
The World Beyond Here

All of the planets are destroyed, except Earth. So now there are aliens from other planets and humans on one planet. Dawn is just an ordinary human girl...or so she thought. When two alien boys come to a college to find Dawn, she discovers her human life is not as ordinary as she thought. Now she needs to figure out if she wants to keep her ordinary life or save Earth from being destroyed like the other planets.

Bell_Lilac_2 · sci-fi
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7 Chs

Daemon (Part 2)

The bell rings and I snap back to reality. I start to get my stuff and I look in the corner of my eyes. I see her hair, in her face as she is putting her stuff in her bag. "So what is your name?" She froze in place and whispered, "My name is Dawn Nova." I smile bigger and say, "Well hello, My name is Daemon. What is your next class?"

She pushes her glasses up which makes her even more attractive, "Honors Math." I then say, "Really, I have that class right now." She looks up at me and I tried my hardest to not blush, she asks, "What is your schedule? Just curious." I look at my paper, "We just finished Honors English, I have Honors Math, PE, and Alien Studies." She went closer to me to look at my paper and said, "Well I have all of those except Alien Studies. Since I am not an alien."

I looked at her, why didn't anybody tell her? I just played it cool and said, "So you are human?" She slowly nods and I smile, "That's cool. So how long have you been here?" She seemed surprised, Has she been bullied so badly that she is used to insults. I swear I hate aliens and humans these days. Even the humans are horrible to her. I can't wait until they know who she really is. She slowly says "Two years." I nod and smile, "Nice, maybe you can show me around."

She nods but then she suddenly frowns. She quietly says, , quietly said, "Actually I am not in charge of that. But we should go to our next class." I checked my watch and confusedly said, "We still have 20 minutes." She look back at me and say, "I am always early, sorry."

I smile, at the bit of sass she has "Well let's get you there early then." I smiled brightly. She smiled a little and got her backpack and we went to our Math classroom.

She takes a seat in the back of the class and I sit right next to her. "You don't have to sit next to me," she whispers. I look at her confusedly, "It's fine, you seem pretty cool and nice." And also beautiful, but I didn't say that. 'Why am I being weird, this is not my first time talking to a female.' Plus, I already have a lover. So why am I thinking and feeling this way. I see her look down, wondering what she is thinking in her head.

I get my math book out of my bag and I see that she puts on her earphones and lays her head on the desk. I was about to tap her, but a group of girls came up to me. "Are you Prince Daemon?" I smile, "Yes I am." They giggle, "Can we have your autograph?" I smile, "Sure." I take their notebooks and sign my name. This always happens, I wish they didn't know who I was. Can't a guy talk to one female without being interrupted.

One of the girls looks at Dawn and says to me without looking at me, "Why are you sitting with her?" I look at the girl and say, "She is really nice and friendly, why do you ask?" She frowns and says, "You shouldn't sit with her, she is a human." I frown a little bit. They are real bitch for saying that, they will kneel for her when they find out. "So what if she is human?"

The girl smiles and says, "You should come with us today, we are going to a party." I smile and say, "Sorry I already have plans with with someone." The girls frown, "Oh ok, well thanks for the autograph." I nod and they walk to their seats. I sighed, these people are real dickheads. I hate people who do this.

Before I was a prince I used to get bullied. I then met a girl that was alone and she became my friend. She was so nice and beautiful, but she left a month later. She had to go to Earth, because of family things. 'I wonder if she is alive." I shake my head from that thought.

The teacher comes in, "Okay students, we have a new student, Daemon please come up." I get up and walk up and stand next to the teacher. I see Dawn looking up, watching me. The teacher then says, "Okay Daemon, in this class we say our First and Last name, favorite thing to do and if you are an Alien, what is your power and where you from. And if you want, what is your goal or mission."

I nod, "My name is Daemon Moon, I like to sing and dance, my powers are freezing objects or people and summoning spirits, I am from the Moon but was raised on Earth. My goal is to find the Sun Princess and be able to help and be by her side." Everyone is clapping and cheering. I smile and bow, then my eyes start to burn. I keep a composter so nobody can realize it.

