
1st wish : I Wish for a gamer system with the folllowing specifications :

- Well organised and easy to navigate.

- Possesses a non-sentient artificial intelligence that can give explanations on all the system functions. It will never be able to try take me over. It cannot read my thoughts, but can hear hat I intend for it to hear and most importantly, it does not and will never have self awareness or a personality.

- Skills and skill experience can be acquired through new insight and practice. A breakthrough in a skills level is accompanied by knowledge.

- Stat points can be acquired in five manners : 1. Through training 2. For acquiring new skills, techniques and fighting styles (learning a new skill should provide permanent stat points relevant to the new skill. The same applies to techniques and fighting styles) 3. As a quest reward 4. Through a non-mandatory daily quest (the one from the solo leveling manga, but without punishment for 'failing'). 5. From leveling up and 6. from birthday gifts. 7. From enhancing serums (like the sss from the MCU) or rituals. They only give stat bonusses and don't actually change anything withing my body. No residu either.

- In the unlikely event of a system update, the functions of the system can still be accessed.

- shop function where one can buy any item.

- Should a skill be earned from a quest or race trait, the relevant information to performing the skill should be provided; I refuse to shout the skill name and then have it take effect, without knowing how it actually works and the relevant knowledge.

- Good deeds grant rewards, but bad deeds don't get punished.

- there is no such thing as Stamina points like in certain games and also no debuffs.

- Any and all skills, talents and stats cannot be sealed, copied, stolen or something of similar nature. They, along with the system, are bound to the soul. The user can enter digital worlds (such as the ones in quickly wear the face of the devil novel) without the possibility of being deleted nor having to leave a physical body behind. The user cannot be detected and thus attacked by the system of those digital worlds.

- In the unlikely event that the soul has to be reincarnated, the skills, race traits and knowledge will transfer over to the newly acquired body. This includes muscle memory and different race-forms of course.

- The system should be completely undetectable and unaccessable by anyone, but myself.

- Quests will be regularly provided by the non-sentient A.I. and provide a variety of rewards including weapons, techniques, traits, racial skills, skills and knowledge, often ones desired by the system owner. For example, a spell that kan kill dementors, or a seal that will prevent biju from being sealed. Furthermore, there is no punishment for failing a quest, however there can be a time-limit and extra rewards for stellar performance. Rewards are often skills, knowledge and techniques relevant in the current world. Such as mastery- level knowledge on potions in the Harry Potter universe. I would like to in particular that certain skills, knowledge and abilities from yggdrasil from the overlord light novel are also offered as reward. It must be pointed out that rewards do not have to be accepted and that the description of the advantaged, but more importantly the disadvantages before accepting must be very thorough. There shall be no quests that I would find morally unacceptable. In fact, quests should, to some degree, promote kindness and goodness. Personal goals can also be turned into quests for extra motivation. There is no 'affection' as rewards or faction favorability and so on. Missions or orders have accompanying quests.

- The system will create dungeons that are optional and can always be exited. for example no dungeons that will prevent the user from exiting until the boss is defeated.

- An important aspect is that should certain skills provide undesired effects, I have the ability to remove those skills and their effects entirely. To provide an example, I am worried for receiving a skill like 'gamers mind' that would allow me to think rationally in most situations, but as an undesirably side effect would numb my emotions.

