
Best Day Ever

Three month's was a long time to be in Hell. Time moved different there too a single day on Earth was mere moments in Hell. The Wolf decides to leave Hell most days staying in the forest.

When people look back on their lives, I'm talking life choices, most people tend to want the time machine. You know go back in time and change thing's. Well not the Wolf, every day of his new life was an adventure that he didn't want to end.

Bjórn was in the forest it was dark and it was cold and his Beast was out in full form enjoying the hunt. Bjórns beast was named Roan. Every chance to be free was stimulating. Roan prowled. The forest.

Head lowered, ears flat against his head, switching from all fours to standing upright, Roan sniffed for his prey. Today it was a bull elk. The elk had leaped a small spring and Roan stretched his body to full height almost 9 feet tall. He was smelling the wind.

Across the other side deep in the tree line he heard the elk bugle, his ears standing straight up flicking. He moved silent catching the elk by surprise. Leaping from the ridge to the ground below grabbing the elk latching on to it's throat breaking it's neck.

Roan carried it that way too. Throat in his mouth body flung over his back he ran to the house with his prey.

Shifting to human form, Bjórn cleaned the animal and prepared the meat for dinner.

Valentina came in and the smell coming off her made his eye's widen. He waisted no time at all, picked up Valentina rushed her to the bedroom, tossed her on the bed then just stared at her. His fingers in his hair barely keeping it together.

His eyes normally bright blue were now dark like a sharks.

"I'm sorry my Goddess I can't possibly hold back any longer"

As if she knew what was happening the succubus simply pulled off her top with a crooked smile, motioned come here with her index finger.

Bjórn moved slowly but soon as he got close she snapped her fingers and they were both naked. Something strange coming over them both.

He trailed soft kisses all along her body. The taste of her skin was making him lose all resistance within himself.

She whispered something in his ear but at this point his body and mind was on auto pilot.

Strange moment's he would surface from the groggy state of his mind. He had her legs around his waist about to thrust inside her and she was already begging for him to.

Another moment he surfaced with her pressed against the wall, her body lifted high above his chest her legs around him. He let her free fall impaling her on his shaft making her scream.

He surfaced yet again with her bent over the bed her ass high in the air as he took her from behind his thrusting so hard her feet would leave the floor and her moaning as if telling him don't stop.

Lost in the sea of euphoria he had no idea how long this went on but one thing was certain. Valentina was now his and she was not leaving this room without his mark.

He came to this time holding her in his arm's both of them panting for air, sweat was pouring off him. He kissed her neck fangs elongated. He bit her neck forming the bond leaving his mark. Sank his teeth into flesh, into bone. When this happened many thing's started, first all his emotions were shared, second he was now able to mind link with her. Third his mark started making a design across her skin like a tattoo started at her neck traveled down her arm ending at the back of her hand. He showed her his throat offering his own neck to her wanting to make her his new Queen, his Luna.

To his surprise the deed was sealed he carried her mark proudly. What ever had happened one thing was certain Bjórn was inlove with Valentina and she was now his Queen. He would never let her go. This had just become the best day of his life. His Beast Roan was thrumming with power inside him, it was so much harder now to contain him than ever before.

He was at a loss for word's had this all been a dream? How did this even start? Where was the warning sign saying hey dumb ass don't fuck up and hurt her? Most of all DAMN


"YES DAMN that was amazing"

"Sorry I can't even find word's right now I think my brain overloaded in extacy"

Her laugh and the feel of her so close to him was perfect, every curve, arch and dip of her body fit so perfectly against his that it made him mumble the word.


"What's that mean Wolfie?"

"It's nothing love"

"No tell me"

"It means you are mine"

"Yes Wolfie and you are mine"

I wasn't even sure how we were going to tell her family about this, but I knew one thing we weren't about to leave this bed anytime soon.

I wasn't even sure how one would go about trying to one up a day like today, was that even possible? I don't think it is, I've never lost myself like that with anyone to say Valentina is special.

There's just no other way to see it.

That night he slept with her in his arm's Valentina his new mate, his Goddess, his Queen, his Luna

She was now his whole world and nothing could take that away she was His.

His dreams were full of wonder no more nightmares for the Wolf. No more empty cold bed to come home to. there was only one thing that scared him more than anything one question on his mind.

Was he good enough, was he able to satisfy her and if so was he also able to fulfill her deepest desires? In his world his deepest desire was to make her happy.