
The Wife I Picked Up In The Game Turned Out To Be A Female Devil

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I_Love_Hina · Aktion
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47 Chs

Chapter 406 The Fourth Person

The Wuyi Ice Mountain is located on the ground of the Yucheng in the Chen Kingdom.

The Chen Kingdom has established a special office to manage the Wuyi Ice Mountain, overseeing the many casual cultivators who visit this place daily for tourism and sightseeing.

At the foot of the Wuyi Ice Mountain in the Chen Kingdom, high walls have been erected, surrounding the entire mountain, with multiple checkpoints on the walls.

In front of each checkpoint, there is a sign with these lines written on it:

"No flying on the mountain." 𝓜.𝙑𝙤𝘿🅃🆆.🄻𝘼

"To ascend the mountain, one must pay one or two Cloud Luminous Stones."

"Please solemnly pay respects to the Wine Immortal's remains, refrain from any disrespectful actions, and do not attempt to damage anything."

This tourist attraction on the Wuyi Ice Mountain has become an important source of income for the Chen Kingdom.

Those who come here include highly skilled casual cultivators. However, they all patiently wait in line at the checkpoints, ready to pay and ascend the mountain.

In the queue, there are celebrities from various regions, villains, immortal cultivators, and demonic cultivators alike. However, regardless of their status outside the mountain, they all adhere to the rules here, their expressions earnest and reverent.

The Wine Immortal is considered a symbol of faith by many.

Three hundred years ago, the Wine Immortal was not only renowned for her beauty and vast influence, but she also proposed the concept of the unity of immortals and demons. She believed that regardless of whether one followed the path of immortality or demonic cultivation, they would ultimately reach the same destination.

The Wine Immortal, setting aside prejudices against the immortal sect, privately befriended many demonic cultivators and spoke up for them on several occasions.

This is why, when her body was found on the Wuyi Ice Mountain, both the immortal and demonic realms mourned together.

In the queue, there was a woman in a green dress, wearing a veil that revealed only her lively autumn eyes.

The green-dressed woman noticed that there were many vendors shouting and selling things in a corner,

"Even if you don't buy, come and take a look! Clothing and skirts identical to those of the Wine Immortal, handkerchiefs, and even bellybands."

"Come and see! Wine Immortal's original gourd, and the one she used, unwashed for three hundred years. You can still smell a hint of lip fragrance at the mouth of the gourd. This is the last one in the world!"

"This is the immortal wine brewed by the 'Wenchang Wine Cellar,' the favorite of the Wine Immortal. Only sold for one or two Cloud Luminous Stones per jar. Buy three jars, get one free. Don't miss it as you pass by."

The green-dressed woman showed no interest in the Wine Immortal's clothing and gourd, but she wanted to buy a jar of Wenchang wine to see what the Wine Immortal's favorite taste was like.

The stall was not far from where she was waiting in line, so she used her spiritual power to bring a jar of Wenchang wine into her hands. She then threw one or two Cloud Luminous Stones onto the stall,

The vendor immediately bowed to the green-dressed woman and said, "Thank you for the fairy's patronage."

The green-dressed woman opened the jar and took a sip, pursing her lips, "The taste is mediocre. Why did the Wine Immortal like this kind of wine?"

Suddenly, another female voice appeared in the green-dressed woman's mind, "You've been deceived. Three hundred years ago, there was no Wenchang Wine Cellar. However, there was a wine-maker named Wang Wenchang whom the Wine Immortal really liked. But this Wang Wenchang has long been dead, and he had no wine cellar or successor."

"I see." Song Yuan nodded, "But this wine is not expensive, so be it if I've been deceived."

"You have already opened the door of memory. You know the memories of our last life. You should also know these things," said Wei Ying.

Song Yuan smiled, "After all, I did not experience the memories of that life, so I don't remember them as clearly as you do."

At this moment, Song Yuan noticed a demonic cultivator walking to the stall selling Wine Immortal's gourds. He said to the vendor, "I want the gourd used by the Wine Immortal."

"The customer has good taste. It will cost you one hundred Cloud Luminous Stones."

"Too expensive. Can you make it cheaper?"

"Then you make an offer."

"Five stones."


After spending five Cloud Luminous Stones to purchase a gourd, the customer, holding the gourd, heard the vendor shouting again from the basket behind him, "The gourd used by the Wine Immortal, this is truly the last one. If you're quick, you can get it; if you're slow, it's gone!"

Song Yuan, who happened to witness this scene, just smiled lightly.

After waiting in line for a full hour, it was finally her turn. After paying one Cloud Luminous Stone at the checkpoint, she received a wooden token and was allowed to ascend the mountain.

On the mountainside of the Wuyi Ice Mountain, there is an ice pond that has been frozen for three hundred years.

The body of the Wine Immortal, Cheng Wanting, is frozen in this ice pond.

In front of the ice pond, there is also a checkpoint. Only one person is allowed to enter the ice pond every fifteen minutes.

After waiting for a long time in line again, Song Yuan finally entered the ice pond.

By now, the surface of the ice pond was crowded with many people forming a circle, looking down at the bottom of the pond and paying respects to the Wine Immortal.

In the deep part of the pond, there is a peerlessly beautiful woman wearing a white dress, her face plain. She gazes toward the sky, hands stretched out in front of her as if touching something.

Her right arm was originally gone, but later generations injected spiritual power into the pond to create an ice arm, making her appear whole.

Looking at the Wine Immortal frozen at the bottom of the pond, Song Yuan, who had never met her before, felt a sense of déjà vu.

"We finally see her," Song Yuan said to Wei Ying in her mind.

Wei Ying's tone was melancholic, "I, Wei Ying, return after a lifetime, and what I see now is only her corpse."

Who killed the Wine Immortal,

Even Wei Ying himself didn't know the answer.

Three hundred years ago, in the Sun-Moon Cave, she, Wei Ying, and the Flute Immortal, the three of them besieged Ji Yan.

Just as the three of them were about to push Ji Yan to the brink, the Boundless One suddenly entered the battlefield, and Ji Yan took the opportunity to escape.

Wei Ying stayed behind to fight the Boundless One alone, while the Wine Immortal and the Flute Immortal went after Ji Yan.

Afterwards, Wei Ying saw that the Cloud Soul Jade left by the Wine Immortal was shattered. This Cloud Soul Jade was connected to the

 Wine Immortal's heart and soul. The shattering of the jade meant that the Wine Immortal had died.

In that instant, Wei Ying, who was in a fierce battle with the Boundless One, was mentally disturbed and was taken control of by the Boundless One.

But the one who ultimately killed her was not the Boundless One; there was another person hiding in the Sun-Moon Cave. At the moment when the Boundless One controlled her, this person struck and pierced her head, ending her thirteenth life.

Although Wei Ying didn't know who exactly killed her in the end, and who killed the Wine Immortal, it was evident that the mastermind behind all this was the Boundless One and Ji Yan.

Wei Ying also didn't know what happened during the Wine Immortal's pursuit of Ji Yan, why her body was eventually found on the Wuyi Ice Mountain, and why the Flute Immortal went into hiding afterwards.

The truth of the Wine Immortal's death, perhaps only four people in this world know: the Boundless One, Ji Yan, the Flute Immortal, and the fourth person hiding in secret inside the Sun-Moon Cave.