
The weakest Job [Dark Wizard] is the strongest!

I got Isekai'd and I'm the weakest? I was used as bait and nearly died? I will get my revenge and become the strongest!

madretzl · Fantasie
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2 Chs

I was used as bait but...

I get it... it's this way I see. Now I have a tiny Chance to survive and I will because I won't die before I get my revenge on everyone!


Wait!? I leveled up even though my max level is supposed to be level 1...HOW!?

Lets see how my stats are now.



Name: Kurogame, Makkuro

Class: Dark-Wizard

Level: 56

max. Level: unknown


strg: 61

aglt: 117

def: 61

magic: 161

magic-def: 141


Oh I'm level 56 now but uhg even now I don't stand a chance against that dragon. So how can I defeat him? What I know for sure is that I can't escape so I have to find a way....

Okay! What can I do right now? because I used my 'seal break' I'm now able to channel more mana through my vines and Bones and because I'm a Wizard I have a good amount of Mana.

while he thought that, he had an idea. He isn't normaly able to use other elements/attributes but what If he used the mana and 'create' the atoms that are important to the attribute so for fire it would be something like oxigen and so on...

~Fire Attribute 'acquiert'~

~fireball~ as he shouted that he formed with mana a ball of the atoms needed to start a fire and controlled it with the mana.


Ah it seems like I can controll more 'fireballs' and even controll it in mid-air...nice! Is what he thought and so Makkuro shot as many 'freballs' as possible but it barely hurt the dragon.

The dragon started to also shoot fireballs and 'Makkuro' is....at his limit...


Name: Kurogame, Makkuro

Class: Dark-Wizard

Level: 56

max. Level: unknown




strg: 61

aglt: 117

def: 61

magic: 161

magic-def: 141


*hust *hust... I can't anymore what should I do? If I can't defeat him I'll die for sure but...my HP is only 02 now and I'm already injured (the stab from the sword) so I'll die anyway...

Okay! I'll at least take him with me If I die! As 'Makkuro' thought that he also came up with a new technique.

[Akuma no supīdoatakku]

This technique uses fire-magic under his feet, wind-magic, mana (that is channeled through the entire body to strengthen it). He also used Mana that He channeled into his eyes and created a technique that lets him see everything in slow-motion and gives him a 360° perspective. He named this technique 'Eyes of the truth'.

He cut the dragon everywhere on his whole body and that with a really fast speed that the dragon couldn't even react.

"Yes I can do that! Huh he is still alive, I have to get faster and....stronger!"




"F*ck! I'm dead, my sword broke..."

As he said that the injured dragon began to shoot fireballs again and he also started to use his claws.

Is there a Sword I can use?! I need one very fast ah Shit!!!

"Ah found one!" as he said that he ran as fastest as he could while evading the attacks of the dragon that got slower because of the wounds that the dragon has. After he got the sword he shouted:

[Akuma no supīdoatakku] But this time he also channeled mana into the sword to strengthen it so it wouldn't break again that easily and he also used a spell to let the sword vibrate at a frequency that lets you cut or slice easier through things.

He did everything he could and cut the dragon everywhere he could and the dragon went finally down..






Name: Kurogame, Makkuro

Class: Dark-Wizard

Level: 120

max. Level: unknown




strg: 61

aglt: 117

def: 61

magic: 161

magic-def: 141


Huch?! Why is everything turning black now..? Am I still gonna die?

"..And..here...I..thought I...could...get..my...revenge..."

As 'Makkuro' said that he fell on the ground but he wasn't gonna die he just passed out.


"Take this and this and this!!"





"Ouch! Maaan why are you soo good at swordsplay..'Makkuro'?"

"Haha thanks! You know that I come from an old traditional swordsman family, 'Saki-chan'."

"I've been training since I can remember so that makes it 6 years in total now"

"Ah right you'll turn 9 this year, right? I think it is on november 4th so it's already the day after tomorrow and btw TEACH ME HOW TO USE THE SWORD!!" Is what 'Saki-chan' said while she is stomping her foot on the ground.

"Hey 'Makkuro' lets meet up here again on your birthday! I'll also give you nice present hehe :)" "Ah and I hope you won't forget to give me also a present on my 9th birthday which is on december 21th. I'm really looking forward to it!"


"I'm also really looking forward!..and I will confess my love when she gives me the present :D" Is what 'Makkuro' said while not knowing that this was the last time he saw 'Saki-chan'...

