


A knock was heard on the door as anon was checking out his hidden gift.

"Huh...? I told sephie not to disturb me, who can it be ?"

Anon moved towards the door and opened it.

It wasn't sephie who was knocking on the door instead it was kia.

Like a mindless puppet as soon as the door opened she entered and stood besides me.

"Master i tried to stop her but unlike a living human she didn't responded to any of my talk so i tried to stop her with brute force but it still didn't worked."

Hmmm...was that too much to make her a Mindless puppet.

But if i give her memories back it can end up in my death.

That's when my eyes fell on sephie's collar.

"That's right a slave collar."

Taking out the slave contract from the inventory i read the last line.

[The slave can only be free once it's master destroyes the contract paper. The slave collar will be opened and new slave contract will be made automatically when the next slave accepts the collar with it's will.]

Without any delay i teared the slave contract into two pieces.

"M-Master what are you doing ?" Sephie said in a startling voice as she saw me tearing the contract into two.

"I want that collar." I said with a straight face.

*Click* the collar opened immediately.

"...but master i am free now. You know i am not considered as a slave anymore and i can run away too."

"Yeah do that if you want but i don't think you will do that because you enjoy yourself in this lab more than outside." I said with a smile as i removed the collar from her neck.

"Thank you master."

"I am not your master anymore."

"Please don't say that master you are the first master I've accepted with my heart."

"With heart ?"

As soon as sephie heard her own words her face turned beet red.

"...n-n-not in that way master." She said as she hided her face.

"Hahahha....i understand."

I took the collar and locked it around kia's neck.

"Kia do you accept me as your master and willing to become my sex slave."

"Yes master."

Suddenly a light shone from the collar and blocked my view.

When i opened my eyes a new contract was floating in front of kia.

Taking the contract i stored it in my inventory and touched kia's head to give her memories back.

"Memory Alter."

[Warning: Kia's Corruption is going down]

[Kia's Corruption: 97%]


"Huh...what am I doing here ?" Kia exclaimed.

"Hello sissy~"

Seeing Anon in front of her kia suddenly got shocked.

"You what are you doing here...? I will kill you. <Fire Bullet>"

But no magic spell was working instead she got a killing pain in her head.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....my head is killing me. what is happening?"

"Just don't think of hurting me it will stop."

"*Huff-Huff* Y-You what have you done to me ?" the pain stopped and she said in an angry tone.

"Sephie why don't you tell her the rules." I said to sephie with a smile.

"Yes master."n)(O𝐕𝖊𝓛𝒷1n

"Oh no there is a lamia here....what is a monster doing here....where the hell am I ?" Kia cried out in fear.

"First rule, you can't do or think that can hurt your master in anyway intentionally."

"Second rule, Master's rule is supreme rule."

"Third Rule, Even if you are about to die you will protect master with your life."

"Fourth Rule, Follow all the rules or a very painful experience is waiting for you which you experienced already."

"...but how is that possible i have to accept the slave contract with my own will or it-" suddenly she stopped and looked at me with sussy eyes.

"What ?"

"You manipulated my will by that mind controlling spell didn't you ?" She asked in an angry tone.

"What....What are you talking about i don't know anything ?" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Don't play with me you son of a bitch."

"How can you curse your own master ? That's bad you know."

"It's not fair you can't do that to me i have a life, a reputation." She said with a grim tone.

"My father had a life too...i have a life too. You tried to kill me and killed my father. Do you think i will let you lose."

Kia looked at me with sorry eyes but didn't tried to oppose my words because that was the truth.

"I-I am sorry, i will never bear I'll intentions against you in the future please let me off this one time, please forgive me." She said as she prostated herself in front of me.

"I can't do that."

"No please don't do that i won't be able to attend the academy with this collar in my neck...my friends will never talk to me teachers will treat me like trash and i can't even imagine what wicked things those seniors will do to me."

Hmmm....should i just let her go this time.

As i was thinking that suddenly sephie spoke.

"The collar will go invisible if master wished but it's effect will still be the same." Sephie spoke.

"What ? Really ?"

"Yes, but instead it will take form of a tattoo on her stomach."

"So kia, do you want to do that or leave it like that ?" I asked with a smile but an evil one.

"B-But that's..."

"Okay that's a no let's go."

"W-wait i accept." She said in a worried manner.

"Hmm...i don't hear the proper request phrase here ?"

"I-I accept m-master."


As soon as I thought about the collar being disappear...it disappeared instantly and a ovary canal shaped tattoo formed on her stomach.


Suddenly a cry was heard from the house.

All three Sephie, Anon and Kia rushed up to the house and saw Freya running towards the back door while gia was holding her sword towards the main door.

"What the hell is happening here ?" Anon asked.

"Master run i will hold them off..." Gia said.

As soon as Anon reached the front door he saw a human like figure standing there with green skin and a horn on right corner of his forehead.

He wasn't wearing anything except a torn leather cloth on his private part. His body build looked strong, eight-pack abs and bulging muscles.


