
The Women who could call Fire

From the moment i could remember my life never completely made sense , I remember moments in my life where it all made sense, from love to hate.. family and friends..but those moments where nothing never makes sense is what scares me the most that's until i met them the others . The others who knew more about my life than i did That's when it all changed every single detail ..

Creativesoul98 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter 3

Darkness is all I remember not just in this moment but from the moment I was born , it was all i could understand especially now. Maybe it was the secrets i had finally begin to understand or the pain for my mother , or just the blow to the head I received but something in me had begin to burn and something about it just felt so relieving like i almost could grasp the power right between my hands.

"What do you mean this is it , how the hell are we supposed to survive out here let alone find whatever pack it is you claim she belongs to " i could hear lily's voice clearly now ,

it was obvious i wasn't in darkness anymore. Stretching out in the carriage i set up in looked out the window, it was clearly almost time for the moon to come out and so far all i could see was woods and trees this couldn't be it.

" this is it " i whispered questioningly at the guard and driver who delivered us here , " where are we supposed to go " i raised my voice , i was beginning to lose my mind.

" I'm sorry but this is the queens orders i was told to make sure you and lily was delivered to the edge of the forbidden forest nothing more , nothing less" he said looking at us both in sympathy. But even I'm sure lily could notice how his body begin to shake even through his armor,

" it's fine veronica , he's right there is nothing more he could do for us anyway it's up to us to find your pack or wherever this north place is supposed to be " lily said harshly

"Who do you think you are ordering me around , i know you had something to do with this " i screamed accusingly at her . " and how dare you speak to me as if you're on my side when you couldn't even bother to tell me my own mother was alive what type of friend are you " i yelled out ranting in circles

Before either of us could even continue our disagreement, the horses let off signaling that the carriage was indeed leaving us at the edge of the forest in the middle of complete nowhere.

" now look at that how about we head along now princess " she said sarcastically

" you bitch" I growled out charging at her in inhuman speed , " how dare you joke after what you did , do you think we're friends I LOST MY MOTHER , do you lack sympathy " i growled out and

Before i knew it i was laying flat on the ground a few feet away while lily laid a few feet away with two burn marks imprinted on her forearm.

"Oh my god " i cried out in anguish

Before i could grab her arms she scooted away from me " stay the fuck away from me " she sneered.

" you think your the only one with issues like everyone is just living in the happiest world while you sit with no one, well guess what i lost someone too , i love someone too , I'm fighting for someone too and I'm in pain too " she yelled at me while wiping at her tears. The pain was running through the both of us , sadness as well

By then i think all of our anger had subsided, I could finally see the reality of our situation we were both being targeted, both alone , both lost everything and now all we had was one another.

Time had passed and by now the moon was almost finally out , looking at each other I think we both got that the decision to put our differences aside was best for now , right now we had to survive tonight in a place we both had no idea about

" look i get it that's all I'm saying, and i know it wasn't right to hide the truth from you but my father is out there she took him and if we don't figure out a way to save our parents then yes I'm going through with what the queen said " lily said look down at me sadly.

I couldn't hold it against her in a way maybe we were alike, but i was never prepared to hurt anyone i wanted to find a way that wouldn't hurt any more people . " deal " i said holding my hand out , she hesitated before reaching out to shake my handle lightly. " you know we might have to figure out a way to fit in a little training for this problem " she said cringing her hand away , i looked down at my hand to finally recognize what she meant.

My hand was completely covered in red flames making it's way up my arms in a flower pattern , it was completely painless , but what really shocked me was the uncontrollable shocks of fire that sprouted from my hands. Whenever I opened them causing both me and lily to let out uneasy smiles " sorry " i said with a half smile .

" for now wear these " she said then reaching into her coat pocket to hand me a pair of leather gloves.

" the queen told me to give them to you when you needed them, i guess this is what she meant " she explained when i looked at her with questions.

The moment i slid the gloves on i could tell that they were not regular gloves , something told me this had something to do with what the queen said about having stuff for monsters. Making me instantly feel regret while slipping them on, But I couldn't deny the relief i felt once i put them on, instantly the red energy surrounding my hands disappeared making my anxiety go back down.

I quickly grabbed my sack while trailing after lily,

" we need to hurry in find shelter " lily whispered back to me while looking around the entrance of the forest

" you don't want to know what beast lives out here other than your kind " lily said while looking around warily .

That's all it took for me to start making my way through the snow towards lily, as i went I couldn't notice the trail melting as we walked along through the forest leaving no snow wherever i walked .

"Atleast we don't have to worry about walking through the snow " lily said trying to lighten the tension in the air, but I couldn't help but wonder about those other beast she spoke of . All I've ever known are walls inside of walls . I would steal books sometimes just to learn but nothing in those books could have prepared me for the truths that resided in the real world.

Looking around I couldn't deny how much better the real world looked than those four walls, and that made me smile.

(Once again thank you everyone who is giving my book a chance! I appreciate it sm , This is my first officially book please continue to vote & also leave feedback please and thank you :)