
Chapter 3: The Marshal and The King

(Brugge, Kingdom of Brugge, Northern Kingdoms, Witcher World)


(Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris POV)


Aethan was within the Castle of Brugge, he was at a table with King Venzlav, they were enjoying a silent cup of wine. As Aethan had learned that King Venzlav was a solitary person, preferring relative silence to any loud or long conversations. But when at last they'd both finished their cups, and Aethan waved off a refill, Venzlav got to business.

''So, what can I do for you?'' King Venzlav asked him directly.

''Nothing, I'm here to meet a man.'' Says Aethan, and the surprise on Venzlav's face is evident, though it's quickly replaced by a knowing smile. 

''Your here for Marshal Vissegard. You're not the first, but no one's been able to recruit him. Not me, not Vizimir, not Foltest, and everyone in between. You're welcome to try your luck, but you'll need more than you have if you have a hope in hell of convincing him. Even those who can sway him, cannot convince him.'' Venzlav tells him.

''I have more than a few carrots for this particular horse.'' Aethan says and Venzlav chuckles with amusement.

''So did Vizimir and Foltest, Vissegard ate them, thanked them, and sent them on their way.'' Says Venzlav.

''Then it's a good thing I've got variety.'' Aethan replies.

''There is something I would like to discuss with you, the Cintran refugees here take up a lot of space, if you can't convince the Marshal, at least try and convince some of them to go. Less refugees means we don't have to spend as much on food, medicines, and other new things.'' Says Venzlav.

''I suppose I can try at least.'' Aethan says.

''That's all I ask of you King Aethan.'' Says Venzlav.

''I'll see you before I leave the city.'' Aethan decides, standing up and shaking hands with the King before departing.


(POV Shift: Vissegard, Former Marshal of the Cintran Army)


Another King came to call.

First Venzlav, then Vizimir, and then Foltest, now King Aethan tried his luck.

If he was honest, Vissegard would not be opposed to joining King Aethan, his grandmother was Princess Calliene, sister of Queen Calanthe. Vissegard remembered her well, Calanthe never quite forgave her mother for sending Calliene off to Cidaris, but Calanthe enjoyed her nephew's company like no other save Princess Pavetta. Most importantly, King Aethan was like Calanthe, he was a progressive ruler according to merchants, he'd invited both the Cianfinelli and Vivaldi Banks to Cidaris to set up branches and had recruited a Master Elven Swordsmith to smith for his armies. Oh, he tried keeping it quiet, but word spread fast amongst merchants and thus Brugge. That showed a rare tolerance of non-humans, and Vissegard himself appreciated that. In times past, he'd employed Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings as couriers, scouts, and spies. Their smaller builds than humans gave them a natural agility and grace that fit those roles well.

More importantly, the Dwarves were good business. They'd haggle and bicker on prices, but if they agreed to a contract, they stuck to it. They made some of the best swords and would accept payment in the form of materials. It was a good relationship until the 1230's. 

But Vissegard supposed he should wait to see what King Aethan was like as a person, everyone had layers after all. King's most of all, and as Eist was known to have once said, Kings and Monarchs and Generals were like Onions, they all had more layers than most people...


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan was led to the Cintran Refugee district of Brugge, he didn't really know what to expect of Vissegard to be perfectly honest, he'd heard stories and read reports, even read of the battles and engagements that Vissegard had led. But that gave him an idea of the man and general he was as opposed to who Vissegard was as a Person. Moreover, it didn't tell him about what to expect of Vissegard, and thinking about what Venzlav had said, he imagined Foltest came to him offering him a position in Temeria's military with the promise of one day retaking Cintra with Vissegard at that Armies head.

Vizimir likely had come offering the man lands and some shit, it was hard to say. Vizimir was known as the Just, because he was fair and evenhanded in his judgements, yet he was not a weak man or ruler, since he could be ruthless when necessary and would often play the long game. It's partly why Aethan admired Vizimir a lot, the man was a paragon of order. Which was another reason why Aethan had a soft spot for Sigismund Dijkstra. Dijkstra valued Order, like Vizimir and it could be argued that that was just one in a long list of reasons of why he plotted Radovid's assassination after Radovid in his madness targeted mages in spite of their immense value to a war effort.

