

Marie and Trevor, childhood friends, who work in the Dalamos laboratory, obtain a fuel to power their time machine. The fuel is made from the life serum of a rare kind of wolf called the hiona wolf. During a ceremony to celebrate the achievement of the laboratory, Marie encounters Six in the female changing room and freaks out. Six calms her and tells her that he's from the future. He goes on to tell her that he's a werewolf, and using the life serum of the hiona wolf to power the time machine has caused the descendants of the hiona wolf to hunt humans in the future, turning most of them to werewolves. Marie involves Trevor in this, and together with Six and three of his friends from the future also, they embark on a journey to the future to save humanity from the disaster.

Victor_Obioma_9762 · Urban
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141 Chs


As soon as she got into the house, she met face to face with Trevor, who stood inside the house looking around and wondering where he was. In a reflex, she ruffled her clothes in a vain bid to cover herself completely, but it unknowingly fell to the floor. "Hannah!" Trevor called, smiling at her, with his eyes open, like he saw a pleasing ghost. 

Hannah used to be his girlfriend back on Earth, but the relationship dissolved after an altercation he still finds funny.

He looked at her, wondering why she didn't appear to be Hannah the first time he saw her in the woods, or wasn't he in his right senses when he first saw her? Or maybe cause it was dark.

She kept hiding her body with her hands, covering her vital parts, almost crouching. He shielded his eyes and looked away, then she bent to take her clothes up. When she stood up once again, their eyes met, and they held the gaze for some time.