
The Women who could call Fire

From the moment i could remember my life never completely made sense , I remember moments in my life where it all made sense, from love to hate.. family and friends..but those moments where nothing never makes sense is what scares me the most that's until i met them the others . The others who knew more about my life than i did That's when it all changed every single detail ..

Creativesoul98 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter 16

After this morning's charades i was contemplating on not attending the fight tonight, i was newly trained and still learning to control my powers for one, but also a part of me just couldn't turn down a challenge.

So here i was standing inside the training arena preparing to fight stella, one of the most professionally trained warriors in the pack.

"Okay so listen to me, i need you to think with your mind and not your emotions, keep your mind clear and no matter what stay focused" my mate said instructing me before i entered the arena.

"Got it" i said trying to hide how petrified I actually was, this would be the second time I've ever gotten into a fight but this time willingly.

The moment I entered the arena i could feel the change in the atmosphere, i could feel the hatred dripping off of Stella and that right there pissed me off so bad.

"How about we just get straight to it" i said instantly recognizing that she was going to throw the first punch.

The moment I entered the arena i had begin shutting off every emotion i had, the only thing i was concentrating on was defeating the enemy in-front of me. All i could see was red,

And with that thought my body started to move before i could acknowledge that i was actually throwing the first hit, i jogged around her before sliding underneath her kicking her so hard i could feel the crunching of her leg underneath my boot.

"Fuck you're going to regret that" she said before snapping her leg back into, i could see the healing process starting already. Before i could register what she meant, i could see her beginning to morph into her all black wolf.

"Stella shift back now! This is a clean fight no powers at all" Jonathan yelled out to us, but before he could make it to us Stella had already started charging at me using her claws to send me flying straight into the wall of the arena.

"Oh my god veronica! Are you okay" i could hear lily screaming running to me, i don't know how I managed to stand up but the anger running through my veins had motivated me, this women hated me yet she had no clue who i was. It was time I showed her,

With one motion i sent lily flying back, not hurting her but keeping her out of my way.

Not wasting anymore time i levitated into the air before charging down hopping onto Stella's back before sending waves of fire through her body starching her entire back into flames. Before she could make any moves i I rammed my elbow into her ribs, hearing another crack making her wolf growl out in pure rage making me cackle in glee.

Her wolf begin shaking me off before it could register was i was about to do, i flipped off its back sending five fire balls into its body leaving nothing but a barely breathing burned wolf.

Letting out the breath I didn't know i was holding i shakily started walked towards lily, my whole body was racing with energy it took everything in me not to continue until there was nothing more.

"Wow I didn't know you had it in you" lily said handing me a blanket to cover my half torn shirt.

"I did" Zekiel said walking up to me with a proud look,

"I'd say it was a well deserved ass whooping you gave her, that'll teach her not to cheat" Jonathan said jumping on his tippy toes, this guy was definitely something.

"Jonathan make sure you take her to the infirmary" Zekiel said to Jonathan laughing before grabbing my hand to lead me to the pack house.

"I'm surprised you didn't break it up" i said looking at him curiously,

"I knew you could handle yourself plus she was asking for it, but if you were in any danger i would have broke it up immediately" he said stopping to look into my eyes.

"Now lets get you cleaned up I'll say you deserve a home cooked meal after today" he said smiling at me; what would i do without this man, He was beginning to grow on me


"I never knew you could cook" i said biting into my steak for the fifth time,

"There's a lot we will learn about one another" he said to me warmly before setting down his eating utensils.

"Tell me what's on your mind" i said , i could feel through our bond that something was on his mind.

"I know it's soon but i would love if we could begin the mating ceremony Friday, I'll explain to you soon why it's urgent that we complete it but just know its for your own protection" he said grabbing my hand affectionately.

Before i was skeptical about having the ceremony so early, but now i was just as anxious to be welcomed into the pack as him, plus the quicker we did this the quicker we could focus on saving my mother.

"I agree , i would love if we would complete our mating ceremony Friday but can explain to me what would be asked of me to do" i said nervously,

He reached forward caressing my face.

"Don't worry it's not as bad as it seems plus the pack has already started to accept you, but to fully complete our bond and make you a official pack member we both will cut one another to exchange blood then we will be entwined as one" he explained first. I couldn't imagine that anything could make us closer than we already was, i was starting to feel

More and more comfortable with being with Zekiel and our pack forever.

"Then you will be able to fully communicate telepathically with your mind to any one of the pack members willingly or unwillingly thats because you're luna" he explained to me patiently while answering any other questions i had.

"I can't wait to be bonded with you forever" i said standing up to hug him,

"Me as well my love" he said kissing my forehead.

For the rest of the night we discussed the remainder of our plans, including the visit to the council soon. I knew someway i had to tell Zekiel before we made it to the council about what the forbidden moon goddess had told me. For now it could wait, I wanted to cherish this moment while we could. After today and everything I've been through, i think I deserve to At least do that.