
The Weakest Hunter In Nigeria

In the bustling metropolis of Lagos, Nigeria, Olutola Ojetola is a hunter of modest rank, underestimated and overshadowed by his peers in the guild Iron Fangs. His world changes drastically when a routine dungeon raid goes awry, forcing him to confront a terrifying monster alone. In a moment of desperation, a mysterious system awakens within him, granting unparalleled powers and setting him on a path to greatness. As Olutola navigates the complexities of his newfound abilities, he keeps his system secret from the wary eyes of the government and rival hunters alike. Determined to prove himself and protect his city from encroaching otherworldly threats, he rises through the ranks, earns allies, and faces adversaries who covet his unique powers. With each victory and discovery, Olutola's journey unfolds—a tale of strength, ambition, and the unyielding spirit of a hunter destined to forge his own legacy in a world where danger lurks in every shadow.

DiMonak · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Chapter 6: First Real Challenge

Olutola, Captain Adebayo, and a handful of elite hunters gathered at the Hunter Association's armory, quickly suiting up for the mission. The air was thick with tension as they prepared to face the unknown threat.

"You all know the stakes," Adebayo said, his voice cutting through the murmurs. "This beast is unlike anything we've encountered. Stay sharp, stay together, and we'll get through this."

Olutola adjusted his gear, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders. This was more than just a test; it was a real-life trial that could determine the safety of countless lives.

As they boarded the armored transport, Olutola couldn't help but notice the nervous energy among his fellow hunters. Some whispered prayers, while others double-checked their weapons. He remained silent, focused on the task ahead, his mind clear and ready.


The outskirts of Lagos were in chaos. Buildings lay in ruins, and frightened civilians ran in every direction. The beast was a massive creature, its scales glinting ominously under the midday sun. It roared, a sound that shook the ground and sent a wave of fear through the gathered hunters.

"Positions!" Adebayo barked, snapping everyone into action.

Olutola moved swiftly, his system analyzing the beast's movements and providing tactical recommendations. He noticed the beast's vulnerable points highlighted in red, a clear advantage that he intended to use.

"Form a perimeter!" Adebayo continued. "Olutola, you're with me. We'll take the front line."

They advanced cautiously, weapons at the ready. The beast turned its attention to them, its eyes narrowing as it let out another earth-shattering roar. 

"Let's dance," Olutola muttered under his breath, feeling a rush of adrenaline.

The beast lunged, its massive claws swiping through the air. Olutola dodged nimbly, his system guiding his movements. He countered with a swift slash to the beast's exposed flank, drawing a deep, greenish-black ichor.

Adebayo attacked from the opposite side, his blade striking with precision. "Keep it distracted!" he shouted. "We need to wear it down!"

The other hunters followed suit, coordinating their attacks to keep the beast off balance. Arrows, spells, and bullets flew through the air, each one aimed at exploiting the creature's weaknesses.

"Captain, watch out!" Olutola warned, seeing the beast pivot and swing its tail towards Adebayo.

Adebayo reacted just in time, raising his shield to block the blow. The impact sent him staggering, but he quickly regained his footing. "Thanks, Olutola!"

Olutola's mind raced as he looked for an opening. His system highlighted a pattern in the beast's attacks, showing a brief moment of vulnerability when it reared back for another roar. 

"Now!" Olutola yelled, charging forward.

He leaped, driving his blade into the beast's throat just as it opened its maw. The creature let out a strangled roar, thrashing wildly. Adebayo seized the opportunity and delivered a powerful strike to its heart.

But the beast didn't go down. Instead, it grew even more furious. It thrashed violently, knocking Olutola to the ground. Pain shot through his body as he struggled to stand.

The beast reared up, ready to crush Olutola with a single blow. Panic surged through him. Was this it? Would his journey end here?