"Master, please accept my greetings, i am no.688 and i am here on leader's orders." The ogre suddenly went down on his knees and prostated himself.

When standing his height was about 8'9. He looked so scary when he was standing. I thought some random monster was rampaging my house.

"Stand up." I said in a calm tone.

All of the girls stood in one corner and if their expressions were to be described in words it would be..."What the hell is happening ?"

"Master, the troll you ordered us to bring is outside."

"Let's see."

As soon as I opened the door i saw an army of monsters kneeling down in front of me with their heads down.

That horde was enough to destroy an entire village in under 1 hour.

All the villagers were hiding in their houses as soon as they saw this horde of monsters.

Some of them were fat and big orcs and most of them were Ogres with good body builds and well maintained muscles.

I saw a big wooden carriage with a blue coloured creature tied to it.

"All of you leave the troll here and leave for the forest again."

If i kept them here for too long it will get suspicious for other villagers who will start to come out of their houses to check the condition.

"Master, no. 300 our leader has sent us here as your security force to be available at your disposal at any moment please accept us." All of them said in a rhythm as they smashed their heads on the ground.

"Whoa keep it calm...where will I keep you guys-" wait i know where i can keep them.

...and it's always good to keep them as a security back up.

"All of you start coming inside one by one." I said with a hurried expression.

I navigated them towards the laboratory.

I have two training grounds one of them is big enough to hold them...not only them i think it will be able to hold about 5x of there numbers.

Why did i even make it that big ?

Without any delay i moved all of them to the underground base.

Kia suddenly grabbed my hand and spoke.

"Don't tell me you are going to keep them here."

"I certainly am."

"How do you plan to feed them ? What will the villagers think ? How do you know if they are loyal or not ?"

"Hey stop with so many questions you won't see them ever again. Don't worry."

"But- arghhhh... whatever." Kia went to her room with an angry expression.

Entering the base i went to the training room.

"Wow....this is a good battle ground."

"Yeah master got a very big place."

"Master seems to be rich."

"Yeah this is one big-ass room."

"I would like everyone's attention here." I spoke.

All of the guys stopped talking and started hearing me with full attention.

"As you guys know you moved here from today onwards but you have to arrange your food on your own so do you guys have any idea ?" I asked.

After a moment of silence a hand was raised.


"Master we can make a tunnel to the forest so that we can hunt anytime we want and also can be present here at your disposal anytime."

Indeed a smart idea.

But i don't have enough mana to make a long enough tunnel to the forest.

"Can you guys make it on your own ?"

"Yes master that's one of the reasons why only some Selected of us are here." No.688 suddenly spoke.

"What do you mean ?"

"Master we are some choosen once that no.300 our leader Selected to come to your residence. Just like this guy here he is no.670 he is interested in blacksmithing and can become a good blacksmith if provided with an opportunity and here no.500 is our building making expert he suggested on making tunnel because he knows how to do that."

...and just like that I've had solution to more than enough problems i didn't even asked for.

Blacksmith, Monster Hunters, cooks, mages, science intrested students and Swordsman i had many sprouts that are ready to bloom into beautiful flowers but i was lacking teachers to teach them.

First work they did after coming in was starting a tunnel construction towards the nightmare forest of death.

I thought it would be impossible for me due to my mana leck but it seems possible to make an underground network now.

I will make an underground empire for myself.


"Hmm...yes Sephie."

"If you are worried about teachers then i know some guys from the slave house who can take the place just perfectly."

"Wait really ?"


I think the saying 'Just start walking, Path will open itself.' is true at the end.

But...one problem was still there. Money.

"Sephie are the potions ready ?"


"Let's go we are going to the capital now."

"Right now ?"


"...but master it's evening already we won't find anything to get a ride to the capital."

"No worries we will walk."

"A-As you say master."

I am so happy i just want to get those slave sold. 

"So basically what you are saying is this potion will increase my mana consumption but boost my recovery and strength right ?" A girl said as she looked at the blue coloured potion.

"Yes." Anon said.

"Kid do you have any proof for what you claim ?"

"Yep, just try it out."

"What if it's poison ?"

"You are an alchemist you should know what a poison potion looks like." Sephie spoke.

"Okay okay i will try it but if this thing didn't worked i will not pay even a single penny for this."

"Cool just try it." Anon agreed.


Within one second aur around her changed and mana flow was increased around her body.

"This....Did you make this ?" She said as she looked at sephie.

This girl in front of us is also a lamia but not an ordinary lamia she works for the biggest Alchemy Company in the outer capital "Alchemy Bakers."

She is an elder here who i requested to meet in urgent.

"No, Master made this first one but others are made by me."

Suddenly she looked at me and her mouth opened wide.

"Let me introduce myself again, I am Regina. 4th elder of the Alchemy Bakers."

"Not interested i just want to sell them, Name the price or i am out. I will give you only one chance to give me a fair price if i thought that it's too low i will immediately walk out of that door."

