
Chapter 12


Taking a long deep breath, I looked over at how clean the room was now. I still have to set everything up, but that's beside the point that the room looked filthy before I got to work.

I walked out of the room and back to the nursery. I looked up at the clock that Felix had finally installed here. It was almost feeding time.

I took out a few bowls from the cupboard and took out some bananas from the fridge.

I started mashing them into the bowls and then went to feed the babies before they could start fussing.

As I finished feeding them, I remembered that they hadn't been changed since yesterday. Ughh...

After I had changed them all, I walked downstairs to throw away the dirty diapers.

Just then Marcus held my wrist. He took the bag from my hand and walked out to throw it away.

I just went back upstairs and continued organizing the other room. I was halfway done when Melanie came in.

"Come eat." she said poking her head in from the doorway.

"Coming." I said and put down the bag that I was sorting through.

I walked back to the nursery where Melanie had set up lunch. It was fries today. I'm questioning how they're able to make all this when most of us are kids.. Meh.

I hurriedly finished up my food, drank a glass of water, and rushed back to get to work.


I was halfway through everything when Aliana came in.

"Hey, what are you up to?" She asked looking around at the shelves.

"Organizing the medical supplies. Wanna help?" I inquired, showing her one of the bags that contained medicine tablets and bottles.

"Sure." she said and walked up to me.

I handed her the bag and went over to the cupboard. With Aliana's help, I was able to get the job done faster.


When we finally finished setting everything up, I put all the bags in a neat pile on the desk as we walked out.

I walked over to the room next to the nursery in which Marcus had been working and stuck my head in as Aliana stood behind me.

"Hey, Marcus, can I go out, please?" I asked looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Sure. But make sure to keep warm." he said looking at me with a stern expression.

"Okay." I said and ran downstairs through the door, Aliana running behind me.


We sat basking in the sunlight fifteen minutes later in Melanie's backyard.

Melanie came and joined us sometime later with a few glasses of juice.

I couldn't help but feel that there was something funny with the air... It smelled as if something was rotting...

"Hey, do you smell that?" I asked opening my eyes and looking over at them.

"Smell what?" Aliana asked as she turned to her side lazily.

"The smell of something rotten?" Melanie asked.

"Yeah, that." I said closing my eyes again and taking a deep breath. It was as if the air was contaminated, and the smell was just, Blegh.. "What do you think it is?" I asked putting a hand over my nose.

"Don't know." Melanie answered making the same hand motion and covering her nose.

"What smell? I don't smell anything." Aliana said looking over at us annoyed.

"Is your nose blocked?" I asked as I turned over to face her.

"I think it is?" She said looking at me with a small grin.

"That explains it." I said and turned back to the sky.

"Hey!" she screamed as she pinched my arm.

Then she hurriedly got up and started running as I started running after her, a mischievous smirk on my lips. Melanie just sat there and watched us fooling around, laughing her heart out when we both fell face forward into a puddle in the end.


As I lay down on the mattress Marcus had set up til now in the room next to the nursery, I started wandering through my thoughts again.

What was that smell though? It smelled like something had died.. Died.

Ah, it was most likely from all the dead bodies everywhere.

I sighed and turned over. If I told them about it now they'll have the same reaction as they did before with the baby thing.

Getting off the mattress, I decided to go and check on the babies.

They were all sleeping peacefully. I just headed back to the room and sat down on the mattress.

Marcus peeked in a few minutes later.

"Hey, you good?" he asked looking at me with an anxious expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I asked looking at him with a raised brow.

"Nothing, nothing. Do you need anything before I head out?" He inquired as he stepped into the doorway.

"I don't need anything, but, uhmm. Marcus, did you notice a weird smell in the air as of late?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I did. It smelt a lot like something rotten." he started with an ugly expression.

"I think it's coming from all the dead bodies." I said with a deep breath.

"Yeah, that could be.. I'll see to that tomorrow. Anyways, goodnight." he said and left closing the door behind him.


Waking up, I sat up straight and stretched my arms. Standing up, I went to go freshen up.

Walking into the nursery a couple of minutes later, I checked the time and went downstairs to warm some milk.

I came back upstairs with the warm battles and started feeding the babies. It had almost been an hour before I had finished feeding them all.

I walked back downstairs to wash the empty milk bottles when I ran into someone.

He looked like Marcus but had black hair and blue eyes. Probably his other brother..?

He ran out of the door, slamming it shut behind him. I cringed at the loud sound and covered my ears.

Sighing I walked into the kitchen and started washing the bottles.

When I was done, I stepped outside to a horrible smell. I could see the cause of the murder of my precious nose.

They had dragged all the dead bodies out and we're stuffing them into crates. Then they loaded the few crates onto a truck.

Where the quack did they get that?

I walked over to Melanie and hit her on the shoulder. She looked at me with an annoyed expression then turned back to see what was happening.
