A prophecy is something is something theoretically impossible to break, something that should predict the future and already tell how everything will end, but what happens when a unpredicatable varibale adds to the mix? First year will happen in 2001, so that by the end of the seventh year, the first Iron Man movie will happen
As soon as the words crossed my mind nearby agents shoot towards us using a shotgun.
Hagrid at a speed I wouldn't have thought a giant could and opened his umbrella/wand, which was covered in runes, and blocked all the nearby bullets.
But one stray bullet wasn't blocked by the umbrella directly hitting Hagrid on his leg and making him flinch.
The flinch made the grip he had on my body weaker, giving me the opportunity to free myself, I had to help, we quality, but they had numbers on their side.
Using the minimap on my side I knew where the nearest enemies were and who was directly aiming at me, so I knew who I had to fight and who I had to avoid.
Now free I quickly scan the area for any weapon, sure using magic or summoning things from my inventory would be the easiest way to do it, but considering how I was currently being rescued by wizards, simply popping things out of thin air and using magic like it was nothing, wouldn't be a good idea.
My eyes glowed when I saw a knife just laying on the ground, so without much further ado I rushed towards it.
With my Dex at 21 at Str at 25 I was much faster and more agile than the normal 10-year-old kid making me able to slide towards the knife catch it mid-slide, and get back up with a spin all in one fluid motion.
During the spin, I was able to pinpoint the nearest enemy, who still hadn't seen my thanks to the smoke the destruction of the building had created.
I started rushing towards the man, and just as he realized I was coming for him, I used my height difference to slice the back of his knees.
Before he could scream I had already jumped up and grabbed his mouth while slicing his throat.
All of these things were made easy thanks to a new skill I had been forced to learn by my kidnappers.
Assassination Lv.6
For the Brotherhood, the process of killing people or being stealthy, while dealing damage to an unaware enemy your movements speed, stealth, and damage are boosted by (Skill level)%
Apart from the bonuses it gave it also gave me an instinctual knowledge on how to deal with certain situations to kill in the swiftest and stealthiest way, of course, the skill was still low level.
" HE IS HERE." An average Agent, thank you Observe, had said while pointing at me.
The sound of explosions and spells didn't let everyone hear, but those who did turn towards me, but not fast enough, giving me the opportunity to rush towards the nearest green dot.
" HARRY." Who to my luck was Nat.
She looked tired, not physically but mentally, her eyes got watery for a second when she saw me, but before she started crying she rushed towards me, grabbed me like Hagrid did and rushed me back to safety, which was behind the Wizards.
" Check his conditions." She imposed on the Wizards that were resting after using too much of their magic.
One such wizard was an elderly woman wearing a long green coat with a back rob under it, when she saw me she rushed as fast as an elderly woman could and quickly cast a spell called Episkey, which immediately healed 50 HP.
" Dear Harry I am so happy to finally meet you, I am so sorry it had to be in this situation though." She said with a sad tone while grabbing my hands, her hands having the same warmth Nat's had.
An enormous explosion came from inside the structure, smoke started spreading everywhere, scared for everyone's safety I quickly opened up the map and counted the number of green dots, surprisingly no one had died but a large number of the red dots was missing, the remaining part rushing on the lower levels, while the puppets continued fighting but dying miserably.
The one who had cast the spell comes out only covered in dust, the most eye-catching thing about him was his eyes, one was small and dark while the other was a vivid, electric blue magical eye that moved around independently from his normal eye.
" Alastor, an explosion inside a building, are you even crazier than I thought you were?" The woman checking on me asked the man.
" It was all calculated, no one died, but lots of the enemies did."
" It... I have no time to talk with you I have to check on Harry."
After a few minutes of being cast several spells on, the fight had finally ended, giving me an opportunity to finally reach Nat and hug her, I craved a hug more than in my entire life.
" I am so glad you are safe." She said her voice slightly cracking.
" I love you," I told her, my emotions taking the best of me in this situation, Gamer's mind deeming it not necessary to activate.
Her face lightened up for a second, tears finally falling down from her eyes, she held me even tighter while smiling and crying tears of happiness.
" What a joyous scenario." An elderly voice said from behind us.
I turned towards the voice and saw the oldest, second tallest, and second coolest human I had ever seen.
" Albus," Nat said while drying her tears.
"Miss Romanoff I am sorry to interrupt the meeting, I just wanted to be sure of Harry's safety after such a scary event." He said while looking at her.
She simply nodded and began speaking again.
" Harry this is the Headmaster of the school where you will go, his name is Albus Dumbledore."
I simply nodded, not really caring about who he was, he looked senile but at the same time smart and wise, is this an aura you gain with age?
I turned once again towards Nat and spoke with a soft voice.
" Now what?"
" We go home." She said with a big smile.