
Chapter 34: Of Motels and Sex Toys


There are so many ways to view sex. Some people take it very seriously, like it’s a sacred ritual only to be done in specific settings and in very specific ways. Others view it like dancing, something that can be done with anyone at any time and in almost any situation given the right person. Alec seems to be somewhere in the middle, viewing pleasure as something sacred between two people but sex as an act as something fun and easy. His collection of sex toys may as well be matchbox cars.

I try not to think about it too hard because I know the gap in our sexual experience is more of a chasm, but Alec doesn’t seem to mind, so I try not to either.

“So what’s this big surprise?” I ask because if I don’t occupy Alec with something, he’ll be pulling us into another alley to make out until I’m seeing stars.

“Have some patience, Lee. You’ll see.”