
The World Behind The Well

A girl wakes up to find herself being called Princess Robin Everson.The last thing she remembers is hitting her head on a well. Will she decide to be Princess Robin or will she runaway to live a normal life?

fireyn · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Self Discovery Sadness

We ended up leaving the tavern around 10 p.m. Afterward we went to the wagon. Early the next morning we left. We found a small creature with long ears and green eyes that quickly ran off the path. I thought a lot about what has happened like running away, falling in love, meeting new friends, exploring Salvation. It was kinda overwhelming to me. I need to discover who I am meant to be. So some ways I am gonna do it is take more time for myself.

"Intra,I think I need help finding out more about myself?" I asked.

"Oh,Robin, I will try! I doubt I have found myself to be honest." Intra told me

"Robin,Intra life is about taking risks! Life is too short to not go for what you want!" Envy told us

"Yoer confuinsng these ladews "said Grik

"Grik, they need to hear this advice. My great grandmother told me this before she passed away."Envy yelled to Grik.

A little bit later we ended up at a small pond. Where a group of witches set up camp. They say spells out loud.

"I curse Lydia with this straw in my very hand!"shouted one of the witches

"As do I!" said another witch

"Hey Witches, Is it ok if we camp here for the night?"asked Envy.

"We don't care." said the witches in unison.

"Thank you!" said Envy

"Just don't make us mad!"said an old witch giggling

"What happens?" I asked.

All of the sudden the sky turned a very dark color. A wolf face appeared in the sky. It howled so loud I thought I was deaf. Intra started screeching as loud as she could. Envy flew away. Grik started crying. I wonder why they were so affected and I wasn't.

"Witches, why are they so affected and I am not?" I yelled.

"You're a weak one! THAT IS WHY!" The witches laughed.

I decided to pull a position out of my bag. It was a position to make you large. I gulped the whole bottle down my throat. I started to grow bigger and taller. When I reached full height I chased the witches. I ended up picking up a few and throwing them. I was so angry. No one can hurt my friends on my clock though.

"Ahhh!" yelled a witch

"Who is the weak one now?" I told those witches.

The witches eventually stopped. I told the witches that they needed to fix my friends. I ended up closing my eyes. I woke up to find myself in a tent with Envy, and Intra.

"Where is Grik?" I asked

"He couldn't handle the curse of witches and passed."cried Envy

"No!"I yelled.

"Grik was a great ogre. He had a big heart. He was my partner in crime. We stole so much together." Envy sobbed.

I ran out of the tent. I knew it was my fault. I asked the witches a dumb question. My friend is gone because of that I thought. I can't handle it, I thought. I ran past the pond. To the woods and sat down and cried for hours. I must have fallen asleep outside because it was morning when I woke up. I remembered what happened. I knew I had two options: run away from Envy and Intra or go with them. I decided I would run away for a while. I have to be alone with my emotions, I thought. I got so mad that I stepped on a bug's colony. Thousands of bugs came out. I feel like the world is ending. I know what I have to do. I need to return to camp to express my emotions to Intra.