Aethan would be lying if he said he hadn't considered having the boy assassinated, but with Dijkstra and Eilhart still there together it was too big of a risk, and he needed Radovid alive for now anyway. He had to have Radovid alive, since his assassination would be a distraction for Vizimir. And that was the last thing Aethan needed with War on the horizon.

''He's waiting for you.'' His guide said, speaking up for the first time. 

''You were in the military weren't...no, you have Military training, but your posture and the way you carry yourself...Cintran Intelligence if I'm not mistaken.'' Says Aethan as he observes the guide with greater scrutiny.

''Keen eyes, I served for twelve years as a military Liaison to the Marshal for Queen Calanthe's Military Intelligence Brigade. Suppose it's only natural I picked up a few things.'' His guide admits.

''Smart having you as a guide as well, you can detect an assassin easily enough and you likely have the training needed to dispatch anything short of a Witcher.'' Says Aethan approvingly.

''I wouldn't say smart, just cautious. Marshal's just through that door your Grace.'' His guide says as they arrive at a small building.

''Appreciate it.'' Aethan says handing the man a small coin pouch as payment.


Aethan and Marshal Vissegard sat at a table, a bottle of Cintran Plum Brandy between them sat on the table they were sitting at. The Bottle was open, and two glasses had been filled with the brandy. The two glasses were held by Aethan and Vissegard respectively, both more or less had only half of their glass filled, the bottle itself was quite large and they were having only a half-glass at a time.

''I missed the taste of that I must admit.'' Vissegard says.

''Dated 1226, one of the older bottles in my stores, just not the best.'' Aethan admits.

''Which is the best?'' Asks Vissegard.

''1056, Erveluce.'' Says Aethan.

''Good year.'' Vissegard says.

''Might not be the oldest bottle I have, but it is the oldest Erveluce I have. And I do prefer Erveluce.'' Aethan says.

''Make your offer.'' Says Vissegard after a moment following a small sip.

''I don't really have an offer for you. More a promise, unlike the rest of the North, I've a vested interest in taking Princess Cirilla alive. The others would just as soon kill her to keep her from Nilfgaard's grasp as they would take her in. Cirilla and I are blood relatives, as you well know. More to the point, I feel positively sick just looking at Cintra right now. Those Nilfgaardian Banners have no place there.'' Says Aethan.

''They don't,'' Vissegard agrees. ''But without Cirilla to rally behind there's not much we can do.'' Vissegard says.

''Which brings me to why I'm here Vissegard. In lieu of Cirilla, I'm the only clear claimant to Cintra. Moreover, I'm a King already and have the army and navy, not to mention a strong alliance coming with Temeria, Aedirn, Lyria and Rivia, and Hengfors. In little more than a year I'll be in the best position to retake Cintra. Most importantly of all, I'm the only relative of Calanthe in her immediate family who's not missing or dead.'' Says Aethan.

''Cintra follows fully equal Primogeniture, Cirilla is before you.'' Vissegard says stubbornly.

''I'm aware, I also know how best to find her. But the thing is Vissegard, Cirilla will likely not be able to rally the Nobles to her, she's not been seen since the Fall of Cintra. More importantly, what little power she would have would be damaged by the fact that her father is the Emperor of Nilfgaard.'' Says Aethan.

''Emhyr will never get Cirilla.'' Says Vissegard.

''I'm inclined to agree, but there is someone in this city who looks like her. When we get Nilfgaard to the Peace Table, we give the girl to Emhyr. Since it's not exactly public knowledge that their father and daughter, Emhyr would likely try to marry her to secure Cintra. To which we'd reveal the truth of their relation to keep Emhyr from claiming Cintra as a dowry and shame him in the process. We'd earn his enmity, but it would keep Cintra out of his hands.'' Says Aethan.

