
The World Is Stupidity: And You Are Stupidity.

If it's not wanted, why are they approaching me? Do they like me for a reason. Well, I just want to live freely and then die.... a homeless person who wants to find the truth about his life. Maybe I'm a bum, but my world is my home? Or my house is my world. That's what my life is like! Fight to defy the fate of justice.

Yoredream · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 7 - The Palace of truth

yes, a very strange and terrible place... many say that place is the Palace of the world of truth 'augorsh'.


"Nice to meet you again, Mr Tevaros." The waiter bowed his body in greeting.

"Hmm... waiter? Is there something that makes you want to see me?" I replied.

I walked back to sit where I was before. With that strange waiter following me from behind.

"There isn't any! I came here just because I wanted to chat with you."

He stood in front of me, and took out the clay jug from his dimension, and prepared tea for me.

" really unusual. "I said watching him pour the tea water from the jug into a glass

"From now on, you will get used to it."

"Hehh..." I took the glass to drink.

"Kuhuhu.. just calm down! This servant was serious about what he said. " he answered, preparing a chair for himself behind the table.

"then?... No, forget this nonsense, quickly tell me what you want to convey." I looked at him seriously.

"Kuhuhu... master is really impatient at all."


"Hemm.... if no wrong remember, I have read more than 75% of the books in this library. He looked around it. - "But as you know it is impossible to understand it..." he muttered, stroking the cup.

the outside world is increasingly foreign to us, it is different from before. Perhaps the Augorsh world was already engulfed by darkness for sure, it felt like it was at the end of its time. "He drank the tea by slightly removing his mask.

'red lips, fangs! is he a vampire? That's not possible.' I thought.

"You remember, right? The world palace of truth 'augorsh' that I said.

of course I remember that..'

"Maybe you will be surprised if I say more." He stood up, and picked up a random book to read.

surprised?..' I thought about that.

"The creation of a black hole? And the destruction of the aovlle continent. That was your doing, wasn't it." He looked at me. Of course I just ignored it.

"What I want to say is? It The palace of truth is right on the continent of Aovlle which was supposed to have been destroyed by that black hole." He grinned.

"Ha..." of course I was surprised.

"That's impossible! That continent contains a black hole that will destroy everything, how could that happen." I said.

"No? Previously you said that there is a figure who can stop the destruction it. "I thought about again.

"That's right... and for that reason, I once entered that palace. And I realized? That the black hole you created it is an infinite energy." He sat back in his place, and opened the pages of the book.

"Of course I know that? It's a black hole, after all."

'The black hole that I created it a collection of world energy and the gravitational system and to the magnet itself. I condensed it to create that phenomenon.' I thought.

"Yes, sir, that's right! But the power you created it benefits humans to utilize the unlimited energy from it, but not just humans, but life is." He opened the next sheet of paper

'Life? yes. Honestly, right now what we're talking about is the world of 'augorsh', a world of oddities second only to vrylia. Maybe I say strange because there are layers that separate the continents of the world it, and make it look like a wall that borders everything.

That's why, even though I tried to for absorb all the gravity in that world, and was absorbed was only the it's on that it continent. And make the outer continent fine.

And my goal in creating that black hole was to destroy the boundaries that exist in that world. But I didn't expect that there would be someone who could stop it. But even so, hearing from the story, it seems like it worked, even though the black hole's expansion it stopped.

It may be strange, but it is the truth. in every continent in the Augorsh world has a different timeline, and that is a certainty. Even though I say it is the modern world, in fact the 1,909 continents in the world it have their own diversity.

Kingdoms, countries, some are even more ancient than that. It's like the embodiment of all the worlds coming together and becoming augorsh? But that is only a possibility, because if in really is the embodiment from of all worlds, then it is not just the 1,909 continents that exist and it must be more than that.'

'after all, the oddity itself is me, and this strange servant? although I don't know which continent he comes from.' I thought, and the strange servant continued.

"Since the beginning? everything is already the same, and equalizing something that is already equal is something strange? Hmm... yes, that's what it says in this book.—(Equality for life.)."

"It seems that your ideology about equality is a little deviated from the truth," he said. Of course I'm not happy with that

"The point? You want to say that I failed to create equality, but I succeeded in creating madness." I said replying to him.

"I don't dare think like that? But, I think you succeeded in creating equality but in a different sense."

"You mean?"

"You succeeded in equalizing life, which means? You equalized humanity with the animals out there." He laughed softly there and put down the book he was reading.

"Isn't that good? With equality like that, there will no longer be any humans who look down on their livestock." I said, I think? Maybe that's the truth. Because previously he had summoned a monster who had thoughts like humans and spoke like humans and had emotions.

"And you say? Equality in a different sense. What you mean is that a new enemy has been created, and humans will fight again against the races they used to eat." I thought about laughing like that.

"Yes, because his current fodder has turned into a monster that will take revenge later.—With that equality." He stood up and walked down the library hallway it.

"Wars will never stop when it comes to humanity." I said nodding.

"Oh, that's right! I almost forgot about that." he turned towards me.—"His majesty 'Vishelvan told me, The human it will wake up in a moment." he said.

"human?" I was a little confused at first, and then I was immediately surprised to realize it. - "Hmm, don't tell. Is it that woman." I said, i suddenly standing up from the spot and following him.

"Yes, that's what he said." he replied. I hurriedly passed him, and went out of the library.

"Sigh... you are really impatient." He muttered watching me leave.


"Is what you said true?" I asked the strange waiter who was walking behind me.

I jumped from the floating palace and descended above the clouds to pass through the swamp below.

"What he said was the truth, he never lied in his words." The answer was, we came down from above the clouds it the end of the tower garden.

"But..." he continued, and that made me stop to look at him.


"even though he said that in a moment. but I don't know when that will happen." he said.

"Haah..." Of course, I'm annoyed it because.

"calm down first, mr. —I really didn't lie." He panicked a little seeing Kalve's gaze.

"It's just... how should I explain it? — Venerable Vishlevan is a figure who considers the time system to be just useless numbers? So... even though he said in a moment, I don't know how long it will take us. Maybe a hundred years or a thousand years..." he explained by scratching his mask and constantly looking away from Kalvhe's gaze.

"Is that so?..." I replied thoughtfully. But even so, I thought.

"How strong is Vishlevan, to the point that he thinks the time system is just numbers..." I asked.

"I don't know..." I was surprised at that answer.

"Haa... you worship him, right? How do you not know that?" I said a little annoyed at him.

"Yes? That's... how should I put it.—His Highness 'Vishelvan was a strong figure, he never experienced defeat once, and I don't remember much about him. " he turned around with a chuckle.

"Heee... So it's like that... useless." I continued my journey towards the room.

'Vishlevan? Looks like I have to be careful with someone like him.' I walked away with annoyance on my expression.

Meanwhile, the strange servant continued to follow Kalvhe from behind him. Then a few moments later, the two of them arrived in front of the bedroom door.

"Sir... please don't expect too much," said the servant.

"It's noisy, we'll see..." I replied, I opened the door to the room? And suddenly we were shocked.


Meanwhile in the world of 'Augorsh'. Precisely on the continent of 'Rawwa' where the kingdom of 'Ahrenteya' stands. The girl sat on the balcony divider with her legs swinging.

"Today the moon looks very beautiful." He said, looking at the red moon.

"Hmm... Approximately a year has passed, huh?" he muttered.

Ahh? I really miss mister Zyvaness." With a weak voice, he looked at the languid moon.

Meanwhile, behind him there were twelve corpses lying so disgustingly. and the red-haired it woman appeared.