
Chapter 1

I was just chilling in my house when everything seemed to have completely stopped, including time. I couldn't move my limbs, my head, nor my eyes. All I could do was stare helplessly in the same direction I was looking at earlier.

[The world, Earth, designated number: #81294, is undergoing it's Genesis... Scanning the world for common material... Found a multitude of common material... Choosing between all of the material... Three material have been chosen... The chosen material are: Fantasy, Cultivation and Apocalypse... Setting the chosen material onto the world... The material have been set... Please enjoy the new world...]

After whatever it was in front of me that stopped putting new words onto the ad-like thing in front of me, time seemed to resume once again but I was too stunned to even notice that.

'What the hell just happened? Earth is undergoing it's Genesis? Fantasy, Cultivation and Apocalypse settings? What the hell is going on?' I thought in confusion.

All of the sudden, a massive earthquake struck my city.. Unknown to me, it wasn't just near me, but it was happening throughout the entire world. The ground split, revealing fantasy-like things straight out of a game or manga.

Dungeons, monsters, giant trees and rocks, brand new lakes, oceans and rivers... All sorts of the things that are from fantasy games and manga just appeared into the world shortly after that ad-like thing disappeared.

I naturally didn't know this yet, as I was just crawling beneath a table in hopes of the sudden earthquake to not kill me, which it surprisingly didn't. It didn't even damage my house, even though it felt like it was directly beside my house.

[Earth's Genesis has begun! Now that the chosen material have been settled into the world, it is time to explain the powers all of you humans obtained! Earth is now officially a game! A game with many different paths to it! Isn't that exciting! A real life game! Now let me explain how this will work! Every human on Earth will obtain a System, like those of games, to aid them! It will show you your statistics, personal information, skills and whatever other goodies you have! There will also be a shop function to the System, as well as a Quest function, just like a game! Quest's will be given at random, some might be easy and others might be suicidal! Naturally you will get rewarded and punished after each Quest! As for the Shop, as long as you have the points, you can buy everything! Even a ticket to another world! Isn't that fun! As a bonus for being the first world to turn into a game, every System will come with a Guide to assist you! Good luck and bring me lots of entertainment!]

'What the fuck! Why is this shit happening all of the sudden?! Turning Earth into a game, and if what I understand, there are going to be lots of problems! Fantasy, Cultivation and Apocalypse settings... So magic, warriors, cultivators and zombie apocalypses and possibly monster apocalypses as well... My god this is awesome!' I think in glee.

Now now, you might be thinking, what type of sane person would think like that? Well, let me tell you. I am not sane! I am actually quite insane, if you want to know. After all, what sane person would kill their parents at the age of 7, and then kill a total of 72 people at the age of 15?

As for my house, it is naturally a cell! I have been living inside of a controlled and hidden prison cell in some underground place with the military guarding it. I only have a normal room since everybody is scared by me so they decided to give me a normal room as if you would find in a house.

Now that this Genesis or whatever has happened, I can be free once again! I can bring slaughter wherever I go! I can do whatever I wish! Just thinking about it makes me want to laugh in glee and stab someone!

[Greetings, Player. I am your Guide, created to assist you in your new life. Please ask me any questions you wish to know.]

'Oh? So this is that Guide thing the screen from before talked about, huh. Interesting. It is actually talking from within my head. Let's see... Guide, do you have a way for me to leave this underground cell?' I asked in interest.

[There are 3 ways for the Player to leave his underground cell. Would you like to know them?]

'Sure!' I agree.

[The first way is for Player to kill himself. Player would be able to leave the cell, but you would also die in the end. The second way is for the Player to wait for the underground cell to be broken into by monsters or be released. The third way is to enter the tutorial and complete it, which will send Player to a random location on the new Earth. Which option will you choose?]

'Oh~ I will choose the third option then. I don't care about dying, but I haven't had enough fun yet! I also don't want to wait for monsters to break this place, since that ain't my style. So the tutorial it is!' I say in my head.

[Understood. Teleporting Player to the tutorial... Player has been sent to the tutorial.]

All of the sudden, instead of my cell which is like a room, I am standing inside of a forest, or something similar to one. I look around in interest, but don't see anything noteworthy expect for some giant trees that look very strong, and some fruits and bushes around.

[Player has been transported to the tutorial. Player has to survive until the end to be sent out of the tutorial and to a random place on Earth. Please note that you actions will determine your rewards at the end.]

[Main Mission: Survive for 1 month in the forest.(0/30)]

'Oh~ So I just need to survive in this forest for a month? That ain't hard at all! After all, I lived in a forest for three years when I was only 10, hehe~' I thought while laughing.