
Chapter 43: Tension, Release


“Well, hello, having fun at Oktoberfest, are we?” I can hear the goading in his voice, and as usual, I rise to the bait.

“We were having a great time until Leena’s phone rang. What’s up?”

Leena shoves me off the log, and Jules must be able to tell because he thanks her before continuing.

“One of the boys in the coven called. They wanted to let me know they got wind of someone fitting your brother’s description. Nowhere near the two of you, further north, but I wanted to let you know.”

It feels like a jolt of relief, knowing Victor wasn’t the one trailing us at Oktoberfest, and takes a little of my anxiety and settles it down until it’s just a whisper in the background.

“Thanks, Jules. You’re a lifesaver,” I say, Leena seconding the statement before adding, “any idea what he was up to?”

Jules makes a noncommittal sound. “Up to no good would be my best guess.”

I roll my eyes, but there’s no heat to it. “Obviously, Jules. No hints?”