'Makkuro' waited on his birthday at the destinated place just like they had promised but 'Saki-chan' never came...

On the next day he was told that 'Maki-chan'....died....

She wanted to cross the streets to get to a shop that sells weapons, especially swords. She probably wanted to give him a sword as a present for his birthday but she got hit by a fast car and ended up dying right on the spot...

'Makkuro' cried for a whole week! he stopped practicing swordsmanship because if he never liked swordsmanship or told her that, then she never would have died. His family started to get angry at him and they began to hurt him and bully him. He turned arkward, not speaking to anyone and his classmates began to bully him after the confession joke from that one girl mentioned in the first chapter.


My childhood friend which I had a crush on died, I got bullied and trasported to another world with the weakest class/job huh... now that I think about that, it sounds like I'm some kind of a main protagonist of one of these isekai storys. If this is really a story then only a psychopath could write something like that is what he thought before he noticed that he is somewhere else now...

"WAIT....WHERE THE HECK AM I?!?! I saw my old memories and now I'm in a white room...does that mean I really died and this is heaven or perhaps..hell?"

"Neither one of them and no you didn't die. You are just in your 'soul room'." Is what a familiar voice said.

'Makkuro' was shocked when he looked at the person who said that!


"No I'm not 'Saki-chan'. You could say that I'm you or to be more accurate the power that dwells within you!"

"B...But why do you look like 'Saki-chan'!?!"

{Author-san here! Click here to see an Illustration of 'Saki-chan' (the Power within Makkuro) and an Illustration of 'Makkuro'}

"I can also change my look into you or your parents or whoever but I thought it would be better to take a form of a familar being that you like..ah but I can't hide my wings and horns"

"Okay okay! You can use this form hach..."

"So that means that I really didn't die huh."

"That's right! I mean how could the strongest swordsman of the 'Kurogame' Family lose against a mere dragon but you sure got weaker. In order to survive in this world you have to get back your top form and you have to master your magic!"

"I'll give you a little tip as a reward for defeating the dragon."


Suddenly a lot of swords fell from the 'sky' with a very shiny and golden sword in the middle.

"These are 'soul' swords which can be summoned at will and even If they break they get repaired over some time but a 'soul weapon' is a lot stronger as a normal sword and doesn't break that easily."

"You can choose any of these swords and form a contract with it."

"I don't really get it but okay I'll choose a sword I mean it doesn't look like to me that you want to harm me so I'll do what you say."

Mmm the shiny sword in the middle looks really good. It looks like it's Excalibur or something similar so I think I'll choose that...

is what 'Makkuro' thought before he understood that this is obviously a trap and that he shouldn't choose this sword.

Under all of these swords, that all looked really shiny and legendary or like a sword a hero in these Novels would use, there was one black dusty old looking sword.

Under all of these swords 'Makkuro' chose that black sword.

"Are you really sure that you want this sword? You could have chosen Excalibur or any other sword but you chose this black, old and dusty looking sword huh"

it really was Excalibur lol XD is what 'Makkuro' thought.

"You truly are different huh... Okay then farewell and take care.

I'm sure we'll meet again...Ah and If you want to summon your 'Soul Weapon' then you just have to think that and it will appear."


As she said that 'Makkuro' awoke from his slumber. He slept for 4 whole days.


"Urg where am I? Huch oh it seems like I'm still on the Battlefield..ah but the dragon vanished. The dragon vanished because of the inventory system I guess...probably...

Ahh man!! And here I thought I would wake up in a beautiful little village (just like a starter village from an RPG game) in a house of a beautiful and cute girl but NO of course not! I hate my life...

Okay! Here on top of the Mountain is nothing anymore so I think I should go down and go into the forest to secure some food and find a place to sleep.

And so 'Makkuro' went down the Mountain and went into the forest. In the forest he encountered a lot of Monsters like some wolve-typ Monsters or some Goblins but all of them got easily defeated like they were nothing.

'Makkuro' did nothing anymore after he secured foot and found a little cave where he could sleep.

On the next day 'Makkuro' wandered disoriented through the forest until he found his way out of the forest and then eventually came after some time across a little town which was just a tiny little bit bigger than a village.

Although it was a town, it had no security measures, so he could enter without any problems...

That's what he thought until...



To be continued...

Hey, sorry it took a while to publish this new chapter. I hope you still enjoyed it!

Have a nice day!

madretzlcreators' thoughts