
the white Nova

in the the western continent, draconian empire's ruler max pendragon's bastard son the divine rank knight Nathan pendragon is lured I a trap and killed by his true born half brother crown prince Alfred pendragon with the help of two of the empire's four divine rank knights as he fears his bastard brothers martial prowess is better then his and he may lay claim to the throne if his father passing away with the emperor permission Alfred killed Nathan he is then reincarnated by the star god vol in nova kingdom south of the draconian empire in the southern continent as Crown Prince James Alexander von Nova the oldest son òf the current king Augustine von nova whose growing old and with no male heir just three older daughters James mother is of low born in this life as well and dies giving birth , given a system and a mission to make the nova kingdom into one of the strongest Empire's in world. star god vol help he will get the power needed to take revenge on the pendragon royal family James must navigate through political intrigues and harsh battlefields to achieve his and vol goal

sanelemagwaza582 · Fantasie
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Nova strongest force

As tension rises between nova and federation..a mystic rank Knight of the southern federation one of their executives Jackson plots to send two of his subordinates who are grand masters along with ten thousand knight to pillage nova empire's border village to incited fear and panic in the empire

Back athe nova empire's capital Emperor James surveyed the vast ranks assembled before Castle Nova's gates and allowed himself a faint smile. Six years of blood and sacrifice had led to this moment he returned to at 14 years old and was thrown into wars, civil wars,rebellion's, family betrayal but still standing , who knew these separate kingdoms would be united beneath a single banner.

Beside him, mystic rank Knight Henry met his gaze with a faint nod. "Your father would be proud to see the nova family thriving like this." James clasped the old knight's forearm tightly, drawing strength from his steadfast support. the weight of empire now rested on James' shoulders.

The fanfare sounded as James strode forward, Henry and his hundrs elite 'white dawn Knights' flanking him in polished steel. A hush fell over the colorful sea stretching to the horizon. "People of Nova!" James proclaimed in a clear baritone. "For generations, our lands have known only division and strife. But no more! From this day forward, we are one kingdom, one people, bound by more than proximity of birth."

Murmurs of approval rose from the assembly. Still, James saw suspicion linger in some faces — mostly nobles whose privileged domains were now subordinate to imperial rule. He plunged on. "Under the white star banner, our diverse strengths will be united! Our swords, when wielded together, can defeat any threat."

Drawing his gleaming blade, James raised it skyward. "To those who questioned my youth or lineage — I say let deeds affirm my right! From this day, I vow to safeguard your welfare and defend your freedoms with my last breath. Who stands with me?" A deafening cheer surged in response. All save one man — Duke Bennir van , Elder of the southlands stared at James through hooded eyes.

That evening, a grand feast was held within Castle Nova's torchlit halls to seal the oaths of fealty. While commoners celebrated outside, nobility mingled amid ornate banners and minstrels' tunes. James accepted congratulations alongside Grand Duke Sergius, who had proven himself an able battle captain. Yet the Emperor sensed tensions simmering beneath polite smiles. Some would never accept a united empire over fractured feudal domains. Suspicions must be quelled before—

"Your Majesty." Duke Bennir had materialized like a shadow. At fifty-eight, steel-haired and weathered, few men had seen more seasons of intrigue. "A word, if I may?" James nodded courteously and followed the Elder away from the throng

"You unite our realms with vigor, yet rule with heavy dependence on the senate and elders council," Bennir stated bluntly. "Nobles thirst for power I fear the senate has grown to big .how about Considering advisory bodies representing each kingdom to limit the influences of the greedy nobles members. It will foster stability and reduce the unnecessary squabbling of many factions at courtl."

James weighed the advice carefully. As he recently come into his crown, appearing too eager to impose himself risked resistance and being to too dependent will reduce his royal authority. "I thank you for counsel borne of experience, teacher. Unity must flower organically from trust, not compulsion alone." He rested a hand on the older man's shoulder. "Together let us see what the future holds from us

Bennir inclined his head, apparent approval softening stern features. "Then may your reign know only prosperity, Majesty. The southlands stands with you." But as their eyes met again, James glimpsed a glint that hinted at deeper intrigues yet unfold.

The night drew on merrily amid clouds of wine and laughter. Yet on a moonlit parapet above the roaring plain, two shadowed figures spoke in hushed, ominous tones.

The boy fancies himself a statesman now," sneered one. "But power corrupts the malevolent quickest. Soon he will overreach, and dissent will flower where once was obedience. Are your men prepared when the moment comes?"

