
The Wolf's Den

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT] A story about Katalina, a very ambitious woman who rose up the ladder in her company, Wolf Enterprise. She now finds herself secretly married to an executive in the company. Soon after her honeymoon things turn sour for her happily ever after. Now with the sudden input of her notice to leave the company, her company's CEO finally comes back from overseas wanting to discuss her sudden career change. But why does the CEO, Jiovanni Wolf, look like the one night stand she had 2 years ago?

Deja_Andio · Urban
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25 Chs

How It’s Going

Kat felt helpless. She couldn't understand how the world could be so cruel. Well, she completely understood but her life had always gone from worse to better.

Since Kat started working with the TECH company, Wolf Enterprise, her life started looking up. She started three years ago straight out of college at 24 with a business major. She would've been higher with the company if it wasn't for a brief medical leave she had to take early in her second year.

All the while, she floated up higher with the company. Most of her promotions came directly from the CEO himself. Although she had never met him, she was specifically told from his secretary via ZOOM on several occasions about her huge contributions to the company. His secretary had regularly praised his sense of justice when it came to rewarding his employees.

But that's not all she heard about the young CEO. She had heard horror stories. Stories of how temperamental he can be. Jiovanni Wolf? She thought that's what the CEOs name was. Everyone called him the Wolf.

When your work performance was great, you were heavily rewarded. But when you negatively impacted the company, it was almost certain death. Hence, Kat was soaring higher than she could imagine because of her intelligent mind and sharp wits. Up until just recently.

Her confrontation with her father-in-law was near five months ago, and her career made a drastic turn for the worse. She wasn't sure whom her father-in-law had called in her company however, whoever it was, must have been someone of great importance.

The day after proved to be very difficult. She was called to the administrative office and was immediately given a task beyond reasonable expectations. She knew it was a task that could not be completed in the time given. Was it a trap? She was more than sure it was.

Kat worked overtime for days at a time and often got home late. When she got home late, she was often confronted with a very angry Richard, who had drunk a little too much.

When Richard got drunk, he was at his worst. He would blame her for everything. Although he did not want to see her and swore that he was not attracted to her presence anymore he still resented the fact that she focused on her career and would often beat her.

Kat never feared anyone, especially a man. She never learned how to cower down to anyone before him. Now, slowly but surely, she was learning about how to cower.

After a month of nonstop working overtime and no sleep, Kat was still unable to perform, and thus was punished by her supervisor for not delivering. She was demoted and had her lead position stripped from her.

When she told Richard about the demotion, all he did was laugh in spit in her face. Literally spat in her face. After months and months of cruelty and strategic attacks against her, she finally lowered herself and turned in her two weeks' notice.

Kat looked down at the enveloped letter in her hands.

After meticulous, reading in rewriting, over and over again, she had finally caved in and decided that this was the best letter to inform her employer of her will to leave the company. The envelope was a bit wrinkled and filled with teardrops on them. For a woman who rarely cried before, she found herself only crying these last few months. She was broken.

As she looked down at the envelope, she lowered her gaze further towards the floor at the ratty high heels that she had on. Kat used to dress extravagantly to work, and within a matter of months, her entire dress code had reformed with her. She was no longer the Katalina Hunter that was domineering, powerful, strong and well respected. She was now ridiculed harassed and disregarded constantly.

Closing her eyes as the elevator ascended to the 15th floor, she only opened them when the bell rung signaling that she had arrived at her floor. She stepped out cautiously and made her way towards the human resources office. When she reached the front of the wooden door, she sat staring at the knob, as though it were on fire.

Could she do this? She thought. Could she really throw her entire career away. Someone who was always known for achieving and never giving up. However, she truly felt defeated this time.

Slowly, reaching out trembling, and she twisted the doorknob and stepped inside of the well lit office.

Upon entering the room Kat was greeted by a very beautiful woman named Patricia Stafford. She was the human resources manager of the company, and a very close acquaintance to the CEO. She was the only one within the company who absolutely was unbiased to everyone. She rarely held longer than two-minute conversations with employees, and when she did, it was strictly professional.

"How can I help you Ms Hunter?" Ms. Stafford ushered Kat over to a nearby sofa and beckoned for her to sit.

Without saying a word, Kat handed her the envelope with both hands, and her head lowered.

"Well, what might this be?"

Ms Stafford proceeded to open the letter and an expression of shock rippled across her face. Or rather, she looked almost frightened, scared even. Surely her resignation letter shouldn't be a cause for concern or shock. Right? Then again she was just another one of the four hundred employees in this building.

"Ms Hunter, I understand that you are facing some difficulties, however, I beg you to reconsider leaving the company."

Kat lowered her head again, and quietly rejected the ladies offer. How ironic. The strong woman who had always had a stern and steady voice now lacked the courage to speak out. Her captivating and confident stature and voice were gone.

Ms Stafford folded up the letter and placed it back into the envelope as she handed it over to Kat.

"I apologize, Ms. Hunter, however, I cannot accept this. I understand that you are facing some difficulty lately, however, you are under direct orders to only submit your resignation to the CEO. To Mr. Wolf directly."

Shocked, Kat jerked her head up with a wide-eyed gaze at Ms. Stafford.

"Why is that?" Kat asked. She had never heard of any such order from any employee within the company.

"How am I supposed to submit a resignation personally to someone who is overseas? I cannot put this off forever waiting for him."

"I understand completely, Miss Hunter. Fortunately, you will not have to wait long. Mr. Wolf's plane is landing here currently as we speak. He will be in the office tomorrow."

Excusing herself, Ms Stafford escorted Kat to the door and firmly closed it behind her.

Tomorrow it is then.