
The Wish System Volume(1)

Just as he felt like he was about to die, a mysterious voice popped into Keith's head. He heard a beep in his mind, and then a voice said, Wish system successfully bonded. Uploading welcome gift for new host. The voice continued, Congratulations, host obtains three wishes. Keith was utterly bewildered, and his mind went blank. The only thought left in his head was that he didn't want to die. He heard the voice again. Ding! You have made your first wish. Host receives a skill, recovery from injury. Description, host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds. As the voice faded, Keith felt a warm current flow through his entire body.

Daoistslothh · Fantasie
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126 Chs

Chapter:-78 he had such an amazing son.

He suddenly slapped the face of a man beside him. Just moments earlier, the man had

been dripping with sarcasm, but now he screamed and fell to the ground, his cheek

swelling up. He didn't say a single word before passing out cold.

Keith sneered and said, I'm not a gentleman. Don't blame me for being ruthless. If you

dare to bully my family, no matter who you are, I'll make you pay the price.

Who else? His voice echoed sharply through the room, and a few timid people fell to the

ground in shock. Most of them were scared out of their wits. Seeing that no one came

forward, Keith picked out a woman nearby.

The woman was so scared that her face turned pale and she began to tremble

uncontrollably. Keith sneered and walked a few steps forward and said, Do you want to

kneel and apologize, or do you want to go for even more plastic surgery? The woman

stuttered, I'll kneel down and apologize. The woman's legs gave out, and she crumpled

down in front of Keith.

Keith said, Apologize to my parents, not me. But the woman was overcome with

humiliation and fear, and she fainted before she could say anything. Keith snorted coldly,

swept his gaze across the crowd once more.

Those whom his eyes landed on all began trembling with fear. Eventually, his gaze fixed

on a fat, middle-aged man. The man's face turned pale instantly.

Keith was already furious and didn't want to waste any more time talking nonsense. He

strode over to the man and lifted him up with one hand, then threw him in front of his

parents. He shouted, Kneel down and apologize to them.

The man's entire body had turned limp from fright, and he couldn't get up even if he

wanted to. When Keith saw this, he became even angrier, and he kicked the man's head.

The man screamed and fainted on the spot.

The whole place was silent. This was the first time these people had ever felt so helpless.

In front of such power, what good was their money and status? They could only wait to

be slaughtered.

If Keith could knock down the door of the Strauss mansion with a single kick, then none

of them were safe. This young man clearly knew how to hold a grudge. If they didn't find

a way to resolve this now, they would never be able to sleep soundly in their own beds

ever again.

But these people were smart as well as frightened. Old Mr. Strauss must have heard the commotion by now, but he hadn't come down to stop Keith. The people in the room

knew the deeper meaning behind this.

Mr. Strauss was clearly waiting for Keith to finish his tirade before he showed up. In other

words, between them, the old man had chosen Keith. After thinking it through, the

guests turned their anger on the unconscious Clarice.

If she hadn't encouraged her friends to insult Keith's parents for the sake of her son

Ashton, things would never have turned out this way. A man in a suit and glasses was

the first step forward. He lowered his head and said, Mr. Sanderburg, I'm sorry.

It was all our fault. Seeing Keith's expressionless face, he turned to Keith's parents. Mr.

and Mrs. Sanderburg, I'm so sorry.

I apologize unreservedly. I'll arrange a case of my finest wine for you next time. At this

point, Keith's parents had more or less calmed down, and faced with such a situation,

they didn't know what to do.

They just looked at Keith and waited for their son's opinion. Keith snorted. Although he

didn't say anything, he still accepted the man's apology.

He couldn't do anything too excessive if the man was willing to admit his fault. He

understood where the boundaries lay. Keith had suppressed the anger of this group of

people with his thunderous rage, and there were two main reasons he'd done so.

The first was to vent his anger on behalf of his parents. The second was to send a clear

signal he was not someone who could be manipulated by others. It was clear now that

he'd achieved his goal.

After the first man took the lead to apologize, one by one, the other relatives and friends

of the Strosses came forward to apologize as well. Their expressions were the polar

opposite of what they'd been earlier. Some apologized, some begged for forgiveness,

and some fawned over them.

There were all kinds of people Keith's parents had been looked down on and ridiculed

since they arrived. Now, they'd become the center of attention. They were surrounded

by people trying to win them over.

Sam's face was filled with excitement, and his mood changed entirely. He felt proud of

himself at that moment. He was proud that he had such an amazing son.

Keith had once again experienced If Keith didn't have strength, he would have been the one to be trampled on today.

Instead, he'd made the rest of the guests fear and respect him. You've fulfilled your

parent's wish to feel dignity.

Wish value, plus one. Current progress, nine of ten. You've shattered the guest's wish to

trample you.

Attribute point, plus one. The corner of Keith's mouth rose, and he returned to his calm

and indifferent state. When the other guests felt the invisible pressure from Keith

disappear, they finally let out a sigh of relief.

Julian was the happiest of everyone at that moment. He smiled at the security guard

beside him and said, What did I tell you? You have to find someone powerful to follow.

I've good taste, right? Young Mr. Sandberg is so powerful.If we're loyal to him, sooner or later, we'll make a name for ourselves. Go and send those

unconscious idiots to the hospital. His expression made him look like Keith's loyal lackey.The security guards looked at each other, thinking of all the benefits they could gain

from being loyal to Keith and taking advantage of his influence. They smiled at each

other and began lifting the unconscious guests from the ground. But they made sure that

Keith saw them doing it.