'This boy who the hell is he. He doesn't looks like an alchemist but he is a really good buisness man. I have to buy one of these potions, so that i can copy the recipe and make more of them. With this i will claim it as my recipe and climb upto 2nd elder's position in the company.'

"How about 20 golds ?"

Anon immediately stood up and started walking towards the exit.

"W-Wait 1 platinum for one i can't give you anymore then that but i will buy only one."

Sephie immediately understood what her intentions were.

Anon heard the price and looked back.


"But master-" sephie tried to stop anon but Anon raised his hand and gave her a sign to keep silent.

"Here one potion."

"Here one platinum Coin. It's been a pleasure."

"Pleasure is all mine."

Taking the platinum coin Anon left the building with sephie.

"Master this was the last one." Sephie said with a smile.

That inside was just an act, I've sold 9 other potions to other shopkeepers this was the biggest fish of the net.

Now i have a total of 3 platinum coins and 56 gold coins.

"Let's buy somethings."

Meanwhile in the adventurer's guild...

"The fuck is happening in this world ?" The guild leader cried out loudly.

"Guild leader Calm down Nya~"

"Are you kidding me? The seven families already dispatched their son-in-laws what do you think i will say to them they will kill me." He spoke in anger.

"What can we even do guild leader ?" Yuri spoke standing in a corner.

"You You You, you are the reason why all of this is happening in the first place."

"What how is that my mistake ?"

"You first told the guild that a large group of dangerous monsters is heading towards the city and now you say that they suddenly vanished near a village on the outskirts, is that even possible ?"

"Yes... that's what the villagers say. You will just have to say that to the Royal heirs too."

"Oh...yeah right, i will tell them that a horde of monsters came towards the city but then suddenly they saw an amazing spot for picnic near the outskirts, so they stopped near the village and then went back home. You want me to say this ?" Guild master said in a very frustrated tone.


Suddenly the guild master started crying and holded Yuri's hands.

"Yuri please save me, please become the guild master."



Both Nana and Yuri Exclaimed in surprise as they saw the guild master melt down in fear.


[House Of The Witches]

A mysterious woman is sitting on the throne whose face isn't very clear and a blonde man is kneeling in front of her.

"Son-in-law i want you to prove your worth this time if you came back with zero results this time as well then i will kill you myself."

"Y-Yes mother-in-law. I will try my best."

"M-Mom don't worry my husband will not come empty hand this time, right honey ?"


"Leave now." The woman spoke in a deathly voice.

[Dragon House Of Flame]

A man with glasses and blue hairs who was standing in front of the carriage looked at an blonde old man and a blonde young girl besides him.

"Son, You know what to do right ?"

"Crush everything and don't give anyone any opportunity."

"Good you shall depart now and come back with as many heads of those monsters as possible."

"Yes, father."

"Bye, Jim." The girl bid farewell to her fiancè.

"Bye Carol."

[House Of Martial Masters]

A busty woman stood in front of a very big and strong teenager as she spoke.

"Don't forget our moto, We don't use magic that doesn't mean we are weak. We can stand equally in front of those magicians and kick their butts do you understand Dave ?"

"Yes, Mother-in-law i will never forget this."

"If you passed this you can marry my Baby girl but if you failed don't bother coming back."

"I understand Don't worry mam i won't disappoint you."

[Denver House Of Justice]

"May the god Support you and bless you with his holy grace." A priest blessed a royal sword that was held up by a red headed man while he was on his knees.

"I pray for your success son-in-law." A beautiful succubus look a like lady entered the hall and spoke.

"Mother Priestess, i will not fail."

"You better not because if you did, there are many who are ready for the replacement." She said with an innocent smile.

"It won't come to that. I will take my leave now."

[Alchemist House Of Greens]

"Son-in-law are you ready to prove your worth?" A man with slim body but strong aura spoke.

"I am certainly more than ready, Family leader."

"If you did as you say i will give you the formula of a forbidden potion and my daughter as the reward."

"I should leave now."


[House Of the Werewolves]

"I've more than 17 daughters and more than enough son-in-laws for all of them but i choose you for this mission. Do you know why ?" A woman who looked like a normal human but with fur and long ears spoke.

"Yes ma'am i know, you want to check my abilities if i am fit to marry your eldest daughter or not." A teenager with black fur over all of his body and long ears spoke in a feared tone.

"If you see any guy from that house i suggest you to not take a fight but If anything happens, just bite hard enough."

"I understand."

"Good, now get lost."

He left the hall as soon as he heard that.

[House Of The Undead Nobles]

"Hmmm....i heard about the mission, you will accomplish it son-in-law, this is not a request it's an order."

A man spoke from a dark room his body didn't appeared only his red bloodthirsty eyes shined in that dark.

Suddenly another pair of eyes shined in the dark.

"Yes, Father leave it to me. I will kill those filths before the next sun rise."

"I know they will send someone too, so be careful of the fangs...hehehehe...or i will have to make myself another son-in-law."

"Don't worry it won't come to that."