
The Witcher: Flaming Rose

This story will tell you a story about a kid that got unlucky and lost everything. His naive dreams were broken and crushed into a speck of dust, leaving him lonely and helpless. Will he be able to survive in a world that holds many dangers in face of beasts or monsters? Yet he had to find that the biggest monsters out there are humans. But there are those that are guilty of this feat and he made this like goal, a goal to reach before his death. How will he manage to do that? Only time will tell. Update rate: 3-4 chapters a week. The story will start very dark, but it will be better with time. I don’t plan on making a lot of gore, but it will be there from time to time, however not as extreme as the first one. /// This book will be the first one for the series of 3. This is the start of the story of the MC. In this book, his story will be told of how he came to be a witcher. /// I don't own the rights for the Witcher Universe.

TacetIrae · Bücher und Literatur
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Chapter 1: World of wonders and disasters.

On the lands, where blood is spilt in each corner of the land. Where the burning greed and hasty anger led to a lot of disasters, painting the earth red. The cries of lone mothers standing over their children's graves were heard throughout villages and towns. Where the cost of life fell below the ground… almost losing its value… making it worthless in everyone's eyes….

The continent had a lot of wonders all around, with fairytale-like landscapes full of flowers, peaceful rivers and huge but wonderful mountain ranges. The continent was home to many creates, from small to huge ones.

From those that desired nothing but some food on their tables and a roof above their head to those who poison their heart for their desires, greed and never-ending hunger for more. From those that lived for thousands of years, possessing limitless knowledge and wisdom, to those that knew nothing about the world, having their days numbered.

Creatures that, for some of you, might just be projections of a fairytale were a reality in this world. Huge and magnificent beasts that spit fire were called dragons. Creatures that were hiding in the shadows, hunting your kind while staying unnoticed, slowly drinking your sipping blood were vampires, creatures so strong and immortal that no man could kill them.

This world was home to a lot of creatures, from small and weak to huge and strong; however, it was not always like that. This world was special, and it was nothing like thousands of others that were there in the infinite cosmos.

This world was something different. Unlike other ones; this one was a result of balance being broken. Something that isn't supposed to happen. A world that forever will be a lesson that messing with a balance is something no man has the right to.

However, such a fact was never able to stop those that were responsible for such a feat. Once a race was granted an ability to use force out of their imagination. A force was so great that it could cause total chaos or bring order.

This was no coincidence since the origin itself came from the conflict of 2 forces that were at the start of all. A conflict of chaos and order. Two very strong but opposite forces were never able to find a coexistence, always fighting against each other. One side wished for one, for order and never wanted a conflict, and other side was violent and impulsive. Chaos was wishing for everything be in havoc, everything to be in the fire.

Chaos never lets order live in peace, constantly assaulting order. This battle resulted in the creation of a force that changed the universe. The results of the conflict caused by order and chaos led to the creation of magic. Force so strong that it is able to alter reality. And this was a process that ignited a spark of life.

This spark once led to a birth of a race that was so talented and the first to ever exist and have the ability to control a force called magic. At first, this power granted them limitless possibilities for improving their life, but with time like always, power corrupted.

Once a creature that served as an embodiment of magic itself found this race. It was a meeting of those that stayed at the top of the power chain. Elves and Unicorns.

This meeting was something that had already happened once. Unicorns were creatures pure as order, having no ill intentions and wishing for one thing to live to bloom and develop. Elves were different. They wished for things that no race should have. They dreamed of becoming those who would rule the universe and be at the top of the chain giving out commands.

Unicorns being pure creatures, never imagined elves to be like that, blindly trusting them, helping them with building something called a whirlpool of worlds. This was something great. It was a whirlpool of the worlds that had life on them. All of them were linked together and placed in order for one thing to happen. This event allowed us to create something called 'Ard Gaeth' or, in folks' language, 'Gates of the worlds'.

With such a tool that was in possession of Elven race, they stopped shying away and went all out. Conquering worlds one after another, killing off the populace of the world and taking everything for themselves. But it didn't last for long since Unicorns were able to witness to which consequences their help resulted.

Because of that, they closed the path that could allow one to travel the world. Elves that were already drowning in greed for more were not able to stop. It caused a crack in their society. One party wanted to stop their bloody conquest, and another wanted to keep going.

Once elves that were wishing for peace and bore the name of Aen Seidhe wished to split with their more violent brothers Aen Elle. They decided to try something that they never could, travel the worlds with paths closed.

The results of this act were devastating. In the process of the spell, something went wrong, resulting in the process called the conjunction of spheres.

This process opened portals between all worlds that were included in the whirlpool of the worlds, making it possible for every creature that inhabited those planets to travel to one single world, flooding it with various creatures and species.

The results of this experiment were forever closed gates between the world that were sealed forever or until something strong enough came to open them.

However, this process was not something fast and instant. Gates between the world started to open sometimes, making it impossible to predict when it would stop. With that, magic also descended into the world.

Before that, magic existed on the planets only in small quantities, making it impossible for all races but elves to wield it. But after the conjunction, magic like a violent river, filled the entire world that was already filled with various races, making it possible for almost any race to have access to magic. However, with a high quantity of magic came dangers. The world was now a place where races from other realms could exist, bringing out dangers that people could not dream of.

The continent was now filled with various creatures and races, making it a game for survival for each race to make it through. It was survival of the fittest. In the process, many lives were lost, and a lot of races went extinct and were lost in the records of generations of those that were able to survive.

Some races were able to survive by hiding behind dark forests and high mountains, and in the end, most of the world got conquered by a single species that proved to be the strongest because of their extreme ability to adapt and procreate; humans.

Unicorns that were creatures of light, creatures that never seek wars or conflicts, were able to catch something coming in the future. Birth of one to change the world, whether it will be for the worst or better only the path she will take can tell.

That news was not something that could make Unicorns happy since the destiny of the world was now in the hands of one creature. At this time, they decided to intervene and give the future a better chance of surviving, giving a gift to a boy and placing him on the man's path.

That is how the destiny of the three was destined to change and follow a different path than before. But in the end, those changes were for the better future of everyone.


Well here I'm again with the first chapter, hope you enjoyed it.