
Info and how Orks work

This will be my first fanfic, and because of that, quality is not assured, but I digress. I don't do this for money or fame but for enjoyment, and I've always wanted to do this at some point. Making that known, I will take constructive criticism and help anywhere I can get it, so leave a comment where you think I could improve or rant about my work if needed. I'll attempt to read everything from a writer's and reader's perspectives as best as possible.

You won't break my heart with a few mean words.

Uploads will depend on life right now, so college and other things might delay or stop them, but I promise to keep with it until the end.

Let us begin the setup for the story, enjoy.

This first section will describe some of the intricacies of the Fungus known as Orkoid Fungus (there isn't a scientific name)

So, to describe an Ork, first, you need to know that they do not come from some weird race that evolved naturally in the past. They come straight from the biogenetic engineers of the Old Ones(Gods), which are a weird heterogeneous reptilian species of powerful psychic beings that created the Krorks back in the older times to fight the Necrons as a frontline force with the Aeldari.

The backstory is out of the way; the Orks are a little bit of a meme, and their ability to make no sense is accented by the Warhammer 40k verse's logic, making the species more wacky.

Under the Orkoid Fungus, many races exist, including Puff Balls, Speckled Bloodshade, Snotshrooms, Mushlings, heartburn, Pink-Spotted Trottlecap, Warted Nightbloomer, and Rutted Gob-Busters.

Under the Ork species that isn't a full-blown mushroom and is the majority of what you see include Squigs (Squiggoth included), Snotlings, Gretchen (Gnots), and Orks (Weird Boyz included).

Now, with the whole of the species out of the way, the Orks themselves have a Hive-like psychic power that allows them to 'warp' reality when told or made to believe a certain thing.

This isn't a power the Orks know about, but it grows as more Orks are near each other, meaning a Waaagghhh can be quite a reality-warping event.

This power is mostly used to let the Orks have as much fun as possible in a fight without worrying about all the technical details of war, such as problem-solving or engineering.

'Weird Boyz' performs most of the technical details, including medical, psychic, and mechanical aspects, but to a limited degree.

This means most, if not all, of the species, are idiots and cannot fathom the intricacies of war.

With this in mind, we will begin the next chapter soon.

I have some ideas for the future, but we'll see what happens, enjoy.

LordRithoncreators' thoughts