
The weird kid next door is S class!

A classroom full of S class, but Lim Jaeyoon is an A class only, why is he here? He absolutely hates it, he hates being awakened, he hates that the weird kid next door is still his classmate after all, but most of all he hates that he is the only A class in a room full of S class people, an inferior, an ugly weed among piles of beautiful flowers but everything changed when he received his blessing, because with it, he is arguably the most important out of all these people!

Iambread · Fantasie
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6 Chs


The next day came

Lim Jaeyoon woke up with his face mask halfway fallen and with his hairband still holding strong

After a few minutes an announcement came "all students are called to the De caelo auditorium now!"

It was loud,loud enough for every corner of the huge building to hear

Jaeyoon got up quickly to get ready

Today was pretty exciting because they will be getting their weapons!an unforgettable moment in time for every honorable enhanced individuals

After he was ready he approach his desk where a package rest,he smiled and grabbed it before running outside

He walk a few steps,just a few and knock on the door in front of him "Yeobin?"

Before long he heard noices coming from inside and the door opened to reveal Yeobin,shirt unbuttoned revealing his toned chest

'Does he work out?'Jaeyoon can't help but wonder

Jaeyoon was staring at him while he stares at his chest,how shameful!

"H-here" he stuttered,cheeks red from embarrassment as he hand him the package

Jaeyoon was a bit confused but still took the package "what is it?"

Yeobin doesn't linger around for another minute but still replied

"Try it on,i had it made for you"

Jaeyoon was in awe when he got inside the auditorium,he was the second last student to get there

The faces of the others present there shows annoyance

He bowed slightly whispering his apologies

The students were lined up,face toward an old man with white beard wearing a robe,he looks like a wizard!

"Let us just get started as i'm quite curious as to what you all will get"

Jaeyoon notice Yeobin still hasn't arrived but since they are going one by one anyway it won't matter much

"As you can see,there stood an alter with a single orb you will ge there one by one placing you hand,i want you to imbue the orb with your mana,and the weapon destined to be yours by the heaven above will fall down upon you" the old man says

Just beside them,a few distance away there stood an alter,the part of the room there has no roof and it was completely uncovered so light can stream through

"Now my boy,why don't you go first?" The old man speaks to a man that stood first "now remember,whatever you get,whether you want it or not,nothing can be done,it is what you are forever"

Enhanced are not given their abilities right after they got their rank,it is only after they got their weapons that they truly become enhanced,this process right now is meant to give them weapons but the truth is,those weapon they got will carry a separate title that the holder will obtain,and those titles came from celestial beings,it is like a contract to share their power

There are many kinds of weapons,and many kinds of titles too,enhanced individuals must train themselves to better understand and to get familiar with them and that's the best way to get stronger

Like this first boy,after placing his palm on the orb it was like the sun shone directly at him,and not a minute later a weapon fell from the sky and a voice came from nowhere "take this sword of mine,human,disappoint me and you will be killed with it"

This a the first and only time humans will hear the voice of a celestial,it is only possible because the orb forced a connection using the body as a medium for the human world and another

After the first boy,the others went one after another,some got staff,while some even got hand held fans,it was entirely anonymous

Jaeyoon was really amused when the twins got the same sword,it was first separate and was a very slim sword that is meant to be connected to form a single sword,it was really beautiful too

And now it is Jaeyoon's turn

Ideas came to his mind like a dam opened all of a sudden

Jaeyoon is not a very good fighter,so to day,he would be useless with it,he knows this too,he hoped to get something like a handheld fan too,something cute and quite practical on hot days

He could do with a gun too,yes that might be the best,he would be able to shoot from a long and safe distance and walk away unscathed so a gun would be best for him,but no one in history has ever gotten a gun!

'I could be the first?' He thought

"Boy why don't you place your hand first?" His thoughts was interrupted suddenly,he heared a few snickers,he look back a few second and catch Yeobin in his sight,staring at him with his dark orbs

"Ok,here i go"

He places his hand on the orb,closing his eyes,praying silently for a gun

Now,something weird happened,first when a weapon is handed,the celestial owner of the weapon speaks first,but Jaeyoon and all the rest never heard anything,second the weapon was,weird

The voice never came so Jaeyoon opened his eyes,look left and right in case the weapon had already fallen unnoticed but nothing,he almost retracted his hand when something fell from the heaven right on his forehead,knocking him down with it

His forehead throbbed with pain,he rolled around trying to hold his screams in,he's not about to scream with so many eyes on him

He got up after a minute,and take a careful look for the thing that fell from the sky

It was small,but heavy

He sees a small sized hammer made out of beautiful dark steel of sort,that was joined in the bottom by a tip that looked like a pen,the hammer was very small,one look is enough to know that it was not meant to be used as a weapon,but the design was heavenly

Least to say,he was confused,and the laughter coming from behind him making his mind go hazy

"Isn't he the A class?"

"What is he doing here?"

"How stupid"

The laughter flood his mind,unable to move an inch

"Shut up" he heard someone speak,hearing that he can finally breathe,it was Yeobin

He pick the gavel up and opened the status window and saw the title i was given

"Title - The judge,class - (???)"

"What the fuck?!"