
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · Fantasie
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93 Chs

Repeating his past mistakes? Potential war crime.

As Kerren was lying on the bed, he ovearheard an internsifying dialogue somewhere in his house. He wasn't even sure that it belonged to his parents...? Uh whoever was it that lived in the same apartment that he currently did. After all, he couldn't be completely sure. Why would he? He couldn't even remember his own family name!

Well, that was of no concern for Kerren. The only thing that interested him was a part of the dialogue about him. Those two people were indeed his parents, and they were... uh... concerned with the sudden change. As Kerren heard, he did the exact same thing several times already, telling them that it's fine and he'll do what's needed to be done, but always ruined it.

Why is that the he was lying so much? Kerren didn't know and neither did his parents. Technically, it wasn't even the current Kerren, so why blame him? Just let him show what he can do! Of course, if he ever told anybody that he's from the future even if anybody believed that bullcrap, he would not have a good end no matter what. I think i dont need to explain why, do i?

Soon, he heard a knock on his door. He didn't react.

Another knock... and another one. Soon, people on the other side of the door starting talking among each other.

- Is he still there? -- man's voice blasted itno Kerren's ears, for some reason it was unpleasant -- Kerren! Listen to me! If you dont do what i say you will have huge problems once i find you! Even if u'r not inside the room right now, you will be severely punished! -- as he talked more and more Kerren suddenly remembered...

-* Oohhh f*kk, not again... I remember that guy! He's the one who... Wait! How could i even forget about that! -- he had a blast inside of his own head, he remembered many things, most of which were completely useless to the current him, for expample, the fact that the had a girlfriend. W-wait... that's not useless, is that? He can leech off her!

But that was of no concern for now, the "main" thing he remembered was horrible. This camp. It was the place that "broke" him. Before going there he was an active member of society, yes, he wasn't that great of a person, but he never did bad things... But... After the camp?.. He became agressive, started getting into serious trouble and fought on a regular basis... He didn't even know how to fight before that, so... why the sudden change?

Kerren couldn't remember the exact reason behind the change as he could not remember what exactly happened in the time he was in that camp, so... What to do?..Escape? Well... He was on the 3rd floor and he would live if he jumped, but... That wasn't worth the risk. What else? Come there anyway, knowing that it was probably hell going on there? Uh... Maybe, after all he's not the one he used to be, but he still was weak, what if there was an anomaly if nis body that they will find?...

He tried to remember as much as he could, but no matter how hard he tried, it was as if the memory of whatever happened in the past was deeply buried behind the countless rubble, struggling and pain that he lived through... If he remembered the worst moments of his life clearly, why couldn't he remember the camp? He knows that it's insanely bad, but... why is that?..

He couldn't answer this question and will not be for a while, but, since he knew that the camp was bad as cats they that water was, he didn't exactly want to go there now, he couldn't explain the reason, so he started thinking of a way to run away. He made countless calculations in his head, 98% of which were completely wrong and were simply insane, but that 2% of successful thoughs however...

He finally had a plan! After 5 second of thinking he stood up from the bed and loudly said - I am not going anywhere. -- that was all.

That was probably the worst decision one could make in his current situation. First of all, he could hide, yes, that was stupid, but if he managed to hide outside of his window... Well, it could work! Second - beg for forgiveness, there's no way that they wont feel any emotions towards their child, is there? Third, that could also work, simply lying to them, and them running away when he got close to the car... But he was not strong physically...

The three i just told you about coult potentially work with varying rate of success... But... Just saying no?... Why, where and how would that even work?.. "We're going to kill you bad man!" good man said, "You will not kill me" bad man replied. They did not, in fact, kill him, end of story. Wow.

Awkward silence suddenly attacked everyones ears, it was cruel and ate every sound that... oh wait, they weren't talking, but beware, this silence is real, not only i fought it before, it almost won! So, if you ever stop hearing any sounds - cast a loud spell, any of them would work, a simple explosion or a sonic boom fix the problem! No need to thank me for advice!

As time went by and silence engulfed all, like the world that fell, a voice suddenly interrupted - Kerren?.. Why... are saying that? -- it was a womans voice -- You told me that you will go, why are you refusing now?.. -- it sounded as if she was crying alrady.

- I changed my mind -- he replied. Why bother explaining something to a person who tries to manipulate him by crying?

As voiced chipped around his door, he was still lying on the bed, not moving even a muscle. He didn't care about the result of his refusal, he had better things to care about. If this situation happened if some other time in a different body he would do a completely different thing now, but since it was the past... He needed to know the future!