''Why are you here King Aethan? I'm an old man, so kindly get to the heart of why your here.'' Says Vissegard.

''I want Cintra free, and unlike the other Kings, my reasons are not purely for greed. My Grandmother died after Sodden Hill, because she'd learned Calanthe committed Suicide. More to the point, I wish for Cintra to be ruled by a Cintran, and Cirilla is missing. For that reason, I'll take the throne for as long as Cirilla won't. And unlike you I'm willing and able to do something about it.'' Says Aethan.

''Have a care, your grace. You might be related to my Queen, but that and your crown won't stop me from decking you.'' Says Vissegard.

''You sit here waiting for news instead of searching for Cirilla. I know how to find her, and I know exactly when she'll return. It's unlikely I'll ever be able to claim Cintra with any length while Emhyr lives, but at least I'm actually doing something. Forging Alliances with key Kingdoms in the North, I've Called a Summit in Hagge, and I'm recruiting with the intent of preparing for war.'' Says Aethan as drains his glass. ''More importantly, I have the right blood claims and the coming alliances to take Cintra, I will see Nilfgaard defeated and am actively doing my part to see that come true. You? What have you done since Sodden Hill?'' Aethan asks.

''Why are you here?'' Vissegard repeats.

''Join me and help me lay the groundwork to see Cintra restored. Join me and help me ensure that Cirilla lives and is protected. Join me and help me defeat Nilfgaard. Or stay here and die an old man, doing nothing but waiting. Choice is yours old man, either way I know what I have to do, the only question is: Do you?'' Aethan says as he stands up and departs.


(POV Shift: Vissegard, Former Marshal of the Cintran Army)


Well, that was interesting.

''What do you think?'' Vissegard asks, looking into the nearby alcove as his shadow enters the light.

''He raised some good points. What have we done? We've been here waiting essentially doing nothing, and the Princess is no closer to being found.'' Says his son.

''But our loyalty is for Cirilla, we would only back King Aethan as the King of Cintra if Cirilla abdicated or died. More to the point, what is the chance that Aethan wouldn't claim the crown anyway?'' Says Vissegard. ''If he does know how to find Cirilla...'' Vissegard says trailing off.

''We should work with him, if only to find out how true that is. Plus he's not wrong, he's probably the only one in the North outside of Queen Meve who wants the Princess alive, the only difference is he claims to know where Cirilla is, or at least how to find her. If he doesn't and we join him, we can always leave.'' His boy replies.

''Call the others.'' Vissegard decides. ''And Viegel? Be discreet about it, don't tell anyone why we're gathering.'' Vissegard instructs, this would go a lot smoother for everyone if he was able to speak his piece before everyone had already formed an opinion. A lot of the other leaders were divided when both Vizimir and Foltest came knocking, many of their craftsmen wanted to join Foltest, while a lot of the former guilds wanted to join Vizimir, Vissegard had been able to dissuade them from going both times, but he needed to say his piece before he brought up King Aethan's presence, and this wasn't going to be a short conversation either.

So the sooner the better...


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan was perusing a number of merchant stalls in the Cintran district of Brugge, he was looking out for well-made crafts, hoping to find hidden gems. When he was the in charge of the County of Marstal while still his father's heir, Aethan had cultivated a reputation for building an industry around highly skilled craftsmen, forming guilds and giving well-paying work for their crafts on top of the best equipment. The critical difference though was that Marstal's industries were not known as very high money-makers at the time, they - through his guidance - had become a small but sizeable staple of Cidaris economy. Among the industries that Aethan had raised up had been the crafting of toys by hand, and the production of high-grade dyes. 

