
The Werepire lord's Mate

Renee Boudon is an Afro-French werewolf living in Voisin, France. She is a nurse, living with her parents and four sisters on the vineyard. The 22-year-old nurse is trying to save up money with her sisters to get their own place. When Renee gets a call from her hospital to take care of their biggest benefactor, she is hesitant. When the benefactor offers her $30,000 for the job, she is still hesitant. With encouragement from her mother, she decides to take the offer. Once she is inside the benefactor's home, he claims that she is his mate that he has been searching for. Being a werepire lord, you are bound to have enemies. Now Renee has a target on her back. Will she survive? What is the benefactor up to?

MayaAlanaPeoples · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

Oman POV

The enforcers have questioned all of us to the point of exhaustion. My sisters-in-law and Renee started to clean the mess, while the enforcers took the offender away. The women are so impressive it scares me. The women fought off the attackers with limited training, their wit, and their surroundings. I saw a male looking at my mate's derrière while she was bending down. The male had a look of lust all over his face. It took everything in me not to rip out his throat. I stepped behind him, and growled. The male spun around quickly to locate the source of the noise. When he saw me glowering at him, he scurried away like a frightened mouse. I am pretty sure that the women were oblivious to what just happened. I will always be jealous and possessive over Renee.

Renee POV

I heard Oman growling, and figured that one of the enforcers was looking at me in an inappropriate way, and he reacted. The scurrying of the enforcer's feet proved my theory, my sisters were stifling their laughter. "Are we going to tell Mama and Papa about this?" Helene asked. We all hesitated and worried about the outcome. "Mama and Papa will never trust us to live alone again," said Rebecca. We all decided to wait for the decision for a bit.

Drake POV

"MY HIGHLY-TRAINED AND APPARENTLY OVERPAID WARRIORS JUST GOT TAKEN OUT BY MERE CHILDREN?" I roared as I was punching every last one of my warriors. I have never seen so much incompetence in my life, my warriors can't even handle little girls. I pillaged villages, enslaved women and children, killed their husbands and fathers, only to have such incompetent warriors. How hard is it to grab little girls? Now the enforcers will come knocking at my door? Now I have to come up with a new plan. Maybe I can seduce the female, that will definitely hurt the freak of nature.

Oman POV

I had Selina send our best warriors to protect my in-laws, it is better to be safe than sorry. I took an exhausted Renee back to our home after she said her goodbyes to her sisters, and we had dinner. Renee was exhausted from the whole ordeal. We bathed together, and went to sleep together. As soon as she laid down on my bed, she fell asleep right away. "My poor baby," I cooed at my sleeping mate. I scooped her up and laid her on my chest. "Don't worry, I promise to take care of you," I whispered to her. Having Renee's warm body touching me really relaxes me. I pray that she doesn't leave me for putting her and her family in danger. That is when I had an epiphany, I will never let her go. The wolf in me would rather die than let her leave, the vampire in wants her by my side forever. 6,000 years has made me a bit desperate for my taste. I didn't tell Renee that her boss knew that we were mates and counted this as a leave of absence until she was no longer in danger.

Nikita POV

This is getting out of hand, my sisters and I were lucky this time. I am going back to school to be a dance teacher. I talked to the others about it, and they were supportive. Anais wants to own her own bakery business. Rebecca wants to be a fashion designer, Helene wants to be a filmmaker. We are hoping that our parents don't find out about the attempted kidnappers. We don't want to worry them, they trust us to be independent and safe. We don't blame Oman and Renee for what happened. Being a lord/lady and the partner of one, you are always in danger. We are just glad that Renee is safe and sound. We are more than glad that Oman isn't a monster to her, like you hear about mismatched mates. We were warned by our parents about evil mates, and selfish and ungrateful mates. There are mates who would abandon you for not being outgoing and assertive enough. There are mates who would abandon you for being rubenesque. There are the arrogant mates who would abandon you for not being good enough for them, even though they are good-for-nothing. There are shallow mates who would abandon you for not being their type. Our parents always tell us that the mate bond doesn't make you fall in love with you. It is your responsibility to win over your mate because the mate bond only tells you who would be good for you emotionally and biologically.

Marguerite POV

My well-placed sources told me that my girls had successfully dispatched their attackers. I am a lawyer with enemies, my mate is a businessman with rivals. We have confidence in our girls to protect each other and themselves. My girls have always been surprisingly close-knit, while other sisters would bicker at each other. I remember when Renee was just a baby, Nikita would always sleep next to her. Renee would always calm down when Nikita would cuddle next to her. I remember when Anais was born, Nikita and Renee would get her dressed, feed her, and play with her. When Rebecca was born, the girls would do the same thing. When Helene was born, they would spoil and protect her. When one of them was bullied, the others would get weapons, and beat the offender. My beautiful, brilliant girls make us proud. They taught themselves how to speak English and other different languages. We are so proud of them! Marcel fell in love with all of our girls. You should have seen him play tea party with the girls. What scared him was when they used one of our wines for the tea parties. Their intelligence and curiosity have always scared and astonished us. It astonished us that they learned how to fight by watching videos and movies. It astonished us that Anais knows how to pick locks, or Rebecca knows how to make dresses and play the sitar.