
CHAPTER 4: It's Morning At Last

I still feel weak. No matter how I get energy from the plants that surround me, I still need nourishment from a decent meal.

I looked around me, my eyes searching Ghost Wei. Her response last night, when I asked her if she will still be around when I wake up, was vague. I pushed myself up, face twitching as I feel all the bodily pains caused by the events I have to endure last night.

"You are finally awake." A voice sounded from my back. I flinched in surprise. My heart started to beat fast once again. I uncomfortably twisted my waist around to look at the floating Ghost at my back.

"Are you trying to kill me? I can't bear to have more surprises! Next time, when you talk to me, talk to my face!" I complained, feeling aggrieved.

The ghost, having lost all her emotions since God knows when just looked at me expressionlessly.

"I'll keep that in mind," she replied in an annoying monotone.

"So, any idea where we can find food here?" I asked.

"You hunt. There is a lot of whiled pheasants outside that has no spiritual qi."

"I hunt with what?" I lifted up my two bare hands. "As you can see, I have nothing with me."

"You are kind of different. When you healed yourself last night, you also healed all meridians. Right now, you have rebuilt my root and can cultivate easily back to my marshal 2 cultivation. With this cultivation, you can easily hunt those pheasants."

That explanation gave me a pause.

"Hmmm, you make it sound so simple. If I follow you correctly, first I would need to cultivate so I can have marshal 2 cultivation something. And then after that, I can hunt the pheasants?"

Ghost Wei nodded. "Correct," she said.

"Alright, so first, how does one cultivate. And second, what cultivation state am I in at the moment? And lastly, just how do we hunt? I don't know any form of combat. I have no martial arts prowess." I warned with all my heart.

"That... well, you seem to be able to make things float. Let's just go with that. Hopefully, you know how to grab and hold on to your hunt so you can kill and cook it." The ghost replied.

I stood up and stretched my arms upward. I forgot I could kill by sight. As long as it is a living entity and I have enough energy to do it.

As though reading my thought, Ghost Wei reminded me of something. "When planning to cook an animal, best to have them bleed while killing."

"You just have to say that..." I muttered under my breath.

Well, I have survived the night. Let's see what I can do today.