

THE WEAPONS OF POWER. The almighty weapons need to be destroyed. Creatures are chasing the weapons. A war starts. What will happen to Rondo Errins when he learns his destiny is more than being a barber. Rather to protect and destroy the swords when needed.

sup_people · Fantasie
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1 Chs

The Weapon has been stolen.

Darkness spread across the once-capital city of Skworvas. Maybe it was just the darkness of the night.

'Really? Here?' a man said. He had blue eyes and long black hair. He also had a mustache and a beard. He was a white man part of the clan of Rokyas. The man wore black clothing which was almost a jacket, which reached all up to the man's legs and covered almost every part of the body. The clothing had a sword hidden in one of its pockets.

'Lord Saukan has ordered both of you to bring him the weapon of fire.' a knight with shining silver armor told them grumpily. 'These two were the best that lord Saukan could send?' the knight thought to himself.

'A sword? Here? In a city with fire in almost every street and fallen swords of fallen warriors everywhere? Even the homes have swords and this a city which is a kilometer long!' the other man with black eyes said furiously. The other man also wore the same black clothing as the man with the blue eyes. But this man didn't have any swords or any weapons hidden under his clothes.

The knight in silver took his sword out and said 'It's either you bring me that sword or you fall off the cliff. Now what would you both like?.' 'I'd like not to die today' the man with black eyes told the knight.

'Good' the knight replied.

'Now go!' he said to both.

'At least tell us what the sword looks like shan't you?' the man with blue eyes said.

'The sword is a claymore with a red hilt. It should be shining or giving some kind of a red aura' the knight replied.

'Thank you' the man with blue eyes said.

'You're not welcome' the knight replied.

'Well, he's as grumpy as his master or lord or whatever he calls him' the man thought.

The men approached the city. The fire burnt here and there.

'How'd we even come to this position eh Argon?' the man with black eyes said.

'Our clan leader thought it'd be a great idea to send two of the strongest people of his clan to Saukan for this mission' Argon said.

'Nobody protested?' the man with black eyes said looking confused.

'No. Nobody protested Marsen. Nobody.' Argon said disappointedly.

'Why?' Marsen asked Argon.

'I think they knew that we were going to survive' Argon replied.

The men continued to move ahead and ahead until they saw a shining blade. It was shining the color blue and as the men reached closer and closer to the blade Argon said 'I'm going to steal the blade from here. It needs to be destroyed' In reply Marsen said 'What?! Are you crazy? They'll kill us!'

'At least it would be worth a try' Argon replied to Marsen. Argon then sprinted towards the blade to which Marsen followed Argon. Argon took the sword. They both ran and ran until they heard a battle horn blow. Then they heard loud footsteps. Thousands of men were coming and running down the hill and toward them. 'They're coming to retrieve the sword' Argon thought. 'Run faster!' Argon said to Marsen as he changed directions and headed for a forest east of the ruined city.

Dark green tree trunks surrounded them. Arrows were being shot toward the forest (If you were above or the knight in the silver armor you would see only dark and black shadows of the trees and nothing else).

The air was thick with condensation and a dull roar, much like a snare drum, reverberates across the sky. Trees cower from the harsh wind while leaves soared through the air. A steady drizzle of rain began to descend from somber clouds; crystal tears landing silently on the pavement. Opaque puddles gathered along the crevices and cracks of the soggy ground. Incandescent lightning illuminated the sky and was shortly followed by a deafening rumble. As the cool wind began to pick up, it seemed to form a frosty blade, which slices through the warm forest air. It penetrated the skin of the men, exciting the senses and forcing its way through clothing, funneling through sleeves and out collars.

Then, like the cool wind left an empty space, a thin and muggy fog nestled in. Before long, tiny, soft needle-like droplets begin brushing across faces and arms. Abruptly, the rain began to come in sheets, blown about into shrouds by a nippy breeze. The sultry wind begins violently tossing the rain about, walls of raindrops falling toward the earth are rounded up and slung hard, and walloping forest trees. A contrast of the thick, soggy air coupled with the tiny, cold raindrops causing goose bumps to animate the skin.

As the rain poured continuously, Argon halted the horse and said 'Oh, shit!'

There stood a dragon. Its red scales pelted through the rain. It showed no sign of fear of weakness due to the rain. The dragon's scales moved as it breathed. It had a yellow body and bright blue eyes the dragon looked around before settling on looking at the men who were chasing Argon and Marsen. The dragon then flew up, and arrows were shot toward the dragon. The dragon opened its mouth to let a blaze of fire burst out towards the men. Argon took the chance and rode the horse towards the other end before the dragon shook its tail throwing Argon and Marsen towards another part of the forest, dropping the sword of fire. Argon proceeded to run and take the sword.

HE ran towards the sword which was shining blue and took it before shouting 'Run Marsen! Run!' Argon sprinted towards Marsen to help him up. Marsen was blown over unconscious. It took some running before Argon spotted a person wearing a wizard's hat. They were in the deep ends of the forest of Greeznhile. Argon shouted 'Ramon! Oh, thank god you're here!' 'Take the sword and Marsen with you' Argon continued.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

BTW the chapter post of this series is random. Some chapters are very long and can take weeks to write and publish and some can take a few days to publish. Thx and plz support my story.

sup_peoplecreators' thoughts