The toys were made for the children of rich merchants or nobles, and Aethan hadn't selected the dyes by accident or simply because he enjoyed the Blood and Wine DLC. The Dyes were sold to nobles and merchants seeking status and notoriety, Aethan himself dyed all his outfits in a deep Cidarian Blue but used a White Dye with a rich and silk-like texture to highlight his outfits and his national sigil. Countless court tailors quickly leapt at the chance at such a thing, buying in bulk dyes that their lieges and most notable patrons bore on their sigils or national flags. A great many of the ingredients for the dyes had been grown in Marstal, which is just another reason he was so hellbent on building a great garden in Marstal. This was the proof he needed that he knew what the fuck he was doing, and thus his father had allowed him the opportunity to expand. One of the larger profits he had made had been because he had also chosen natural soaps and oils. From personal experience in his last life as well as a natural appreciation for natural products, Aethan understood the value in such things. Which is why Aethan had painstakingly and pretty much personally handled the production of soaps and the oils. It should be noted that much of the oils he took to making weren't specifically for burning or cooking, they were actually for beards and hair. Many a Cidarian had a beard and many of them also had an unruly mane that was difficult to clean and maintain. Similarly, Kovir, Hengfors, and Kaedwen, not to mention just about every living Dwarf on the continent had the same issues.

It wasn't easy, and involved a lot of trial and error, but dwarves alone made up about forty percent of the customer base as soon as he rolled out the oils, and many a wife bought the soaps for their husbands, since the soaps were just as good. Aethan was here in Brugge looking for a similarly minded individual, someone who had a great idea but was limited by their means, methods, wealth, or just because they weren't nobles or connected to a suitable patron.

Truthfully there was one industry Aethan wanted into that would help Cidaris profit immensely. He wanted in on the Alcohol market, as he knew how to brew whiskey and brandy and so forth. An uncle of his having brewed it for a living and his father being one of the few interested in metallurgy as a craft meant he also knew how to form various steels. He would love to have Hattori to be able to make Japanese Sword Steel, but a far more realistic form was likely going to be either Toledo or Wootz Steel assuming he could find the right metals or that Dimeritium or Meteorite Steel and Silver were suitable substitutes.

To be honest though, Aethan might just equip his best intelligence operatives with a Katana and Tanto since the blades would be useful during infiltration missions, and also that the long and slender blades would be less of an inconvenience to fight with than your typical weapons. They were still heavy mind, but the blade's size was more often than not where most of the weight came from in addition to what the material used was. Aethan knew that a Witcher Blade was light because of how the Meteorite Steel was forged into a blade, it combined a unique form of pattern welding with crucible Steel. And since Aethan knew how to make a number of advancements in metallurgical production, he had no doubt that sooner or later Hattori wouldn't want to leave.

However, Aethan wasn't here specifically for anything else other than Vissegard and finding hidden gems. He had other matters to attend to.


(POV Shift: Princess Atthis Jaenerys, Crown Princess of Cidaris)


Atthis was the acting ruler of Cidaris in her brother's absence, she was his oldest living relative in line for the throne and thus she was the Crown Princess until Aethan had his first son. After which the title of Crown heir would pass to her nephew. Aethan could of course throw out the succession at his leisure and designate her, Elliana, or Margaery as his heir at any time, since their was a precedent for it. Their Grandfather, King Mathen only came to the Throne because his father King Reginald II had chosen Mathen's older Sister, Queen Ria to succeed him, and Ria died in childbirth a few years after assuming the throne. No one knew who fathered her baby, but the babe died shortly after it's mother.

Nevertheless, Aethan had made her privy to some of his plans...which shocked her. She knew her brother had some ambition, but she never imagined how far it went. Her Twin was playing a long and dangerous game in order to one day claim both Cintra and Temeria. Not to mention both Kerack and Verden, as well as Brugge and Sodden. She'd learned that her twin had planted agents within the military and political infrastructure of both Kerack and Verden and was working towards forming a force of Nilfgaardian-speaking troops to cause havoc in the next war.

More importantly, Aethan was recruiting orphans and street children and housing, feeding, and training them to be the next generation of agents. He was smarter than she gave her twin credit for. Looking at it from an objective point of view, Atthis could admit she saw the value in giving children who had nothing a roof over their heads, a regular meal, and an education all paid for personally by their King. It instilled in them a deep loyalty and gratitude to their King. But Aethan had listed plans where he had planned to also put the cities beggars, thieves, and prostitutes to work, they supplied him with information, and he let them keep what they earned, while if the information they brought him was significant enough, he'd pay them on top of what they earned.

