
The Werewolf CEO That Got Me Pregnant

Stella Veronica is a beautiful woman who has been married for 7 years with a man named Jasper Kurt. But she often gets bad treatment from her husband. Because her husband was fed up with her. Because she didn't get pregnant right away. However, due to an incident at the hotel where her husband works, Stella, who is drunk, has slept with the handsome CEO. Her husband's boss. And she was pregnant with the child of her husband's superior. So how will this love triangle end? And what will happen if Jasper finds out that the child that is being conceived by Stella is the son of his own boss, a werewolf who is a handsome CEO of a well-known Skin Care company in New York City? [ WSA THEME : WEREWOLF ]

luluk_muddawamatul · Fantasie
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188 Chs

Chapter 23

On this sunny morning, it seemed as if the sun had welcomed Jasper to return to his activities at the Éclat Beauty skin care office, the place where he worked. And as usual, he always prepares the breakfast for his wife, Stella. Just before he left for work to his office.

And in that morning, he left a message on the breakfast that he had prepared for his wife.

"Stella, please remember, you don't forget to eat the breakfast that I have prepared for you, okay!. Later please contact me when you have read this message, my wife!" Jasper said at the note, his messages which he placed on the next to the breakfast for his wife, Stella at that morning.

And even then Jasper he immediately went to work at the Éclat Beauty skin care office. And he is as always very passionate about his work. Because on this evening he wanted to take his wife Stella, to take a walk and have dinner with him outside of their house.

"Ah, maybe it's been a very long time I remember, I didn't take my wife Stella for a walk with me. Yes, even if it's just for dinner alone outside of the house!" Jasper he said to himself on that morning.

He still clearly remembers the last time he took his wife for a walk with him. So he decided to take his wife out again, for dinner when he came home later, from his job at Éclat Beauty skin care office.

As usual, Jasper and his co-workers worked diligently and diligently. And he is indeed a manager who is highly respected by a number of his subordinates. And it is possible for Jasper to be re-promoted as the trusted right hand of Dexter the CEO of that Éclat Beauty skin care company, in New York branch.

He knows and understands that his job as a branch manager of a well-known skin care company is not an easy thing for him. But that Jasper, he tried his best in doing all of the work that had become his responsibility.

Even though it is heavy, he is always passionate about his work. Because he knows that his job is what has allowed him to support Stella needs and their future child, who is being conceived by his wife.

Suddenly, Jasper's cell phone rang, indicating that there was an incoming message.

"Tring, ring, ring!" He had an incoming message from his cell phone.

And immediately he then looked into his cell phone. It turned out that his wife gave him an answer that made him so happy on that morning.

"All right, Jasper. Then let's have dinner together this evening, outside of the house. And later when you get home, please let me know right away, okay!. I will waiting for you to come home, to pick me up, so the two of us can have dinner outside of the house together!" Stella, she replied Jasper in the message that she sent to Jasper's cell phone.

Then Jasper he immediately replied to the message that his wife had sent to him.

"Sure ofcourse, Stella. I'll let you know what time I'll be home, or just before I get home, I'll definitely will let you know. And then I'll see you this afternoon, okay?" Jasper said in reply to his message to Stella's cell phone, at their house.

On that day diligently, Jasper then he continued his work which was already as his responsibility as a branch manager of that Éclat Beauty skin care company. At that time he felt very happy, because his wife had made him even more excited at work on that day.

"You look so happy this morning, Mr. Jasper!" Asked Daniel, his co-worker on that morning, when he saw Jasper smiling as he headed towards his room, in their Éclat Beauty skin care office.

"Oh yeah, Daniel. It's because I'm going to take my wife for a walk in Time Square tonight. Because we're happy right now. Because my wife right now is pregnant with our first child!" Jasper said while he smiling at Daniel, after he read the message from his wife Stella. For a moment he was heading towards to his working room.

"Oh, is it true that your wife is pregnant, Mr. Jasper?. We are so happy for you both, because you have been waiting for this happy news for years, right?" Daniel said while he giving his hand that shook Jasper's that morning.

Daniel's sincere congratulations and happy expressions to Jasper, his Manager.

"Oh yes, thank you very much, Daniel. And I am very grateful to you!. Because you were the first person to congratulate me, because I will soon become a father!" Jasper said who was smiling too, when he replied to Daniel's words.

"Oh yes sir, you're welcome Mr. Jasper. By the way, as if you wish, please allow me and your other co-workers to have a conversation with your wife. Because we don't know your wife very well. We haven't seen your wife until now!" Daniel, he asked Jasper.

"Ah, really?. I mean, you didn't know my wife at the time of the launch of the newest product of our Eclat Beauty skin care, more than a month ago!. I brought my wife to that launch event, Daniel. Oh yeah, maybe you don't really know, huh. Because at that time we were really busy to taking care of all of the latest product that launch at that events of our Eclat Beauty skin care at that day, right?. Well then, at any time I will meet you and the others with my wife, Stella. And then now I'll go to my room to get back to work. And see you later!" Jasper said to Daniel, in that morning. While he was going to his room, the place where he was trusted as the Manager of the Éclat Beauty skin care branch.

"Oh yes, sir, Jasper. Go ahead then. And I will also resume my work!" Daniel he replied who then also he rushed to his work chair, in the employee's office at the Éclat Beauty skin care company.

Soon as the day had passed very quickly. And it was the time for Jasper to return to the home of him immediately. That evening, he could not wait to take his wife, Stella for a walk to the Times Square, New York. A place where the two of them can choose any food, or also a good restaurant, a place that the two of them will go to in that evening.

"Ah, it turns out that the day is getting late. And it turns out that I also have to hurry home, pick up Stella. And it looks like I have to hurry to get home!" Said Jasper as he fixed his things in his room office, in that Eclat Beauty skin care office.

Then Jasper he immediately went to the car park, at the Éclat Beauty skin care office. And he immediately drove his car to get to the house, the place where he and Stella also lived.

"Hmm, looks like Stella is currently getting ready to wait for me to pick her up. Looks like I don't have to wait long for her to finish dressing up!" Jasper, he said to himself, as he drove his car towards to the house, the place where he and Stella are always spent their days together.