
The Weakest Otherworlder

In a world where everyone was gifted an opportunity to devour everything in front of them, but what if that opportunity was out of reach? And suddenly a being that they called a God came down and gave everyone a spoon so they could reach them and devour them? Everyone devoured all those opportunities and satiated their greed. Power, wealth, you name it. But there was a person who could only watch those people satiating themselves with a spoonful of power and wealth. So, he prayed to that so-called God. "Please! Just give me an opportunity just like the others, God! Even if it's just a tiny bit! I would really appreciate it!" A young man with messy long gray hair asked God with tears in his eyes as he watched the people around him being killed by Otherworlders. [You have been chosen] [God has gifted you the power to devour all opportunities!] [Welcome, Candidate Alseace LaRoze] "You're kidding, right?" Alseace asked in a trembling voice and forced a smile as he stared at the ability God gave him. "What the fuck am I going to do with this?!" He shouted at God who gave him the ability and glared at the cloudy night. While everyone was given a normal spoon, Alseace LaRoze was given a spoon with a giant hole that even a grain of sand would be hard to pick off with it. Alseace chuckled in disbelief and started laughing as the people around him screamed in agony. "You gave me an ability called Leftover?! Don't joke around!" Alseace screamed his lungs out. [God gave you what you wished for, be grateful]

Iqfauli · Fantasie
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52 Chs

Chapter 32: First Mission. (1)

"This is..." Alseace looked at himself in the mirror on the suit that Sierra gifted him. "I feel like I look like a family from a noble family..." Alseace couldn't believe it, and he was so happy that he could wear something like that.

A dark-gray long suit and trousers with a vest and black tie beneath the suit. There were so many accessories and ornaments Sierra gave him that made him look like a proper noble. She also gave him a pair of black gloves that fit perfectly in his hand and a watch.

"I know. It was specially tailored by someone I know. He's very good at taking requests, I know you would love to have a suit like this since you used to be from a noble family. I also used to be from a noble family, and I know a lot about fashion," Sierra answered as she sucked on the lollipop in her mouth.

"But I wonder if I should wear this on a mission. I feel like it would give me a pain in my chest if I dirtied this beautiful attire, especially if I damaged it," Alseace said as he looked at his suit.

"There won't be a problem. Everything that you're wearing right now is durable enough to withstand fire and sharp objects because I used Mana threads. Here, look at this," Sierra snapped the plastic lollipop stick and covered it with Aura. She tried to cut it open, but the suit was so strong that nothing happened, not even a scratch. "See? The suit is also waterproof, so you don't have to worry," Sierra explained.

Alseace looked so happy that it made Sierra happy as well to be able to see him smile so widely. She didn't even remember when the last time she saw him look so happy like that.

"Come on, let's show it off to the others. I bet they would be jealous because they have never seen something like this before," Sierra said as she opened the door.

Alseace and Sierra walked down the stairs and went to the pub. They all looked at him with their eyes and mouths wide open except for Ando since he wasn't a fan of suits. They were dumbfounded by how neat and elegant he looked. Nora who was a huge fan of suits made him so jealous and wanted to make something similar like that.

"What's so good about it? He looks like a butler," Ando asked as he looked at Alseace.

"Your taste in fashion is trash, that's why," Nero answered as he looked at Alseace from up close and tested the materials that were used on the suit.

"What the fuck?!" Ando looked at Nero in disbelief.

Elenoir walked past Ando and approached Alseace. She then gently rubbed Alseace's shoulders and down to his chest. She fixed the collar and as she looked at the ornaments and accessories on the suit.

"You're going to break so many ladies while wearing this suit, Al. You look handsome in this, so don't listen to what he said," Elena said as she looked at him with a gentle smile.

"Wait, what?" Ando was shocked and felt defeated.

"Alright, that's enough. It's already late, so all of you should leave now. Alseace has to get a good rest since he's going to work tomorrow," Sierra said as she opened the door and looked at them.

Everyone left after they all said goodbye while Ando was asking Elenoir why she said something like that. He felt jealous and said that he could wear something better to impress Elenoir, but Elenoir ignored him as if she didn't want to hear it.

Alseace went to sleep after he helped Sierra clean the pub.

The morning came, and Alseace was getting ready as he wore his new suit. He then came to the kitchen to help Sierra cook breakfast for both of them.

"Do you want anything else? Perhaps a weapon?" Sierra asked as she flipped the omelet on the pan.

"I have the money to make my own, so I'm good," Alseace answered. "Although, I'm not sure what kind of weapon that I want to make. I think I should make a pair of daggers first," Alseace continued as he cooked the bacon next to Sierra. "Since I'm still low level, I can't use a weapon that's made from Mana Crystal," Alseace pointed out.

Although Alseace had high status points that could be on par with a Third Redemption Apostle, he could only use low-level equipment. No matter how strong he was, if he couldn't use strong equipment, he lost half of the value as a Candidate.