She was going through at least three different reports when Margaery entered.

''You're only just beginning to realize how far Aethan is planning aren't you?'' As soon as Margaery says that Atthis realizes that Margaery knows most if not all of what she's been reading up on.

''How much do you know?'' Asks Atthis.

''Just about everything. Aethan keeps some things to himself of course, but I know enough to know we all underestimated our brother.'' Margaery tells her.

''I have reports, plans, goals. Aethan has had the NIS infiltrate the highest, lowest, and middling levels of the Kerackian and Verdenian Military and political infrastructure with the express goal of eventually launching a swift and near painless annexation of both Kingdoms. He's got multiple lists of names of people to recruit, people to blackmail, and bribe, and kill. It just goes on and on. All of it is in our language too.'' Says Atthis showing her the reports in the language that Aethan created for their family at a young age, so as to be able to converse in secret without fear of discovery. How far does all of this go?'' Atthis asks as she leans back in her chair with a frustrated sigh.

''Do you remember when Aethan changed? When Arlen betrayed and tried to kill him? Most people think he changed because of that, but he had changed long before that. When Sodden Hill happened, our grandmother died of heartbreak at the deaths of Calanthe and Pavetta and the disappearance of Cirilla. That was the moment I remember when Aethan's natural expression first shifted. When Arlen betrayed Aethan, was when it came full circle. Aethan simply used that event as the excuse he needed in order to be more public in his change. Gone was our brother and in came the stranger.'' Margaery says.

''He's still Aethan, he's still our brother.'' Says Atthis.

''He is, but he's changed. Aethan will never trust anyone so easily ever again, not even us.'' Margaery says.

''But he told you about all this?'' Atthis says, trying to find a means of countering her youngest sibling's words.

''Only out of necessity and because he said I was the smartest one.'' Despite the mischievous and teasing tone followed by an accompanying grin, Atthis can tell it's hollow. Margaery might be the most intelligent of her siblings, but she was also the most sensitive to people and how they acted.

''Who does Aethan trust above all overs?'' It wasn't even really a question, Atthis reasonably would think it would be her or Margaery or Elliana, but all of these reports and documents told a different story, one where Aethan didn't know who to trust.

''I don't know, I don't think even Aethan really knows. But I just hope it's someone he can trust.'' Margaery admits with a scowl.

''We'll just have to make sure of it then now, won't we?'' Atthis asks to which Margaery gives her a small smile.

''I suppose we will, by the way, a Sorceress has arrived bearing a letter with both the National Seal and Aethan's personal one, she and her compatriots await you at your leisure.'' Says Margaery, and honestly...Atthis is grateful for the distraction it provides.


(POV Shift: Vissegard, Former Marshal of the Cintran Army)


"...So, there you have it, everything I've been feeling about and thinking over for the last few hours, as well as the offer.'' Says Vissegard to the assembled leaders. Each of them a former leader of a respective and crucial part of Cintra, from the head of Cintran Military intelligence, to the leaders of the Cintran Guilds and of course the other members of Calanthe's Council and of course captains of Calanthe's Royal Guard and the chief Admiral of the Cintran Navy, and the various knights who didn't defect to Nilfgaard.

He'd asked and was allowed to speak mostly uninterrupted, the others let him speak his piece and only interrupted when they felt he was on the verge of a breakdown or were worried where his line of thought was taking him.

''King Aethan has formed new industries out of practically nothing, I know at least a half a dozen different Merchant Cartels that have tried to replicate what Aethan has been doing with Dyes, Soaps, and Oils and every single one of them has not only failed miserably but has been made a laughingstock for trying. They came close with toys, but no one seems to know how Aethan gets it to work.'' Says Artos Rix, former head of the Cintra Merchants Guild. ''If he's offering us work and it sounds like he is, then I say we take it and try to negotiate an exclusive contract to ship and sell his goods, it's practically a bottomless gold mine.'' Rix speaks up.