- An important part of the system, is that it can provide backgrounds that allow me to learn and live without scruteny or that are desirable for the enjoyment in that dimension. Has the ability to change the sexuality and only the sexuality of randm characters from that universe, movie, manga, anime, and so on. They will be the same people, except for sexuality. I will provide a couple of examples : 1. a recently orphaned cousin of saitama, with all the necessary documentations (in a OPM-universe). It should always be in such a manner that a background-check will turn up nothing suspicious from before I appeared. I am supposed to move in with saitama about a week after genos starts living with him. 2. An 11 year old orphan that has recently received his hogwards letter, four years before Harry Potter attends hogwards. The orphanage is close to pivet drive, where Harry lives and the caretakers and children have memories that involve me being at the orphanage, but often a very quiet child without friends or too clove bonds. Nothing negative either, like bullying. My 'parent' were minor purebloods that left me enough money to go through hogwards whilst having extra for plenty of books, school robes, potions experiments and so on. This takes place in a 'Harry Potter'-universe 3. A 12 year old orphan that is to be adopted within a week by a family of 4 soon-to-be doting older brothers (all heroes or aspiring to be) that are living together after having unfortunately lost their parents. One of them will be attending U.A. two years prior to my enrolment. There will be no problems with the paperwork and my background will be clean. Neither my original, dead, parents or their dead parents had any enemies that would look to us for revenge and we all have only relatively vague descriptions of our quirks in the system, so there should be nobody targeting us for quite a while. I am to go to the same school that Bakugo and Midorya attend before they attend U.A. and we are the same age, so that we may go to U.A. together. This takes place in a My Hero Academy'-universe. It is not mandatory to create such a background, but is always an option prior to entering a new world/universe. The creating of this background should keep in mind all factors so that it is never suspicious or leads back to me. A device with all necessary knowledge on how my 'predecessor' acted should be provided. Memories included on the device to view.

- Another important part of the system that works in tandem with my space/time traveling prowess (see second wish) is that it allows me to accurately select a version of the universe and timeperiod where to I wish to jump to. It provides information about them such as the differences between them and the canon version from anime, manga, books, tv-shows and so on and warnings about the higher powers present in that universe. To give an example would be: 1. There is a transmigrator in the body of Luffy from one piece. 2. Voldemort has more horcruxes in this universe then in canon 3. This version of harry is his future self that ended up returning to his past body. 4. Neville is the boy-who-lived. 5. If zeus notices you not being a mortal in the 'Percy Jackson'-universe, he will attempt to smite you.

- Under no circumstances shall my soul be fused with anothers soul, shall a body of mine house more then one soul (my soul) or should memories transferred to me be able to change my personality. I assume that this is done by clearing memories from emotions, sensations or personality before passing them to me.

- Experience points and level ups cannot be acquired from killing or defeating enemies, be it monsters, demons, fallen angels or my rival on 'the voice' and so on, however never from killing humans. Defeating humans however provides experience. Expierience from battle is calculated based on the strength of my opponent and the strength I allowed myself to use, seeing as I should wish for a skill that allows me to seal my strengths.

- In the rare event that I enter a world in which most people already posses a system, or someone else owns a system, my very own system will make it so that I can fully enjoy its benefits if I want and choose to do so. For example experience points from killing monsters will count towards both systems and any stat points earned in the "world's system" will be permanently added in my personal system. I will however never be limited by those systems. For example, in the anime 'rising of the shield hero' the main character possesses very low attack stats. Such a thing as attack stats or defense stats will never apply to me. My strength is solely based on my systems stats. The other system is only to be used. I will never suffer from the following: 'you can only do so much damage, because your sword skill in the "world's system" is low'. It will always be based on my skills present in my personal, or if you will 'main' system.

- The most overpowered aspect of this sytem is the following: It has a talent download function. It works in the folloing manner. It provides the option to download improved talent based on what universe one resides in. For example: I am first in universe A, where the most talented dancer that has ever existed in that universe (whether they broke through or not) has a talent of 5. Then I should posses a talent of 5 + 50%x5 and that equals 7,5. I then travel to universe B, where the most talented dancer to ever exist was only a 4. Then my talent stays as 7,5. I then travel to universe C, where the most talented dancer to have existed possessed an astonishing 10. My talent then updates to a 10 + 50%x10 which equals a 15. This applies to all talents in excistence. Such as magic, maths, singing, piano playing, acting, blacksmithing, enchanting, cooking charms, ki-manipulation, haki, cultivation, body cultivation, sould cultivation. It comes with a search function, but it does not automatically update already existing talents. Talents are linked to the sould and are absolutely permanent.