Of course, if he told people that he tried to "remember the future" he would get sent to a mental facility at best, but still, that was his only reason of not fixing that problem of his immideately. How would he do that? He'd start begging his mother crying on his knees, how else? It's not like the method she tried to use on him didn't work on both sides!

But, that was a last-resort plan, it's not as if Kerren didn't want to do it out of shame or something like that, it did not exist for him in the first place, he simply didn't want to waste time on it. That now sounds like i'm trying to put everything he does on him thinking, but in reality - is that not true for all of us? Kerren is a human too, why would he do something he didn't like?

Several minutes later, a particularly angry voice started being even louder - KERREN, IF YOU DONT COME OUT NOW YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT GOING OUTSIDE EVER AGAIN! I WILL FORCE YOU TO STUDY ALL OF THE BOOKS IN THE HOUSE, AND UNTIL YOU DID AND PASSED MY TEST YOU WOULD SIT INSIDE OF YOUR ROOM THINKING ABOUT YOUR BEHAVIOR! -- It was insanely loud. Even the door and walls couldn't properly stop this horrible voice, it was funny for Kerren, because he thought that people on the other side must've went deaf already, which was good for him, he could sneak around if that was so.

Sadly or thankfully - it was just a fantasy. They weren't deaf, but they asked the screaming man not to do that anymore. From time to time two new voices tried to barge in, asking Kerren to listen to his parents. Those two were unknown to him, his only guess that it was those people that were supposed to take him to the camp.

Some minutes later, voices finally stopped. Not the ones in his head, the ones outside the door, the real one, not metaphorical. Kerren didn't change his behavior as this change occured, but he stood up and come closer to the door, placing in head closer to it, as if trying to overhear something important. Sadly, it was completely silent.

He didn't know if this was a trap of sorts or they really left, but he opened the door. It was empty. Kerren then wandered around the house trying to find something to eat, because his stomach already sent several cries asking to help, and it was getting annoying. Also, it would be his first food in god knows how much time! Wasn't that great!?

While wandering around he stumbled upon a sword. It was a real one, and Kerren tried to remember what exactly it was. Could he? Nope. Maybe he didn't even know there was such a sword in his previous life? After all, somewhere at this time he left his house and never came back. It was tough, but generally worth it.

He then found the kitchen, opened the fridge and saw... Nothing he wanted to eat. Then, he opened the freezes which was above the fridge and looked inside. It was full of ice and he could barely see what's what, but a miracle happened and he procceeded to take out something that looked like meat. Whose meat was it? He didn't know. Did he care? Not really, he even ate goblins in his previous life. Meat was meat.

Soon after, his parents came back, they were talking to each other and didn't think that as soon as they entered their own kitchen they would see a man sitting on a table infront of a stove roasting meat as it was a campfire. This was, of course, Kerren.

His parents instantly went silent as they observed him. He didn't move much, simply turning around he cold side of the meat towards the fire from time to time. Some other times he would sprinkle wine on it, looking like someone who knows what he's doing. Only looking like one, not being one, Kerren was terrible at cooking and he could be the only person on earth who would like whatever he made.

This time, his genius dish was called "Camp-stove Grilled Wine-Sprinkled Unknown Frozen Meat" or CSGWSUFM for short. The idea behind it was as stupid as it's name, someone randomaly barged his head on the keyboard and tried to assign a word that could be used in cooking recipes to each letter they got.

The taste, however, was a different thing. Was it not tasty? How is that possible? OF course, it was burned on the outside and raw on the inside, but that is his author signature! By managing to do that he showed great control over the fire and whatever he was cooking! He also managed to miss 95% of the "sprinkles" that he made, leading to them being everywhere but the piece of meat.

At this moment countless thoughts ran through his parents heads. The one that they both had at the same time was -* What the f*kk? -- Of course, they got an answer.

- Dont mind me, i am hungry -- Kerren proudly stated. He wasn't ashamed as he was not lying, was ne not hungry? Of course he was! What do you mean you cant cook like that!? Who told you that?!

Not long after his masterpiece was finally ready. It wasn't ready to eat, but as a product - it was. Kerren didn't care. He took that burnt piece of meat at tried to bite at it. It was frozen. Kerren's mind shooK! That's what bothered him the most! He forgot to unfreeze this meat! That's why his recipe didn't work! It always worked, and now it didn't!? Impossible!

This, however, didn't stop or discourage him, he thought of another way of making food - microwave! He could simply microwave this piece of meat and it will be cooked no matter what! What a great idea that was! Would've been great if he got in before making a proof of a war crime out of this piece of meat...