I see Dawn wincing in pain. Mr. Doom looks over, "Ms. Nova are you ok?" She nods, "Yes Mr. Doom." I can see the teacher's eyes widen from shock, then he clears his throat.

"Okay class we will be doing a mini assessment in our textbook today. Miss Nova, please come with me." She gets her stuff and she passes by me, we both wince and I look up and smile. Wait, how come she knows about her eyes and she still thinks she is human.

I go to my seat and hear the girls whispering, "She just wants attention." "Maybe she and the teacher are seeing each other." I frown and I say, "I am sorry for butting in, but can you stop trying to spread false rumors about her. You have no idea what is going on. I feel like you girls are jealous of her, huh." The girls stay silent and I smirk, "That's what I thought." Hearing some of the girls to gossiping, I look down at my phone to see if Luke texted me back. I see that he read the message, but no reply back. 'This fucking bastard left me on read'

Mr. Doom comes back in, " I need a volunteer to take Ms. Nova to the front to wait for her ride, please." I raise my hand, "I can go take her." Everyone looks back at me and Mr. Doom mods, "Are you sure Mr. Moon?" I nod and he says, "Okay, I will give you a bunch of extra credit for this, thank you." I get up and walk with Mr. Doom. He opens the room door and I see Dawn and she has sunglasses on, Mr. Doom pulls me aside and whispers, " Make sure she doesn't know about what is happening Mr. Moon." I nod and frown.

Mr. Dooms puts a hand on her shoulder, he then says, "Please take Ms. Nova outside and stay by her side until her father comes please, Mr. Moon." I say, "Okay I will." Mr. Doom says, "I will give you extra credit for the help." Mr. Doom then whispers something to Dawn and she nods. I pick her up and I hear her gasp a little. I look at Mr. Moon, "I will carry her so it can be easier." Mr. Doom smiles, "Thank you again." I nod and start to walk.

We walk in silence. I am so confused on why they won't tell her the truth, she is going to find out today anyway, why not tell her now. I softly sighed. I looked at her face and softly smiled, she is so beautiful. I then see her winced a little. My wrist is burning like crazy too but I was trained to face the pain. We get outside and her hair flows through the wind and I can feel my face getting hot. I put her down on the bench and I sat next to her.

Her head is looking down and we sit in silence. It was very awkward so I asked, "Are you ok?" She nods and says, "My eyes kind of hurt a little that's all." I frowned and tried my hardest to keep my voice steady, "That sucks, are you sure you're human. You know only aliens feel that pain."

"Yea I pretty sure, I am. If I wasn't then my father would have told me by now. It's probably because I rub them too much or something." I silently sigh, 'They need to really tell her"

My dad used to tell me that when we meet our soulmates or almost meet them our eyes will burn with burning love. She probably doesn't know, since her mom couldn't tell her the story. Only Queen's and Kings knew that, so she maybe thinks it's weird or scary. But it seems it is getting worse because of her transformation. The thing is...I thought my soulmate was Luke. Is it possible to have two at the same time. Wait of course it is possible, they did that in the past. So does that mean, I will have two lovers. Meaning twice the.....

I sigh and shake the thought out of my head, "So are we seeing each other at 5?" She starts to blush which makes me smile. "Yeah sure." I smile and try to keep composure and try not to hug her. I look up and see a car pull up and I help her up, "I think your dad is here." Her dad gets out of the car and runs to her.

He looks at me, his eyes widen and he bows. I bow back and he says, "Hey Dawn, you're ready?" She nods and he says, "Okay let's go." She nods to me as she looks down. She looks down but we make eye contact. I meet her eyes and I can feel my eyes turning white with a burning pain. I smiled and winked at her.

She gets in and her dad comes to me and says, "Thank you..."

"Prince Moon, but you can call me Daemon." He bows and says, "It was an honor to meet you. I will pay you somehow" Looking at him I say calmly and reassuring, "You don't have to sir." He nods and smiles, as gets in his car and drives off.

I look after them and sigh. I then said, " You can come out now, I know you there Luke." He walks out of the shadows, "Awe boo, why you spoil the fun Prince Dork."