Ricardo found a lot of his family's stuff in that room. There were clothes, jewelry, books, and some paintings. It was like he found a treasure.
- Wow, Did Yvine hide all of this stuff?
- Yes, she did. She collected as many items as she could, especially the books.
- But when she did that? She was in the temple with us.
- She collected them before leaving for the temple and hid them carefully, then she kept coming out from time to time to check on them.
- I must thank her for that. I thought that we lost everything related to the past.
Ricardo was very excited. He finally acted according to his age.
- Look! There is a lot of my mother's stuff..... I remember this dress very well, I was clinging at him until I ripped it off. I gave her a hard time back there.
- How can you remember all of these events when you were such a young boy?
Ricardo sighed: