Rose, the beautiful, smart, and strong girl, went undercover to participate in the biggest knight contest in the kingdom. She wanted to become one of Prince Hans's honorable knights due to her father's debt. But, there was something that she didn't know about. Her master was a werewolf. How will she react to that secret? And why does everyone keep calling her" Rosalina"?
Meredith's heart became full of rage when she remembered how badly Helen treated Rosalina. It happened, in front of her eyes several times, without being able to stop it or defend her helpless daughter which made her heart ache so much.
- You abandoned such a beautiful and smart girl to take another girl and mistreated her under the pretext of making her a princess. To be honest, Seraphina was lucky that she got away from you, but Rosalina wasn't that lucky. She suffered a lot because of your greed. You lost your little girl but never gained one. You lost both of them, Helen. None of the girls love you.
Those words slammed Helen so hard:
- As long as I'm fulfilling my duties as a queen, I don't need anyone's love.
At that moment Meredith smiled:
- Are you satisfied with what you did?
- Of course, I'm! The kingdom's reputation is all that matters to me.