
The Werewolf Experiment

Isabella Petrenova has found herself in a difficult situation where she was used as an experiment to become supernatural. However, her emotions were triggered and she transformed into a beast escaping into the forest meeting unexpected company. Natalie Silver was heartbroken and drunk when she saw two men get eaten by a wolf the size of a bear and then finds herself sleeping with a naked woman in her room. In fear of her parents finding out about the girl's identity she asks her friend William for help. But the girl had other ideas in her head wanting to get closer to Natalie who has given her a name,Luna. After spending time with William, Luna finally learns how to capture Natalie's heart changing her behavior and tries to be who Natalie would want her to be. After they a lovely evening, tables turn when Natalie's heart breaker, returns and Luna gets taken away by those who created her and set both her and Natalie's lives in danger. Secrets being held and the past coming to haunt. Will they ever find their happily ever after, together?

Lezane_Cloete · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

It was night time, the sky was dark shining with beautiful little dots.There was a girl sweeping the streets clean from leaves that fall during the windy day. This girl's name is Isabella Petrenova. But she has made it a habit of telling people her name is Izzy. She lost her parents at the age of nine. Robbers broke into her home and was caught by her parents but they got shot on sight. She remembers the image vividly of how the blood spattered across the room. Painting the walls a bright red, filling fear into Izzy's heart. She hid underneath her bed and was unable to see the killers face. When they left Izzy did not know what to do and with her shaking hands she tried to call the police. When the police came for questioning, she was still in shock and her mind had shut down most of her emotions.

Ten years has passed, she now lives on the streets because no one wanted to adopt her as her personality became dull after the experience and no parent wanted a dull child. She was kicked out of the orphanage as she grew too old to stay put. She had little education and no family. She had no luck getting a job either because of her poor appearance. She had long black hair, with deep green eyes. Her skin was as white as snow and she was so skinny that her body looked like she was only made of skin and bone. She had dark circles around her eyes, wearing ripped pieces of cloth to keep her warm in the cold night.

Then a black fan suddenly stopped next to her as she was trying to gather the leaves in her skinny hands. The window of the fan opened and a man with a deep voice spoke to her.

"You look tired and hungry, would you like something to eat." he said with a disgusted smile on his face. She wanted to refuse the man's offer but just then she could hear her stomach grumbles. Her tired eyes looked up at the man and then she nodded with desperation for food. She did not speak much as her throat was dry and she was afraid that she might offend the man who has kindly offered to feed her.

Inside the fan she saw that a delicious meal was already waiting for her inside. The delicious smell of roast chicken and freshly cooked vegetables couldn't escape her nose. A small emotion of joy appeared on her face. She had no respect whatsoever and immediately started to stuff her face with the delicious meal.

While eating, she could feel the fan starting to move again and before she could react to what was going on she passed out.

When she opened her eyes again she was locked inside a room with no windows, only a door with no handle or keyhole. She stayed calm and scanned her surroundings. The room wasn't big but had enough space to move around, probably big enough to fit ten people inside. The walls were white with bright lights in the roof.

Just then the same man from the fan came into the room. But this time she could see his face more in detail. He sat down next to her and began talking.

"So, I know you might be scared right now but I am here to tell you that there is nothing to be afraid of. I actually want to help you, you see, I am looking for someone who can help me do an experiment. Now before you refuse, I want to notify you that if all goes well, we will pay an unspecified amount of money. However, if things go wrong you might die but with the information we gathered you don't have anyone who would miss you or anything and quite frankly, you have nothing to lose. How does that sound?"

Izzy looked at the man not knowing what to say. She then gathered her options to find the best results. Pain fills her heart as she realized that what the man said is true, she does not have anything to care about, let alone her life. She stayed quiet and stared at the man for a while before nodding her head.

"Wonderful, we will get started right away." the man said as he tells a group of scientists to come and get her. They all rushed in and helped her get ready. They gave her a shower and some water to drink and as they did that, the man explained what will happen.

"So, you will have to be naked before going into the laboratory and completely clean to avoid any side effects on your skin. Unfortunately you can't eat anything but we can give you a glass of water for now. You will be put into a container and then you will become unconsious. No need to worry about anything, you will however need to stay in the container for about five years or so. Again, no need to worry, you will be just fine if all goes well."

Izzy climbed into the container more calm than the man expected but it was in his favor. He needed her to be calm and emotionless to proceed without trouble. Inside the container, smoke started to fill inside and her eyes started to slowly close as she loses her consciousness.

While unconsious, the scientists inserted needles into her body and then the container started to fill with blue liquid. On a tablet in the man's hands there was an image of a wolf and a dna barcode with the button 'start' at the bottom. He pressed it and the machines working on Izzy's container started to switch on and change her body to be compatible with the wolf blood. After everything was set, the scientists left the room as well as the man with the tablet. Locking the doors behind him.

Five years later those same doors opened again and emptied out the container where Izzy was still inside. They transferred her body from the science lab, to an empty room with a bed. Where she then woke up not aware of anything around her. She looked at her hands and feet not recognizing anything of her own body. She could hear a ringing noise from a phone but had no idea where it was coming from. The man that she had met five years ago entered the room after being notified that she's awake.

"Hello, do you remember me?" he asks her with an excited tone in his voice. But the girl shook her head not remembering anything.

"I see." he says as he writes down that she has memory loss after an hour from being removed out of the container. And then proceeded to ask more questions.

"Do you know what is your name?"


"Do you know what you are doing here?"


"Do you feel anything strange in your body?"

"No, I feel completely fine..."

Just then she heard the ringing noise from earlier but it was alot louder than before, so she quickly covered her ears wishing the sound would stop. The man then took out his phone and declined the call he received. When the ringing stopped, Izzy calmed down and looked at the man in confusion. He put hit hand on her shoulder and said.

"It's alright, with time you will learn to control it."

Izzy took a deep breath and trusted the man that things will get better. After that they took more test everyday, asking the questions and more as she starts to remember little by little.

Not only did she start to remember her past, her physical strength became stronger aswell. Where she could not walk before, she now ran faster than two hundred kilometers per hour. And where she could barely move her arms, she can now lift a weight over a two hundred and fifty pounds. Her hair was still hanging underneath her waist but every time it got cut, it would grow right back. Her body was no longer skinny as it used to be, she is now well fit and built like and athlete.

One night, however, she got a dream of the night of her parents murder. All the hate, and anger that she has kept back for so long has finally came rushing to her mind. All at a remarkable force, and she wasn't able to control her emotions. That caused her to grow a pair of wolf ears and a tail and then her whole body started to grow and transform into what looked like a bear. But when the transformation was done, she was a black wolf with golden eyes and the size of fifty year old bear, more than ten feet long.

Right then, an alarm went off, causing Izzy to get irritated in her wolf form. With the strength of a thousand men she bursts through the wall leading her outside into a huge forest.

The man who experimented on her stood and watched as she ran off and told the search party not look for her as it was a great idea to see what would happen if she has any contact with the outside world.