- This is your secret path?
Said Hans while standing in front of the entrance of a tunnel. It was small and hidden by some dry bushes
- Yes, it will take us directly to the other side instead of turning around this big mountain.
- Is it safe?
- It was long ago a gold mine, but most of it collapsed and became deserted. Be careful when you walk in there. Just follow me and don't touch anything.
Hans sighed
- We don't have another choice, let's go.
They entered carefully the tunnel, each one held a fire torch while grabbing his horse. Fortunately, the ground was much easier to walk on.
Louis was leading them, and Hans was beside him.
- How long it will take us to go out of here?
- Two hours.
They kept going deeper through the tunnel. It wasn't all smooth, there were some places where they could hardly make through because of the collapsing rocks.