake would only be slowed if he went with them. Although he wasn't in a hurry previously, now he wanted to reach the lower floors faster. The reason was most likely related to this crazed girl.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The homunculus increased her speed, and Jake followed. Flying behind her, he could see her naked bottom. Fiona wasn't wearing any panties, though Jake didn't let that distract him.

As they reached Pitts Town, Jake stopped above it and examined the place. It wasn't bad for a town made inside the dungeon. It appeared there were good masons among the adventurers.

Jake used Magipathy and briefly examined the ranks of the adventurers. Those of the higher ranks either had high mana or special physiques, thus it was easy to identify them.

After confirming that there was no one higher than 3rd Circle here, he flew past the town with Fiona. He believed Erin could protect herself and the others.

''Daddy, we can go to the 25th Floor from that door!'' She pointed at the ground after they had flown a considerable distance.

The thing great about having a flying skill was that one didn't need to deal with the grounded monsters. Unless they had some kind of precise long-range attack method, no monster could harm Jake or Fiona.

As the monsters on this floor were already cleared, they reached the entrance to Floor 25 without needing to confront even one.

'Sren can send monsters from the lower floors and destroy Pitts Town, but he hasn't done that… Is it actually beneficial to have a safe point for adventurers in one's dungeon?' Jake thought as he blasted the closed door open.

This had given him ideas about having settlements inside his own dungeon. Not just for the adventurers, but for his followers as well. Actually, why limit it to settlements? There could be cities, temples, colosseums, towers, etc.

'Alright, that's for when I return… First, let's see what this dungeon has…' Jake put those thoughts at the back of his mind and entered the 25th Floor which had a chilly atmosphere to it.

''Amazing, her mana core is still pulsating with so much mana! Can we get the dungeon to Tier 3 with it?" Sren asked the dungeon fairy.

Yvonne had been chained here before he even became the new Dungeon Master. According to Lith, this 5th Circle Crimson Dragon had been here for almost a hundred years already!

Her life force and mana was being continuously sucked even now. Yet still, she could instantly pulverize Sren if she were to be released.

"I don't think it's enough though… Master, you also know we need 5 entire cores of 2nd tier dungeons to upgrade ours."

The dark mage sighed hearing the blonde fairy. He went ahead and pulled Yvonne's hair.

The young dragon girl glared at him with her maroon eyes. Due to the restricting adamantine chains which blocked her flow of mana, and even sucked it - Yvonne was unable to use her great strength.

For her, being touched by this lowly human was too much. She wanted to burn everything. Burn this dungeon and the pests inside with her dragon breath!

"Pui!" Yvonne spat on the long-nosed man's face who was pulling her hair.

"You…!" Sren immediately used a special spell on the dragon girl to electrify her body.

He had especially derived this for the homunculus' pleasure. It was nothing but pure torture, a curse of sorts.

''Aaaaah!'' Being hit by thousands of volts was too much for her weakened body. Yvonne's body vibrated fiercely as she cried.

Even the dungeon fairy felt somewhat terrified by it. He remembered how that homunculus could take the full power of this attack and still moan in pleasure.

'Speaking of her, she should've subjugated that demon by now…' Lith used his innate connection with the dungeon and took a peek at her.

However, what he sensed was completely out of his expectations. She and that demon weren't fighting but working together?!

''Master!'' The dungeon fairy immediately alerted Sren about it. ''Something is wrong with Fiona!''

At the 31st Floor of Tartus Dungeon.


''Icicle Rain.''

Jake and Fiona cleared out the monsters on a broad hallway with relative ease. The opponents were huge worm-like green beings whose main attack was an acidic shot from their mouths.

The colorless acid was like water, except it could corrode anything. The durability of Jake's unique grade weapon, Black Reaper, went down by 1 when he blocked the acid with it a few times.

That was evidence how dangerous the acid shots were. However, as long as he stayed out of range and bombarded the monsters with magical attacks, there was no need to worry.

And Jake exactly did that. Though Fiona was more daring, going to fight them with bare hands. It didn't take a genius to figure out that she wanted to actually get burned by that acid.

''Ah~'' And it appeared she was having quite fun.

However, the homunculus suddenly stopped and backed off from the monsters. She came beside Jake and nudged his shoulders.

''Daddy, he spoke to me just now.''

''The Dungeon Master?'' Jake smiled.

''Yes… He's asking me what I'm doing!'' She seemed worried.

Fiona sometimes forgot that she was capable of fighting the Dark Mage on her own. This was most likely wired to her brain to prevent her from rebelling.

''Tell him that you're luring the demon deeper. That he is too strong and you need daddy's help,'' Jake ordered her while keeping the same smile.