
The Werewolf of The Darkest Dungeon. [Dropped]

Oh, im in a dungeon. But not gonna question why lets just start killing innocent monsters, oorah! (This is basically a parody series making fun of other monster system novels, lets see where our adventure takes us!) [cover is from Blessed and possesed album by powerwolf] Project is dropped, might be remastered or something later on but I just didnt enjoy writing this and where the plot was heading.

SoupHarbinger · Fantasie
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RIP me

Oh shit a truck!



"Oh my god is he ok!"

"He looks like a mashed potato!"

And that's how I got killed by truck-kun, pretty boring right?

Now I'm just floating around in a void doing nothing.

I look around and see nothing but black, suddenly a massive burst of energy appears and I get transported to a small cluster of blue.

<Mana formed, monster being created>

What the fuck is happening???

<Boss tier bloodline confirmed>

What is happening?

I begin seeing the outline of a cave that shimmers lightly with black and blue.

<Forming almost complete>

Forming, what the hell does that mean what is going on, this is some insane shit!

<Welcome to floor 1>

Instead of an outline I now see a complete cave with many walls and tunnels.

I am.completely alone with nothing else in sight, but the weirdest thing is my face feels like a dog's and I confirm the fact by looking down and seeing a red furry snout.

My body is small and red with fur spread throughout, I have three toes and 3 fingers.

The only thing I have is a loincloth wich I somehow got.

I walk around and see nothing but cave walls that all look the same.I walk and get used to my new body.

It feels strange to walk with three toes but I adapted to it quickly.

My favorite part of this new body is my claws,.they are jet black and stretch out quite far. I also learned that I can retract them and send them out like wolverine, wich is pretty badass.

As I stumble around the dark corridors I find a torch it looks old and the wood on it is rotten.

I pick it up and hold it, the top is unused so I search for something to light it.

I search around the ground which is littered with bones of species I have never seen until I find a small flint rock I swipe my claws across it and sparks fly onto the head of the torch it lights and glows brightly making my surroundings easier to se.

<Lvl 1 Torch acquired +1 Fire damage>

What the hell does this mean, this is stripped right out of a game dude what the hell.

I walk around keeping the torch close, Suddenly a huge bat screeches and crawls down from the roof, it has silky black fur and black leathery wings, but the most imposing part is its massive fangs that come out of its mouth the 2 things look like sword reaching all the way down its body. It screeches and rushes me, Its first fang slams itself into my shoulder and I scream but before it can get its other fang in I smack it in the head with the torch, the bat lights on fire and screams. The bat releases its fangs and begins hitting itself against the walls trying to put itself out but its wings burn to a crisp like KFC and it flops onto the ground making a loud thud.

<Level up 1-->2>

<Status unlocked>

<crafting unlocked>


This is really like a video game.

Open status!


species:Kobold (Werewolve bloodline)


stats:Agility:2 Strength:2 Intelligience:2

<1 point in every stat per level>

Inventory:Level 1.Torch

Night Bat fangs.


Wow this this is incredible.

My stats might be low but still, it's a status!

I wonder what I can use the bat fangs for?

hold up I have an amazing idea.I tear the bats wings off and wrap its fang to my torch and then I use the heat from the torch to make an adhesive forming a spear.

<level 2 flaming bat spear acquired, +1 fire and slash damage>

I laugh and dance around with my poky stick like a caveman until my joy fades away. After my act I continue walking around keeping my spear close to my chest quivering as I walk.

I emrge into a forest in the midst of the cave.

The cave walls clash against the light pink of the trees.

<Welcome to floor 1>

Floor 1?

This just keeps getting more and more like a game, I'm in a dungeon tower!

I walk through the forest and see many types of animals, like deer with 5 horns and pigs with 6 legs.I see many different docile animals.

But nothing has attacked me yet wich is strange for a dungeon.

I crawl into a tree and sit in wait.

A deer walks by and stops to eat.

Its illustrious white skin glistens in the light and I take aim. I hold my spear like a javelin and rear back throwing it at the deer it shoots through the air and smacks into deer making it catch on fire and fall over.

<White fur added>

<Level up>


species:Kobold (Werewolve bloodline)


stats:Agility:3 Strength:3 Intelligience:3

<1 point in every stat per level>

Inventory:Level 2. flaming bat spear.

Deer fur


I leap down the tree and collect the fur and stash it. After finishing up I begin to set up a fire to roast the meat.

I use its horn as the spit to roast it on and I use the fat on its body for grease on my torch.

I slowly twirl the deer in the fire for hours looking at the meat slowly char and become tender. After an hour it's ready to go.

I take it off the fire and begin cutting chunks off and eating.

As I chow down something moves around in the trees and makes rustling noises.

I grab my spear out of my inventory and ready it.

what I can only assume to be a goblin leaps down and tries to hit me with a branch, I dodge to the side and slash its belly. The goblin screams and falls over.

<2 gold aquired>

The gold floats out of the goblins loincloth and into my inventory.

Who would have foreseen a goblin jumping me and dying horribly.

I throw the goblins corpse into a ditch and leave it there to rot.

I walk back to my camp and continue eating, the deer tastes like beef with a little bit of pork mixed in.I stash the rest of the meat and leave the carcass on the ground.

I get up and walk through the forest more until I hear a huge rumbling and a fire cracking. I walk into a clearing and see small huts made of skin and skulls on a pike.