A hooded chuckle answered. "Patience, Sergius. Kings are not deposed in a day, and this 'federation leader "has barely begun to test the waters. But when frost grips the land...my Blue Lions will be hunting."and prove that we are the Nova's strongest order

James strode through Castle Nova's arched halls, his stride weighted by latest reports from the southern marches. Fifty men he had dispatched as patrol guards at one the border Bridges, only to have them butchered at a parley under flag of peace. An unforgivable crime, yet open war along the frontier risked untold bloodshed among farmer folk just seeking to plant and reap in peace.

Henry emerged from the armory, his mail glinting under the flickering braziers. Your mind is heavy, cousin. What counsel would lighten its load? I had hoped diplomacy might curtail further violence, James sighed. But these Southernen federation badtards spit on honor and must face steel if they continue breaching our borders. He pulled a curled parchment from his pouch, setting a royal signet in blue wax.

Go to the frontier with all haste, Henry. Give the invaders a week to withdraw or face your wrath unmitigated. Spare no able man amongst them." A muscle flickered in Henry's jaw at the order, though his eyes remained calm as evergreens in still waters. It shall be done, Majesty. But I urge sending more than a hundred knights; our numbers are still recovering from the Western rebellions.

James paused, studying the map table as if answers might rise from its painted terrain. You speak wisdom, as always. Yet half our strength remains occupied with rebuilding in the wake of that foul treason by the three dukes. Very well - take one hundred men of the White Dawn, bennir will act as my guard in your absence and I hope that your Tactics will be enough. Henry bowed and made to depart when a voice interrupted.

I would ride at the White dawn commander's side, your Majesty, if you'll have me. Julius strode forward in a gleaming breastplate, his ebon plume streaming behind like a banner of night. Despite his youth, none could dispute the young Lord Knight's valor after distinguished service securing the frontier marches. Henry smiled approvingly. Your steel would strengthen us, Julius. The Emperor is wise to allot your arm to our cause this time rather than wasting time around the palace security my vice commander.

James returned the smile, though privately worried for these brave souls riding into danger's maw with numbers still too few. Go with my blessing, and Nova's faith in your charge. But send word the moment further support is needed. I would see no son of this empire fall while I yet draw breath to defend it! With that, the warriors took leave amid wishes for a swift harvest of enemy heads.

Meanwhile, Duke Sergius reviewed his Blue Lion cavalry in the training yard, their lances glittering under a pale sunrise. Though just eighteen, the nobleman carried himself like a grizzled war captain, his commands curt and gaze flinty. Among the gathered men-at-arms, pride swelled at serving under so promising a leader - even if rumors whispered of his ambition exceeding virtue at court.

Yet for all his skill, something troubled Sergius that morning as he put the Lions through their paces. A restlessness clawed at his heart, a hunger to prove himself foremost champion in these coming battles. Not content to merely defend the realm from without, his heart yearned for glory to be sung of for ages. But how, stuck safeguarding the home front while lesser men won renown upon the frontier?

The White Dawn Knights still commanded greater honor and respect in the empire thanks to Emperor's favor. It gnawed at Sergius' pride that he, a Duke and proven warrior, was nonetheless a lesser star. As the blue Lions readied to breakfast, a thought took seed that would see him grasp a legend all his own...

Upon the Red Cliffs overlooking the Southern marches, the Knights prepared to make camp beneath a steel-hued dusk. Laden supply wagons trundled into formation under Junior master Jonas a member of the White dawn ' watchful eye. Yet no sign of enemy encampments could be spied from the height. A worrying quiet had descended, and it made Julius frown over the map with Henry.

Your thoughts, old friend? The mystic knight arched a brow, tracing imagined troop movements with a gauntleted finger. This stillness suggests a coordinated withdrawal...or an ambush awaiting our supply line alone and vulnerable. I mislike being without scout's eyes ahead. A pity we've no horsemen to range further afield and draw them out. As if summoned, a cry arose from the perimeter - a lone rider hastened toward them, zeke the third son of count allise,zeke is ranked fourth in the white dawn ' azure cloak snapping behind.

So zeke had followed, it seemed,"I though you were still at your family's land"Henry Said..I heard of the deployment lord and I rode over here". Zeke sprang from the back of his lathered steed before the assembled knights, chest heaving. Commander henry- the Eagles order of the Southern Federation have been sighted massing near Borderkeep Village! I tracked their movements and estimate eight thousand infantry with two thousand mobile cavalry support. They cannot be allowed to assault the hamlet unchecked!

Henry and Julius shared a wary glance. Ten thousand was a substantial force, albeit with the advantage of selection and prepared positions. Yet sending men into the heart of enemy lands alone risked being cut off and surrounded in unforgiving terrain. Zeke seemed to sense their hesitation, pressing his case. These people are subjects of our Emperor! Each life lost is a stain on our honor. Give me ten knight will ride and draw their skirmishers away while you follow at a measured pace to engage the main host. Together, we can save Border keep and the nearby villages!

