
Chapter 41 - Chihara Akane (5)

We managed to break free from the horde, but the flare that had drawn their attention gave us only a brief window to escape. We'd be chased again soon, but there was no time to dwell on it.

"Run! Run as fast as you can and don't look back!" the military man shouted, his voice urgent.

Hordes of zombies were closing in on us, but the military man used the remaining flares to push them apart, creating a gap for us to sprint through.

The building was in sight, close enough that we could clearly see it now. We were almost there. Zombies that came too close were either shot or hacked down.

If it weren't for the overwhelming swarms, we might have made it without such a frantic struggle.

When we reached the entrance, we were met with a massive obstacle.

"Arggh! ArrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggghhH!"