
The World Of Authors

On a day like any other, Yukio Honda, a 16 year old Japanese high schooler looked at his old Webnovel account, somewhat stunned to find it back on his New Smartphone, It had been years since the platform had left the market, having disappeared out of nowhere Yet here it was, Returning like something simple And downloading itself into his phone even though this was a new phone forcefully like a virus... What did this entail? And why was it only showing his old book which he wrote an year ago for fun, as the only thing he could read?

FamishedGod · Fantasie
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The Webnovel Platform

2025 - February 2, Monday.

The sound of the bullet train came to a sudden stop, jolting Yukio out of his thoughts. He swiftly plugged in his earphones, seeking refuge in the timeless melody of Miki's "Stay With Me." The song provided a much-needed respite for his weary soul, which had endured the trials and tribulations of exam preparation.

The entrance tests for senior high were only halfway complete, leaving Yukio with a lingering sense of unease. Despite feeling confident in his grasp of the subjects, the weight of expectations from his single mother and hardworking sister bore heavily upon him. There was just one more month remaining, and it seemed like just a day away...

The weekly journey from Tokyo to Kyoto only exacerbated his struggle. The long hours spent traveling devoured precious time and drained his energy reserves. Securing even three uninterrupted weeks for focused studying felt like a distant dream. Yukio sighed, shaking his head in frustration.

Gazing out of the window, he took in the serene, snow-covered landscape of Japan and the urban charm of Kyoto. Adjusting his scarf to ward off the biting cold, he licked his chapped lips and settled into the comfort of his window seat.

The frigid weather had made everything more challenging. Even his beloved basketball sessions were out of the question, as his hands ached painfully in the cold. The prevailing feeling of despair in the air only added to the heaviness in people's hearts.

To Yukio, it seemed like the country was trapped in a perpetual state of monotony. Nothing interesting ever happened in this dull old Japan. The staggering suicide rates, a longstanding issue, cast a shadow over the nation's spirit.

It's namesake, The land o f the rising sun just a name to hold its monotone society's deep seated fears in check

Lost in thought, a smile unknowingly formed on Yukio's lips as the song reached its crescendo. Glancing around the sparsely populated train compartment, he noticed an elderly woman engrossed in a beauty magazine, seemingly transported to another world. The blinking light above indicated ongoing repairs, lending an intermittent rhythm to the surroundings.

This tranquil and secluded space offered solace, a haven away from the bustling chaos of Tokyo. Here, Yukio felt a sense of liberation from his overwhelming responsibilities.

Glancing at his old silver chain watch, a poignant memento from his father who succumbed to cancer just two months ago, Yukio read the time: "12:07". The Nozomi service carried him from Kyoto to Tokyo, and with over two hours left in his journey, he realized he had forgotten his study materials. An attempt to study online proved futile as it only intensified the throbbing ache in his head.

Contemplating his options, Yukio concluded that some rest was in order. Instead of losing himself in an anime, he yearned to delve into the pages of a light novel, a genre he hadn't explored in years. The memory of the Webnovel app's sudden disappearance from the internet in 2024 brought a wistful smile to his face, contrasting with the current stress of exams.

Determined to find solace in literature, Yukio pressed the power button on his new Yphone. Unlocking the device with a pattern he drew, he was about to open the Safari app and search for captivating novels when he froze.

Right below Safari, resting silently on his phone's screen, was a blue and rose W iconed app labeled "Webnovel" in his phone's distinctive font. His hands trembled with a mix of curiosity, nostalgia, and a hint of caution against potential viruses. Driven by these conflicting emotions, he mustered the courage to tap on the enigmatic app.

The interface unfolded before him, and his confusion deepened. There was only a single novel available, and to his astonishment, it was the one he had written a year ago, during the heyday of Webnovel.

It was called 'World Of Warblades' and had a bright yellowish cover on it


The disappearance and reappearance of the Webnovel app remained an enigma. How had it found its way onto his new phone, which had no connection to his previous account? Why was there only a single novel left in what was once a vast and thriving platform?

A mixture of emotions swirled within Yukio—bewilderment, nostalgia, and a tinge of excitement. It was as if a portal to the past had opened up before him, offering a glimpse into the world he had once loved.

With trembling fingers, he scrolled through the app, relishing the familiarity of the interface. The vibrant covers and enticing titles of other novels he had cherished were nowhere to be found. It seemed as though they had vanished into thin air, leaving behind only fragments of memories.

But there, shining brightly amidst the desolate landscape of the app, was his own creation—an embodiment of his passion and dedication. The novel he had poured his heart and soul into still remained, untouched by the passage of time.

As Yukio briefly delved into the pages of his own story, the characters he had brought to life welcomed him back with open arms. The narrative unfolded, immersing him in a world of imagination and wonder. The familiar settings, the intricate plot twists, and the depth of emotions almost reignited his love for storytelling. Almost.


In that moment, Yukio forgot about the impending exams, the weight of expectations, and the challenges that lay ahead. He was transported to a world where his dreams soared free, where he could create and explore without limitations, To The World Of Authors...