
Chapter 2

Before I explore the forest, I have something I need to do first, which is to check out that Status thing. I want to see if it is useful at all, and see what it can help me with.

'Let's see. Is this like a game or manga? Then, Status.' I thought.

All of the sudden, a transparent screen appeared in front of my face, making me grin since I said the right thing.

'As expected! It really is just like a game or manga, huh. Let's see what this Status shows me then.' I thought while looking at the screen.


-Name: Xuan Ye

-Gender: Male

-Race: Human

-Age: 18

-Level: [Locked]

-Cultivation: [Locked]

-Strength: F

-Agility: F

-Constitution: F-

-Intuition: F

-Spirit: F+

-Points: 0

-Skill Points: 0

-Stat Points: 0

-Skills: (P)Masochist(1/10)]

'Hm, this is pretty interesting. It shows me my Stats, as well as my basic information like name and gender, it also has Stat Points and Skill Points as well, also Skills too. Still, this skill of mine... Guide, what does this Masochist skill do?' I ask.

[Masochist(1/10): Convert 10% of all pain felt into bonus damage until the fight ends.]

'Hm, now it makes sense. Before all this started, whenever I was in pain I always got stronger somehow, so I guess this is how? How interesting this is!' I thought in excitement.

Looking down at my body, the only things I have on me are my black prisoner clothes that they had me wear. Well, at least they aren't orange like in other prisons, or else I would be an open target for anything in this forest.

Since I have no weapon and no shelter, I should look for those first. Let's see... Let's go find a shelter first, since it seems it will become night soon. Looking at the sky, I can tell it will be night in around 2 hours at most, so I need a shelter fast.

Looking around, I end up going left from where I suddenly appeared at first. Since I don't have anything to give me directions, choosing a random direction is all I can do. I don't find anything along the walk, no monsters, animals or people, not even any bugs, which was confusing.

When I lived in the forest 8 years ago, I would be attacked by bugs all the time, so why are there no bugs here? This is some very weird forest, it might not even be on Earth anymore.

A few minutes before it got dark, I finally found something I can use as a shelter. A cave just big enough for me to walk in sitting in the side of a big hill or mountain, and it seems there is nothing inside of it considering there are no tracks near the cave entrance.

Since it will be dark soon, I don't hesitate and enter the cave while keeping my guard up, even though I think nothing is here. What I learned from those 3 years in the forest all those years ago is, never let your guard down.

In the end though, there was nothing inside the cave. By the time I got to the end of the cave, I didn't see anything inside of it, besides the occasional sharp rocks along the ground and walls of the cave.

Shrugging to myself, I sit down while leaning against a smooth part of the wall and decide to sleep, since I don't know if anything will happen tomorrow and I need to be at full energy, even if it is uncomfortable to sleep here.


I was suddenly awoken by a very loud roar, most likely from a large animal or possibly an animal. I quickly jump up and hide behind a big rock and look towards the entrance of the cave, and to my surprise and slight shock, there is a very big panther at the entrance of the cave that is fighting what seems like an orc.

Unless there is anything else that is large, green and ugly out there, then it is probably an orc. The panther is dodging the orc's giant stone club while biting and clawing at the body of the orc, leaving behind bloody wounds on it.

The orc, infuriated by the panther, stomps on the ground, causing it to slightly cave in, which caused the panther to lose it's balance, letting the orc get a hit in with it's stone club, sending the panther flying into the cave.

As soon as the panther was sent flying into the cave, it flipped and rolled multiple times until it was just in front of me, staring at me with it's wide black eyes, while it struggled to stand up. I peek to the entrance again and notice that the orc left for some reason, leaving just me and the panther here.

The panther kept trying to stand up but it kept failing since it seems to be heavily injured, which actually works for me. Not bothering with it for the moment, I look around the cave and eventually find a big enough sharp rock, which I can use to kill it.

Walking back to the panther with the sharp rock in my hands, I unhesitatingly bring it down upon the panther's neck, stabbing it deep into it's flesh. It surprised me with how sharp the rock was, or maybe it was just the panther that had weak flesh, but it died a few moments after I stabbed it's neck with the sharp rock.

Then, to my surprise, a glowing white item appeared beside the panther's corpse, which I picked up and looked at in interest. After all, it is just like a game where you get loot after killing a monster, so I wonder what I got. After a few seconds, the white light died down and a bony dagger appeared in my hand.

[Panther Bone Dagger(Common): A dagger made out of the spine bones of a mutated panther. It is as durable as a normal dagger, but it does slightly more damage than one.]

'Oh~ A weapon! Perfect, I was going to try and find one later, but this works just fine. It says it is as durable as a normal dagger, which probably means a normal dagger from Earth before the Genesis happened. It also says it is slightly stronger than a normal dagger, which means I can do more damage with it than a normal dagger! Just thinking about all of the stuff I can stab with this is making me excited!' I happily thought.

Looking down at the corpse of the panther is making me slightly hungry, as I haven't eaten anything in a while. After thinking about it for a moment, I decide to use the new dagger of my to cut some meat off of the panther's corpse to sate my hunger and then cook the rest when it is daytime and safe out.

The meat tasted really bloody and horrible, but I still ate it as if it was a 5 star dish. After all, I don't get meat that often back at the prison cell, only once a week. Once a week! How horrible that was! For someone who loves meat like me to only get it once a month!

After I satiated my hunger, I decided to sleep again and hope that nothing interrupts me this time, since I want a nice sleep instead of being shocked awake again.