''How can we be sure if he speaks truly about the princess? Blood they might be, but a King will always look to expand his territory.'' Says Thomas Bralen, the Captain of Calanthe's personal Guard and the former head of the Cintran Military academy.

''We can't, but he can't very well keep us all in chains now, can he? I say if he ends up being full of shit, we leave, if he doesn't...we play the long game and we see what Cirilla wants to do if it ends up being true.'' Viegel puts forth his own opinion.

''What about the rest of you?'' Vissegard asks, turning to his fellow former Councilors.

''Artos isn't wrong, the profits of Cidaris compared to other merchants and Kingdoms practically exploded in the four years Aethan was in charge of Marstal, tying our horses to his hitching post could give us a healthy and indeed excessive amount of coin with which we could try and track down Cirilla on our own.'' Osric Ven the Steward says.

''And what about his claims for Cintra? He's not wrong, we might support her, but var Attre? That nosy prick is already going up and down the entire continent trying to raise an army to claim Cintra. He can pretty it up however he likes, he's trying to claim the throne.'' Says Aurora Tasso, former Vice Chancellor of Intelligent Operations.

''So, we put it to a vote? Like we used to under Calanthe? All in Favor of Joining King Aethan raise your Hand.'' Says Damien Raineir, the former Chancellor of Cintra.

Looking amongst his fellows, Vissegard is unsurprised that the Artos, Osric, the and the other Guild and Craftsmen Guild Leaders are in favor of joining. Surprisingly though, Aurora is in favor and so too are a fair number of the other captains and the Chief Admiral Asten an Tuirsech. Vissegard is surprised when he feels his own hand rising, and looking amongst his fellows, he is joined by a small handful of Knights.

''All opposed?'' Vissegard watches as Damien and a small number raise their hands in opposition. ''Majority rules, we join King Aethan, those of who want to at any rate.'' Vissegard declares, turning to his son. ''Where is King Aethan right now?'' He asks.

''Last I heard he was in the Merchant Quarter, he seems to be searching for something, don't know what.'' Says Viegal.

''Go and find him, inform him we've come to a decision.'' Says Vissegard, turning to Osric and Artos. ''You can discuss trade with him later, I'd rather he let us know what his plans are first without any jumping ahead.'' Vissegard tells them pointedly, knowing that both men hadn't gotten their positions based solely on the fact that they were the best men for the job.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan hadn't found anything even remotely interesting to him, but he didn't really expect to. Brugge was a known producer of many ores and alloys, as well as being heavily involved in the smelting of ores and forging the alloys into high-quality blades. They weren't anything too special, but they were of high quality but that was essentially it. In truth the biggest thing Brugge had going for it was its mines, while it was mostly just iron, tin, copper, and the odd Dimeritium mine, there was also a not so insignificant numbers of gold and silver mines within Brugge.

Aethan wanted those mines; it would help him boost his economy and having even a small amount of Dimeritium mines outside of Kovir suited his purposes. If he specifically used those mines for the sole purpose of creating Swords and knives with a Dimeritium Core to counteract mages and the like, but that gold and silver would be of greater use, especially when the stuff was made into jewelry or minted into coins. Furthermore, those other mines would help him expand his arms race exponentially more into his favor simply by virtue of saving on the import fees of Mahakam Ores, and more importantly it would also give him a stronger bargaining position with the Dwarves when Foltest died.

But for now, he had a bit of groundwork to lay, he'd already started with Hattori and at Aretuza, for now he just needed to get Vissegard, and most of the merchants, craftsmen and guild leaders on his side. After that it was a simple matter of trying to track down Thaler, Shani, and Regis. Call him crazy but he'd like for Regis to become his Court Tutor. True he was a Higher Vampire, but Regis was a wise man, and he was knowledgeable in a great many areas, so who better to entrust the early and middle parts of the education of his children to? As for Shani? Aethan wanted tabs kept on her simply put, but Thaler? He had a much bigger plan for Thaler. 