Normally Henry would reject such a bold plan. But the villagers' lives weighed heavy, as did his renewed faith in zeke who had proven his valor in the three dukes uprising. Very well, he decided at last.you ride , no matter the risk to glory. Our duty is shielding the innocent, not feeding ambition. The knight bowed curtly. As you command, sir henry. I live only to serve the realm and our lord.

Within the hour, ten knight along zeke thundered down the cliff trail azure cloaks snapping in the salty breeze. Behind followed 90 armored white dawn Knights, ready to exploit any openings created or reinforcement should things turn sour. Night fell as they neared Borderkeep under a swollen moon, its pallid light illuminating grassy plains where soon, steel would sing its grim duet once more.

The battle for Borderkeep raged through the long night, zeke' drawing harassment from Southern skirmishers with daring charges. Though more then a thousand fold their number, the Eagles found their advantage blunted against Nova's finest. At dawn, Henry led the White Dawn Knights in for the hammer stroke,aiming at thier commanding Knights and driving the remaining Federation troops into a chaotic rout.

Yet victory came at a cost. Zeke had suffered a dozen wounds breaking a pincer maneuver, his burnished armor bearing new dents. And among the relieved Borderkeep villagers, mourning already began for loved ones who would not see freedom's light. As Eagles streamed back south with the sunrise, Julius surveyed their withdrawal through a spyglass and sighed. The threat remains while these Federation lords yet draw breath, old friend. Their poison must be cut from the root before it spreads further.

Henry nodded grimly. A message from the Emperor, then - we march on their stronghold to demand unconditional surrender. Any resisting our banner earns the sword. I only hope bloodshed can be curtailed, though something tells me these Southerners cling too tightly to mad dog ways. With that, the Knights began readying to advance, aided by Borderkeep's grateful sons now sworn to Nova's service.

Meanwhile, within Castle Nova's resplendent throne room, James held court amid nobles great and petty come seeking favor or voicing grievances. Though stern of mien as befitted a monarch, his rulings remained reasoned and just - strengthening acceptance of imperial rule where skepticism yet lingered. Yet as complaint followed complaint in dreary monotony, restlessness grew in the young Emperor's heart too. He yearned to ride at the Knights' side as he did in his previous life, as was his right, and put an end to the border disturbances himself with steel and flame.

At last, the court adjourned past noon and James retreated wearily to his solar, rubbing circles into tense shoulder muscles. There he found Duke Bennir pacing before a tapestry of regal lineages, lost in some dark musing. The Elder inclined his head respectfully at James' entrance. A heavy day's work, Sire, soothing ruffled feathers among the high and mighty. Though some birds will scarcely be tamed, and openly question your sovereignty behind silken words.

James sighed, pouring themselves wine. I seek only unity and prosperity for all, within reason and law. If any question that, their discontent springs from selfishness alone. Still, he paused, meeting the older man's hooded gaze. You believe certain lords harbor deeper ambitions than complaints would suggest? Speak plainly, I pray - hidden snares endanger us all.

Bennir weighed his next words carefully. While most accept your leadership, Sire, Sergius' growing favor breeds resentment in his peers. His success elevates a rival house, one not proven through generations of wisdom and statecraft. Already whispers brand him an upstart seeking to usurp your very throne through war and glory! Such rumors, though baseless, find eager ears when fear and suspicion rule men's hearts.

The Emperor frowned, but saw truth in the counsel. Sergius' exploits granted prestige that risked overshadowing the crown's alone. Still, the young Duke served Nova faithfully thus far. I will summon him hence, and judge with my own eyes if ambition has warped his virtues...

But at that moment, a herald threw open the doors, panting. Sire! Dire news from the south - the Blue Lions, acting without sanction, have crossed into Federation territory. Against commander Henry's explicit commands, Sergius leads a raiding party deep into enemy lands alone! James slammed a mailed fist onto the map table, eyes flashing like a gathering storm. Then the time has come to tether this wayward hound, before his pride undoes us all!

Within his pavilion amidst night's shroud, Henry reviewed reports by flickering candles, worry etched deep around his eyes. Borderkeep had been secured with grateful villagers rebuilding lives, yet without word from their Emperor and his closest counselor, heavy decisions must be made. Julius entered, armored and grim-faced, proffering a sealed scroll. This just arrived by rider - a missive from court detailing Sergius' insolence. The commander unfurled it slowly, dreading what plots were afoot in Nova's halls now...

The raids had begun well for Sergius' blue Lions, torching enemy isolated outposts under cover of dark. But overconfidence bred careless wrath, and soon they harried larger fortified towns not yet broken to Imperial rule. There, stouter resistance arose, arrows hissing death from renewed battlements. Casualties mounted amid the chaotic press, discipline fraying under Sergius' increasingly erratic commands.

