
The weird kid next door is S class!

A classroom full of S class, but Lim Jaeyoon is an A class only, why is he here? He absolutely hates it, he hates being awakened, he hates that the weird kid next door is still his classmate after all, but most of all he hates that he is the only A class in a room full of S class people, an inferior, an ugly weed among piles of beautiful flowers but everything changed when he received his blessing, because with it, he is arguably the most important out of all these people!

Iambread · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Cursed blade

I stood there staring at the gavel in my hand,I couldn't stop wondering how such a small and weird looking thing would help me in battle,there's a pen joined to it for fucks sake,it's like the heaven is telling me to fuck off,become a writer or something

"Come child,tell me what title you were bestowed" the old man says as he wrote something in a paper

One of his job today is to get our informations down,from our titles to the weapons we acquired,he notes down everything so i walk toward him with the "weapon" in hand

"The judge" i said

The old man was visibly confused because since the first ever enhanced their title is something that indicates their powers and their strength,like "world burning fire of the hound" and as the name suggest their abilities would be fire

But "the judge" doesn't tell anything important by itself

The old man let me go anyway without saying anything more

"And the last one" he called right after

Yeobin approached the orb in a calm manner,he look really cool wearing the coat and gloves i ordered for him,it's not an exaggeration to say he looked like a super model,i assumed he would look great in a coat and as it appears i was coreect!

His steps were stable and his demeanour visibly composed,one look and anyone would know how nervousness doesn't affect him at all

Knowing him he probably just doesn't care what he got

Every enhanced individuals has a certain desire and hope for weapon of their choice,but not even 50% got what they wanted at all and they have to carry on with the weapon that they do not choose so this ritual is quite worrisome

Yeobin is not like that,give him anything but still you will not be able to know whether he's happy with it or not

His parents used to be worried because of this,sometimes he's like an empty shell without a soul

I watched and stared at him as he reached and placed his hand on the orb,his gazed darkening until he closed them completely

My heart skipped a beat,i prayed mentally so he can get a powerful one,so he can become the one of the best,if not the best in the world

"Please let him get the best sword" i prayed silently

The weird kid from our neighbours,who's better than me at literally anything,truth be told i used to be jealous and i even hate him

But as time passed,i realised that his success doesn't diminish me,why should i be sad and unhappy for it?and so I naturally think of him as the best,and for him i accept only the best

All of a sudden the sky turned dark,wind blows harsher and harhser inside the whole auditorium

It's like something is trying to distance him from us

"Yeobin?" I called

I saw him slightly moving his head toward me

But before he could turn completely,we heard a laugh from the sky that was turned black

"Be mine and you will rule over chaos and anything eaten by darkness"

A voice of a female says,and a blade falls down from the heaven,it was completely black in colour and lack any significant design but everyone in the room left the pressure that it gave off

Yeobin caught it right at the grip all the while the laughter doesn't stop

Moments later when the laughter stops and the sky began to shine bright again

The old man approached him "M-my child,what title were you given?"

Yeobin look at the blade in his hand for a second,then looking up at the old men

"Cursed blade of the primordial ones"

He announced as the black blade turns itself into a bracelet and rest comfortably on Yeobin's wrist

I find myself thinking that he did get the best,but something that is unsaid by everyone but known by all is that

The bestower of Yeobin's weapon is something beyond evil