He wanted Thaler to have a role in training his up-and-coming Intelligence recruits and he also wanted Thaler to command one of the more skilled regiments of the soon to be separate Military Intelligence Service. It might be more sensible to have a Military Intelligence Service united with the Nation Cidarian Intelligence Service but separating them gave them defined roles and ensured they had a scope of operations and duties they could focus on honing their skills towards. Moreover, the National Cidarian Intelligence Service would be focused on the homeland and abroad, whereas the Military Intel Service would be focused on the military and internal security, as well as infiltration and sabotage. He wanted a triumvirate of Intelligence Services, but for now he lacked the right men and women for creating the third, not to mention the reason.

Ah, at any rate, time to see what the Cintran's have decided upon...


Standing before the Cintrans, Aethan gives each of them a thoughtful, yet scrutinizing look. 

''We've made a decision, though not unanimous, the majority has ruled.'' Vissegard.

''And on what has this majority chosen?'' Aethan asks calmly.

The sounds of at least a half dozen chairs scraping across the wooden floor is head as close to nine or ten men and women depart the room.

''We have decided that your worth following, however, we would know your plans first.'' Says a man, who Aethan - Upon further scrutinization - notes the physical resemblance to Marshal Vissegard.

''Fair enough I suppose,'' Aethan says, pursing his lips thoughtfully. ''I would have you command my special Forces Vissegard. You will retain your title of Marshal and lead my Special Forces. Your duties will require you to equip, supply, maintain, and man the SpecForce regiment at your discretion. You will help train them and you will design their strategies and tactics, as well as lead them.'' Says Aethan turning to the more well-dressed men and women. ''As for your merchants, I've two things in mind. Firstly, I wish for them to help me create a great Trade League. A Guild of Guilds if you will. Together with my merchants and shopkeepers we will reap a great profit and work towards mutual interest, the price I ask however is that this league keeps my forces and those of my allies reliably supplied when at war or on assignment.'' Says Aethan.

''And what of me? And my spies? What would you have of us?'' Asks a voice, and Aethan is amused to see that Aurora Tasso looks just like she did in the Hexer.

''And us? What would you have of me and my fellow craftsmen?'' Asks Another.

''The same thing I would ask of all of you, work together towards a common and mutual interest to one day see Cintra restored and Nilfgaard defeated...or at least whichever one comes first. I don't come here demanding your loyalty, let me earn it and if you earn mine, we will all reap the rewards. Come to Cidaris, and see the truth for what it will be in the next few years.'' Says Aethan as he turns on his heel and leaves the room.


''My business here is done, we ride for Cidaris at once.'' Aethan orders.

''Yes, my king.'' Says his guard and as Aethan goes to mount his mare his body stills as he eyes a young girl with silver-ashen hair. ''My, King? Are you alright?'' His guard asks, as the remainder of his escort all hold their sword hilts nervously before looking around.

Should he take her? Or should he not? That question grips Aethan like a cold vice.

There she is before him, like a hidden gem in the trove of false ones, for the briefest moments, she and Aethan lock eyes and Aethan knows at once for sure who he is looking at...

It's False Ciri!


(Author's Note:)


Well, I did it. Four out of Four Chapters done. 

Glad I managed to stay under ten thousand this time around, but we'll see if that goal can last for very long. I really don't have a lot to say other than it took me a couple days to get back into everything, which is probably why some of it feels a little disconnected. Frankly I just don't have the time to alter this and last so sorry for that, but it is what it is. 

I'm glad I proved to myself it was possible which gives me the drive I need to start publishing on P-atreon again. I got a busy two weeks, so I should see all of you next year, or at least I hope to!




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Special Thanks to Cody, Lewis Wilson, Luci alarra, Kunta, and Jacob Hixson for supporting me.

Next Chapter is currently available on my relaunched and rebuilt P-atreon, to access simply search the following link, but without the dash between the P and A, Two tiers with the same benefits but different context. The chapters on P-atreon will be published when the chapters after it are done and dusted and ready to publish over here on this site.