By the third night, surrounded defenders swarmed from sally ports under a silver dawn, catching the Lions in disorganized retreat. A dozen fell quickly as arrows and spears found their marks, horses screaming and choking on spilled innards. Sergius rallied two core remaining squads with litany and example, wheeling to charge the encircling Federation ranks repeatedly until dusk, when at last their numbers could no longer be stemmed...

The mist-shrouded fens crawled with shadows that gray morn. Behind every reed and ditch, Federation levies nocked fresh arrows, awaiting the master's signal. Since Sergius' disastrous raids, their lord had whipped clans into a frenzy of revenge, drilling pikewalls and skirmishing tactics day and night.

Now the hour was nigh. Scouts reported a mighty host of plated Knights approaching through the mists, heralded by the White Dawn banner. Almost two third of the Blue Lions had broken through and warned of certain retribution. But the Federation numbers swelled tenfold in their fens, ready to feast upon unwary steel.

Henry received the wounded blueLions grimly within his command . Though fewer than half survived Sergius' folly, their accounts disturbed. "They've lured us into a trap, using anger over their kin's deaths. The whole swamp boils with levies lying in wait." Henry nodded, "A cunning foe, to turn reckless action to their gain. We'll weather this storm as we have others, through unity and steel's sure edge."

Yet in private, Henry confided deeper concerns to Julius. Word had come from Nova - Sergius stood accused for the crime of deploying troops to another nation without the emperor's permission. James is still trying to suppress the nobles that lay these claims about the newly crowned Duke and assure no rival's ambition threatened imperial unity again. "Still, a trial requires capturing the man alive," Henry mused. "And I fear these fetid fens may become a watery grave for us all."

The White dawn Knights formed their battle array, two abreast columns snaking through mist-choked trails as morning wore on. Stealth and discipline were paramount facing unknown numbers in these treacherous bogs. Henry and Julius rode at the front, scouring tangled thickets for any sign of the hidden enemy.

At last, as the sun broke murk with stabbing rays, a feathered shaft whistled from the reeds, felling a knight's mount. Answering warhorns bayed savagely across the swamp. From every ditch and hillock, levies boiled forth with spears and longaxes, hooves pounding waterlogged soil as pikewalls bristled to block the Knights' advance.

Henry bellowed the charge, drawing his bared blade. "For Nova and victory!" The Knights thundered to engulf the nearest pikewall, using superior reach and plate to skewer scores of light infantry. Yet as each nest fell, two more rose shrieking from the swamp. Slowly, step by weary step, the Knights pressed onward as Federation arrows darkened the sky.

By midday the fight had degraded into a slog of feints and bloodletting, horses too exhausted to outmaneuver bog-wise axemen. Casualties mounted on both sides. As evening fell, Henry knew they could not weather another charge. He cried for a rally, only to find Julius missing amid the swirling mists of death. Fear grasped Henry's heart - had his friend also fallen to the nameless foe?

Desperate, he bellowed for a withdrawal through thinning ranks. Just as the Knights began withdrawing with hard-won ground, a titanic warhorn blast rolled across the fens. From every angle, the entire Federation host arose as one, axes gleaming murderously. Trapped between morass and vengeful foe, imminent slaughter awaited the honored Knights of Nova. Had their light been snuffed at the hands of ambition?

Yet suddenly, through the mist came the clarion call of a singular warhorn - jonas', leading the once scattered core surviving Blue Lions charging from an unseen quarter. With a terrible cry, they crashed into the enemy's loosely gathered flank, then wheeled to engage the next nearest threat. In that fleeting moment, Henry spurred the tired Knights towards the opening created, cutting down any foe still standing in their path.

The embattled forces struggled free of the terrible bogs as dusk's shroud fell. Behind, the last rays of sunlight illuminated a swirling melee as Sergius dueled the Federation lord personally. With a final grunt, he buried his blade hilt-deep in the man's gut. A collective wail arose from defeated forces now.

That night, in their makeshift camp, Henry clasped wrists with Sergius in grateful understanding. "You have redeemed past errors through valor none can deny. Know that your actions will be taken into account when justice is sought at court." Sergius inclined his head. "All I seek is protecting our people, sir henry. The rest is in the hands of the gods."

And so with dawn, the White Dawn Knights and surviving Blue Lions limped from that charnel ground, bearing wounded and news of a hard-won victory. The Federation threat had been broken, though deeper intrigues threatened a realm only just emerging from strife's shadow. For the fate of empires and nobility alike would be decided within Castle Nova's august halls, as Emperor James dispensed justice and carved Nova's destiny.