"It's not an issue at all as long as you trained your Body Aura and your Weapon Aura. You need to increase those ranks of your sub-skills. Once you reached the highest rank, even a stick can win against a legendary weapon," Sierra pointed out as she put the omelet on the plate.

They had breakfast together, and then Alseace went to the Emissary headquarters. The sun wasn't even up yet, but both Alseace and Renata were already on their way to the location of the portals on a helicopter. She couldn't let her eyes off Alseace because of the suit he was wearing.

The helicopter landed near the area since they would need to go back there to go home later. They both then went into the forest where the portals were. They both agreed on taking down the easiest portal first, then the hardest last.

"Let's party up," Renata said.

Alseace nodded in agreement, and the moment they formed a party, Renata was still in disbelief, even though she knew that Alseace was level 6. No matter how she looked at it, it didn't make any sense at all.


[Party Panel]


1. Alseace LaRoze (Lv.6)

2. Renata Baeyn (Lv.85)


"Let's head in," Renata said as she tightened her gloves.

They entered the first D-Rank portal, and they were on the vast savannah field. It was hot, and the wind was so dry that it would be troublesome because they would thirst easily.

"This one is Sabertooth monsters, it's going to be a long journey on this one. Every Sabertooth loves to live individually, and have their own territory," Renata said as she tightened the cane in her hand. "We can go on our separate ways, or do you prefer to stay together?" Renata asked as she squinted her eyes because of how bright the sun was.

"You're the senior here, so I'll follow your lead," Alseace answered.

"Let's separate for this one... I hate hot places," Renata said.

Alseace nodded in agreement, even though it was such a waste, but he could collect them later before the portal closed after they both cleared the portal. They both went their separate ways and started hunting the Sabertooth.

Alseace went up the tree and checked the Sabertooth around him. He found a dozen in the vicinity and grabbed the staff on his back. He used the Water Bullets to hunt them down from the distance, and it was an easy job because they were all just chilling on the tall grass.

He did the same thing after he collected the fangs since it was worth a lot of money. The hide was expensive as well, but he didn't have the inventory to bring them all in, and it would waste a lot of time.

After he was confident that he had dealt with the Sabertooth in his area, he went back and checked on Renata. He saw dozens of Sabertooth dead bodies gathered in one spot. He took the EXPs and none of them activated his [Scavenger] skills, but it was given since the amount was too small.

Alseace tracked down the dead bodies he found on the field, and finally, a popped-up screen appeared in front of him.

[Agility has increased by 0.31 points]

Alseace was quite surprised by the amount and he believed it was big enough for 1% of the Strength of Sabertooth. He then continued to track down Renata's pathing, and he got another popped-up screen.

[Agility has increased by 0.29 points]

"Hmm? Wait a minute. If they're the same monster, does that mean they all have similar status points? Doesn't that mean in a single portal I would be guaranteed to get one of the statuses?" Alseace talked to himself as he looked at the Sabertooth that had Agility as its highest status.

Alseace tried to get one more [Scavenger] from the Sabertooth, and it he managed to get one soon after. It was Agility again, and this time it was 0.3 points. He was confident that on that portal, he would gain Agility status from Sabertooth.

They both cleared the portal in 3 hours, and they left the portal after they grabbed the loot from the Sabertooth. They went to the next portal, another D-Rank portal, and the monster they had to deal with was Centaur inside a forest.

This time, Alseace got Vitality from the Centaur, and he got it 6 times since Renata was dealing the final blow to all the Centaurs. It was fast clear since Centaurs tend to be in a group, and they all had camps that were easy to track down. It only took them 2 hours, and there weren't that many loots they could get because the bows were too big for a human body, and they didn't have armor either. Their most valuable items were booze since they loved to get drunk.

"This one is C-Rank, and we are dealing with Trolls. The mining team is here as well, so we should get going and clear the path for them," Renata looked at the trucks that had just arrived.

Alseace hummed and entered the portal with Renata. The dungeon was spacious, and the ceiling was high as well. Since Troll's height was above 2 meters tall, it wasn't that surprising.

They were lucky there weren't that many branches, and most of them led to a dead end. So they could easily remember the path they needed to take and be easy to get back after they were done. They also found the rich Mana Crystals in the area, which should be enough to give millions of dollars from that alone.

This time, Alseace got Strength status points from the Trolls, and he got only 2 times because there weren't that many Trolls inside the dungeon. There were only at least 50 Trolls inside and he was lucky to get 2 popped-ups with 0.5 points each.

After the mining team got all the Mana Crystals, they both cleared the portal and left.

"God... that was tiring," Renata said as she massaged her shoulders. "I never thought you can use Magic as well. It's really nice to have someone with Supporting Magic. It makes things easier. Thanks for that," Renata pointed out as she sat down on a rock.

"You're welcome," Alseace smiled as he ate a peanut snack.

"Let's end it for today, let's make our tent since it's about to get dark here," Renata looked at the evening sky.

Alseace nodded and they both made their own tent to sleep in for the night.