
Seek Warmth

On the floor, completely defeat, Killerkill wondered about the answer. After that attack, she realized she would fight Limbo, until her own death. Now trapped in another dream, a field of flowers and rainbows, in the warm heart of spring. Still wielding her Method Development in her left eye, her list of options started to run thin.

— I’m sorry Limbo…

But Brenda had also realized something else about Limbo.

— You are sorry? — He says, behind her. Slightly injured after everything.

— Yes. I am no longer the person that wants to hurt you.

A way to defeat Limbo, based on his own words from before her rebirth.

— Limbo…

— Yes, dear?

— If I asked for you to hurt me, would you?

— I would need a very good reason to hurt someone.

— If I asked for you to die, would you?

— I would need a very good reason to lay down my life.

“A way to defeat him…” — Brenda crouches, looking away from Limbo.

— So… if I asked for a hug, would you give me one?