
The Witch Hat's Quest for Curse Curing Magic

The Elemental Witch, reduced to just a witch hat who has forgotten its memories, had been trapped in the ruins for centuries until it encountered Kailey, finally gaining freedom. Kailey, who had ventured into the ruins in search of a cure, thought she had found one. However, it turns out to be a cursed tome, leaving Kailey incapacitated. As a result, the dormant second soul from previous hijinks in the ruin arises to take over her body. After leaving the ruins, the second soul, Aleshia, renames the witch hat to Lucia. During Lucia's excitement over her christening, Aleshia separates from Lucia, leaving Lucia alone. But soon after, the leader of the Green Wolf clan appeared.

Delsuin1 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Meeting a Ominous Witch Hat

Chapter 1 Meeting an Ominous Witch Hat "I want to be immortal." This sentence is a sentence spoken by all magic wielders. Kailey has uttered it many times throughout her life of trials and tribulations. One day, Kailey, a witch apprentice in magic, stumbled upon a desolate ruin while searching for a magic technique to cure her curse. As she examined the exterior of the ruins, she discovered an oddly placed stone covering the entrance, obscured in countless abstract illusion runes that must've faded with time. After inspecting the entrance, Kailey decided to enter the ruins. She walked down numerous flights of uneven, cracked stone stairs. As she continued down, strange lights started appearing, surrounding Kailey. The stairway, once dark and only illuminated by Kailey's lantern, was now illuminated with countless colorful lights. While examining the mysterious lights, her consciousness suddenly blacked out. When Kailey came to, she found herself inside a tube filled with strange liquid. As she searched for clues on how to get out of the tube, she spotted a strange-looking witch hat on a table moving around! Kailey gasped in shock, choking on the liquid in the tube. It felt like a gelatinous substance, similar to the outer layer of a slime. The hat noticed the commotion and swiftly hopped over to a group of control panels with runes that would have been able to pioneer the next generation of magic users. The panels were complex and featured never-before-seen theories. As the hat deftly imbued magic into the groundbreaking runes, the liquid surrounding Kailey dispersed, flowing out of the tube and onto the chamber ground. It congealed into a monstrous slime, towering over Kailey. It then shrank to the size of the nearby witch hat. As the liquid in the tube holding Kailey began to liquefy and stream out, she thought of ways to escape. Initially, she tried breaking the tube with her bare hands, but then she remembered she could use magic! She began incanting a spell to break out. Unfortunately, her mana was gone. It left her with only enough for useless physical movement. As she started to despair, the strange witch hat made an unintelligible noise, causing the mana circuits in her body to go wild! Kailey felt herself becoming paralyzed, unable to move. Despite knowing she couldn't stop what was happening, Kailey tried her best to stay calm. However, she also continued to struggle because she understood not doing so would mean she wouldn't survive this encounter.