
Chapter 9: Amber Flow, Honeycomb Grow


I’m exhausted, consistently trying to pull myself up and cut at the rope holding me without also falling to the ground and breaking something has taken all of the physical strength out of me. It feels like it’s been hours, in reality only a few minutes, but during all of which Alec has just been standing by watching me struggle with wry amusement. It’s frustrating, considering how well the morning had been going.

“Alec, I’m serious, I’m too tired to do this, get me down.” I try to keep the anger from my voice, but it bleeds through, the feeling of resentment from the first day we started this trip resurfacing with a vengeance.

“Can’t do that, Leena. I may not always be there to save you. You’re no damsel in distress, figure it out.”

And that…isn’t what I expected from Alec.

So often he’s the wisecracker, making jokes and deflecting serious conversation with humor until I give up on it. The one who puts emphasis on the body over feelings. For him to admit that he may not always be around despite how badly he apparently wants to be, that I’m not just a woman to protect, allows me to see him with new eyes.

I find purpose in that moment, and that purpose fuels my magic.

Alec’s blade drops to the ground as I free my hands up to attempt an escape my way. I hear Alec begin to say something along the lines of ‘and now you’re a damsel in distress’ before he goes silent and still a few paces away from me, sensing my magic accumulating.

The buzzing that comes along with my magic is growing in intensity, Alec needing to cover his sensitive ears against the onslaught of it. And when I’ve put enough focus and intention into the thought ‘I’m not just a damsel’ I set myself into motion, swinging myself on the rope until the magic manages to hold me upright, eyes glowing a warm, honeyed gold that’s always present with my magic use.

I have just enough time to loosen the knot around my ankle and float jaggedly towards the ground, eyes back to normal and the buzzing at a reasonable decibel by the time I touch the damp soil. I can feel Alec’s eyes on me, and with a quick bend I pick the knife up and holster it in the back loop of my jeans, taking a few steps until I’m directly in front of him, racking my brain for something to say.

“Thanks for the knife.”

With that, I turn on my heel and continue walking, ignoring the throb in my ankle and trying to play it cool. Like I didn’t just hover off the ground because Alec thinks more of me than I originally thought; like it didn’t just give me away.

“Woah, woah. Pump the brakes, Leena! I mean, what?!”

Alec is stumbling as he comes up beside me, turning so he can face me and walk backward, he looks genuinely confused, and it’s a good look on him, humbling.

“You know I’m a witch, Alec. What did you think that meant?”

He blows a raspberry, looking like he’s torn between saying something genuine, or something stupid, “I don’t know! Some kitchen witch shit, potions and tinctures and what not. Or maybe some classic wizard magic, a wand and magic words. Not whatever that just was. Holy hell, Leena. My hair is still standing on end!”

I flush down to my toes with a mix of embarrassment at the praise, and anger at his obvious stereotypical bias towards witches. With a quick shake of my head and a sigh, I repeat my family's mantra that’s been passed down for generations, “Amber flow, honeycomb grow, purpose-driven magic to reap what you sow.”

“Walt Whitman?” He looks sincere even though the words are said in jest, and I can’t help but chuckle, realizing I know very little about his culture as well. How can I possibly pass judgment? With blinding clarity, I realize I haven’t been fair to Alec, he’s been trying to put me at ease, make a connection in the way he knows how, and I’ve been doing nothing but fighting him the entire time. Maybe, with this new knowledge, I can finally let go a little. Even if I don’t give him an answer yet.

“No, but nice try. It’s my familial mantra for our magic. It’s written on the door of our ancestral home.”

“Ah, the ‘seen better days’ ranch?”

“It’s a generational home, Alec. It’s not going to be pretty.”

“What’s important is that you tell me more about your family and your magic. I’ve never met a witch before, let alone one as powerful as you.”

I feel the blush creep up again, but squash it by clearing my throat and tossing my hair, “Tit for tat?”

He gives me a wry grin, turning so he can walk beside me as we continue on the journey, “Alright, alright. You win. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” He waggles his brows, tugging at the bottom hem of my shirt in suggestion.

“Does your mind live in the gutter? Or do you have a timeshare there?”

“I rent it out on weekends.”

“Pff,” I splutter a laugh, and his genuine smile is so open and fragile that I forget to look away for a moment too long, stumbling over a root and almost falling before his arm is around my torso, keeping me upright.

“Easy there, champ. Just got you down from a trap, don’t want to aggravate that ankle any more than it already is. Don’t think I can’t see that limp, I’m choosing to ignore it.”

“What a gentleman.” I roll my eyes and reluctantly pull from him, my fingers lingering on his skin for a little longer than intended before righting myself.

“So, magic?” He prods, still hyper-focused.

“Ah, yes. Well, my family consists of garden and bee witches, and even a baby witch attached to nature magic knows that it stems from intense purpose. The higher intensity, the stronger the magic.”

“Hm,” Alec ponders, and I don’t like his expression as he turns his thoughtful gaze on me, “So getting out of the snare trap was enough purpose to have you levitate? I’d hate to see what something like a life-or-death situation could produce.”

I bite my bottom lip, trying to keep my voice level, “Mhm. The intention to get out of the trap was enough to have me levitate.”

“Leena,” Alec starts, eyes set on me with a mischievous gleam, “Your heartbeat gives you away, what’s the real reason you were able to harness that kind of magic? It was me, wasn’t it? Otherwise, you wouldn’t have tried so hard to hide it.”

“How do you—never mind, wolf? Probably…”

Alec’s standard grin morphs into something a little sharper as he rounds on me again, backpedaling to look me in the eye.

“Come on, tell me. I promise I won’t laugh,” he lifts a brow and then adds, “Too much.”

“Alright, fine. Stop harassing me about it, and remember tit for tat.”

“How could I forget?” He winks and waves a hand in a ‘proceed’ motion.

I take a steadying breath, “I realized that your feelings for me may not be as shallow as I first thought. You don’t just see me as a woman, or body, or mate. You see me as me,” I rub the flush away with my hand as it creeps up the back of my neck, “And that was what gave me the purpose to get down.”

Alec stops dead in his tracks, and I bounce back as I run into him, rubbing my nose where it collided with his collarbone, “What the heck, Alec? Warn a girl wh—”

Between one breath and the next, Alec is kissing me, and it’s nothing like I remember from our first night together when everything was secretive and temporary. This is totally different. It feels like more, like coming home. But I’m not ready. Not yet.

I press my hand to his chest gently, not pushing him away, but letting him know I need his attention. After a shaky breath through his nose, he pulls back, eyes dilated and flashing red before settling back to their soft, bright brown.

“Leena, I—”

“Shh,” I place a soft kiss on his cheek, “Thank you, I know why you did it, and I understand. But I’m not ready for that yet.”

Alec’s smile is warm and inviting, and he leans forward and kisses my cheek in return.

“For you, I can wait. Thanks for,” he seems to struggle with words before settling on, “Everything.”

I return his smile and place a hand on his shoulder, he looks expectant, like I’m going to return the platitude with something soft of my own.

“Don’t think I’ve forgotten our tit for tat. Tell me your wolfey secrets.”

It’s nice to be the one keeping him on his toes for once.